[Observation] Damage Reduction applies to all* debuffs

Found another


This guy’s pet:

I appreciate scouring the database to assist us, but we have ways of finding them all very quickly in the game data and already addressed these. :slight_smile:


actually it does, misread your sentence, sorry.

Welcome! Just have GT on a tab and then pause the game if you need to check something.

And besides, Grim Tools is the game. It’s normal in the gaming industry that after a game A is made, some other studio borrows ideas from it and makes a game B, often with a twist, that simply turns out to be better than its predecessor. A = Grim Dawn, B = Grim Tools is a classic example of that. I’d rather play Grim Dawn in Grim Tools to test builds quickly than the other way around.

No, we enjoy harassing :crate: with spreadsheets and database searches :laughing:
@Ceno :crate: must have learnt to use your tools! [Tool] [Modding] Grim Dawn Modding Suite


So Grim Tools is the Grim Dusk of Grim Dawn.


I just wonder… If the additional calculations which have to be done because of the damage reduction affecting almost everything offensive lead to moar CPU load…

How does damage absorption for you (say maiven) and reduced damage done to the enemy interact? Is this straight forward? So if I ill omen a boss with maiven, that’s 45% combined damage reduction done to me?

I’m wondering because the math on all this stuff doesn’t always make intuitive sense to me. Like how +max resist is incrementally stronger the more over the max cap it is. Someone explained this to me once but I still don’t get that even.

Damage reduction, reduce the enemies damage output and offensive debuffs before all checks.

Damage absorption on the other hand, subject to order of defense. And it reduce percentage of received damage after armor, resistances and other defensive mechanism check. Note that flat damage absorption and % damage absorption are not the same.

For which one is more important, I think in the light of this information, damage reduction is more crucial because it also affects the enemies ability of RR.

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80% resist e. G. You take 20% dmg.
If it’s 90 % now, you take just 10%. The dmg you took was split in half.

Story is completely different when going from 30 to 40.

Also easy to see when you think of the step from 99 to 100.

Did another test:

Although MoT does reflect debuffs, it doesn’t multiply it by 2.55 (tested with 42% DR on breath).

Looks like binder needs one more buff


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