[Observation] Damage Reduction applies to all* debuffs

LoL there is also flat damage reduction you say? And probably stacks with %damage reduction so that’s why you get sudden sustain problems when facing multiple hero enemies in SR chunks.

Edit: According to Z, this deduction is wrong but the second one might still be correct :smiley:

Quantum Mechanics is easier to learn than Grim Dawn Mechanics…

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Except absolute damage reduction is literally not in use anywhere. :crazy_face:

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first boss that came to mind.
and i guess all the others with this skill have flat dr as well.

Ok, one boss with a misentered field. Anyone else?

Exceptional fate?

searching for more.

Looks like one copy paste error propagated across like 3 enemies, and one more entry on an entity that’s not even seen in the Crucible/SR.

In any case, we’ll correctly set them to % DR in the next update, but the scale of this issue is a tad exaggerated.

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How can 75-84% dr be exaggerated when it applies to all offensive parameters?
that basically leaves character only with its defensive stats.


Allostria at Crucible 155 wave reduces your leech to zero. I died from it mutiple times. And reported it.

Here are all absolute reductions (non-zero offensiveTotalDamageReductionAbsoluteMin) I found in the files, maybe it will be useful. I’d also need to check what monsters use them I guess because it’s possible not only a monster indicated by skill’s name is using it


Kind of odd about Steward breath attack shutting down leech when i vividly remember leeching from it while under the DR from his breath.

Edit: Missed the part that it was modded to applied flat damage reduction.

@grey-maybe modded it to test the effects of flat DR on ADCtH

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Can’t say I’m surprised by this discovery, since for a long time I noticed that “reduced reflected DAMAGE” also reduces reflected debuffs. That’s why having some % reflect reduction is not a bad thing even on non-trauma/bleed characters - especially when using strong debuffs like War Cry or Flashbang, etc.


Does this also apply to “% Less damage from Chtonics” too ?
And if so, do those stack when it comes to this effect ?

I’ve compiled a short list of the best sources of DR in the game, so I might as well share it here.
Let me know if I missed some.

(Skills assume overcap, gear assume best possible value)

Skill value
War cry 33
Ulzuin’s wrath 33
Ill Omen 30
Decay 30
Horn of Gandar 30
Infernal Breath 25
Aura of Censure 22
Light of Empyrion 24
Malady (Epic 2-H Ranged) 22
Rah’Zin set 20
Arbiter (Relic) 20
“Tyrant” (Rare prefix) 19
“Of the abyss” (Rare Suffix)) 18
Cataclysm set 18
Visage of Black Flames (to FoI and AAR) 18
Fleshwarped Defender (MI shield, to Judgement) 18
Rune of wretched desires 18
Myhtical Blessed torch (Epic mace) 17
Mythical Lifebinder (Epic scepter) 17
Mythical Slugger (Epic 1-H ranged) 17
Hyrian’s bullwark 16
(Many things) 15 or less
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ulzuin’s wrath has 33% dr at 22/12, others seem ok

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Tyrant’s and Of the Abyss deserve special mention as well for giving effectively any MI weapon some amount of damage reduction.

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If you get both, do they stack? You could reach 33% dr on autoattacks holy moly.

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Fixed, thanks!

Added both, thanks!

Just tried creating one in grimtools and it doesn’t work… It won’t accept both those affixes
No idea if that mean s it can’t spawn in-game though

Edit: Nevermind, It worked with a different base weapon:

It even adds the 2 durations together :stuck_out_tongue: