One button build

Another thing to look for: Certain areas seem to always ‘stutter’. Approaching the Warden’s lab rift gate where there are usually 4 aether crystals the game will stutter when approaching the southwest aether formation - doesn’t matter which direction you approach from. Similarly in the Gryvner’s Mill (sp?) area as you approach the changeover to Darkvale village in the northeast area the game always stutters. Also in the area of the Steelcap District rift gate once all of the NPCs are present the game will always stutter just moving through the area - especially using the stairs to spirit guide. I believe there are others but these 3 are off the top of my head.

makes sense… cause i was at wardens lab. some stuttering.
im happy the game dont reset a boss’ hp if i die.

how to get to dire bear?

Put some points into devotions that give you violet or blue affinity (like Owl or Eel) or both (like Wraith), until the requirements for Dire Bear are met. You can see a devotion’s requirements by hovering your mouse over it.
It’s kinda like a puzzle mini-game, you have to plot the devotion route according to the needs of your build. You can hover your mouse over the affinities on the left to see which devotion gives which affinity.

Btw you can plot the route with Grimtools (press D to enter the devotion screen), that site will give you a better overview than the in-game devo screen and it’s free to respec (in-game it’ll cost some iron and aether crystals).

If you still need help with that you might wanna make a new thread since it’s a bit off-topic for this one.

ok i go owl and eel. should i in loot filter remove showing yellow items?

if you’re over level 20 imo you can uncheck yellows and filter them out (same with common/whites ofc)

should i set loot filter to anything else… like a special stat?

my char is very glass canon. enemies with guns can easy take me out if they are 5-6 in numbers. am i missing some stats or gear?

Most likely some of your resists aren’t at (or close to) 80%. Not sure where you are in the game, or what enemies you’re facing. But if I had to guess it’d be pierce damage.

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im lvl 34 and playing on veteran. standing in front of a boss or other rare mobs has a chance to 1 shot me. 2 hits i cant survive. im kiting almost all mobs that i dont 1-2 shot.

im a soldier… no… more like fragile vase.

Can you share your current build with a gdtools links?

My build is technically a 1-offensive-button build (Savagery) aside from the permanent “pets” (Wind Devil). Just re-spec the defensive skills (Wendigo Totem, Nullification, and Mirror) into something else like passives, and decide between the axe or crossbow/rifle if you don’t like weapon switching.

A warning, tho: Callagadra is super dangerous to facetank with just the rifle, much more so without Wendigo Totem and Mirror.

cant share… found a guide how to, but folder is empty: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\save

edit: figured it out : Soldier, Level 33 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Try the one in Steam userdata folder (pick the number folder that’s modified most recently, assuming Grim Dawn is the last game you played).

Or Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\saves if GOG or cloud save is off

Edit: oops nvm just saw the edit

You’ve put literally all of your skill points into damage. Take out Fightning Spirit and Blitz, and get Military Conditioning and Veterancy. Get some more resistance, life and life regeneration on your gear.

Items “of Supremacy” are good because of the skill bonus. Everything else could be improved.

Use components on your gear. Corpse Dust on all your jewellery. Check the blacksmith, he can make components that don’t drop from enemies.

Instead of Falcon, get Harvestman’s Scythe devotion for more life and regeneration.

when im in dungeon i die so many times that i dont gain any level :frowning:

i was recommended this build so i dont want to change anything. if its not working i will just quit game and wait for devs to introduce a better build system.

give up… thanks for all the help… but game seems worse than when i played in old days.

In case you change your mind, fix your resists with your gear choices before you go for %physical damage
That’s why you die in one hit.

Well, you’ve been recommended several different ones in this thread so which one exactly are you following? And why only the one mastery at L33? Also you’ve not climbed the mastery bar enough to help with survival.

Build system is the pretty much the same since the beginning so I doubt any new systems would be introduced at this late stage.