One button build

so i have been searching google for 1 button builds and the title have come up many times but the the discussion turns quickly away from what was asked… a 1 button build… so does those builds exist? if yes can you please link a few? i really want to play this game again but i dont want to have many skills. i accept any classes as long as they dont have problems surviving the games more difficult places.

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Oldish build, but might suit.
Mnemosyne - Pet Conjurer - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

Or even no active skills.
[] The PASSIVIST - How to complete the game without using active skills - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum


1 button builds is a technical possibility, but they are usually inferior to builds using a button or two more
*and that’s ofc if we’re totally ignoring evade or movement rune which really should be a consideration to use too
Ex being you can make a retal warlord or regeneration warder using just 1 attack skill, but it will in all likelihood be “better”/more efficient if you add in ex ascension and or overguard on the warlord, or War Cry etc on the Warder
Doesn’t mean you can’t make the warlord not using vire’s might/blitz for movement or without ascension or overguard, just that in general/for most people it’s worth having those buttons

Like Medea even suggested, you could technically make a fully passive build if you wanted, although how fun it might be for you however might depend entirely on something else

you can make a build stupid tanky if you wish, requiring little to any input from the player, adding in “tolerable” dmg output might be a different matter tho

easiest way to make a low button build is pick a class with passive RR/no active debuff, 1 main dmg skill, and no temp buffs required (blood of dreeg/word of renewal to cover resists etc)

righteous fervor warlord or savagery warder could be one such


I would imagine Archon is the way to go. Get wind devils and guardians of empyrion, and you might end up with a 0 button build.

can any1 link a very easy to follow guide to a Warder build with only 1 or 2 skills in hotbar?

I don’t have a link, but if you focus on Cadence, Savagery, or Primal Strike, with some WPS thrown in, you can probably get away with just your mouse buttons. There are some Blitz builds out there that would also work well.

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i don’t recall such guides existing offhand, like mentioned they usually always take more because it’s more optimal
ex [] Beginner's Lightning Warder or [ -] Budget Physical Two-Handed Melee Savagery Archon

you can retrofit that to exclude skills you don’t want to press, but then might have to make up those effects elsewhere

*the savagery archon is probably simplest on that since it’s only adding in movements and wendigo totem, dragon’s primal strike warder is also using war cry and stuff
Tho savagery Warder might be easier to low button at end since Archon is slightly more squish

I’m tinkering a health regen Blitz Warder with a grand total of 3 buttons to push (Including a movement rune), will post it here once I’ve test-run it.

You should search for builds with channeled abilities and passive resistance reduction skills/auras. Eye of Reckoning, Drain Essence, Albrecht’s Aether Ray, etc. The goal there is to have as little extra buttons as possible since interrupting your channelling means loss of DPS and sustain.
Next step would be melee and ranged builds which are similar to channeled skills (you want to keep attacking as much as possible).

I would also look into aura builds and permanent pets.

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i don’t think FoI or AAR would fall in that category/be as similar as EoR, simply because they tend to be either more squish and or rely on/need different other active debuffs, inquis seal, devo proccers etc
EoR could probably be a semi decent one tho on some setups where Ascension isn’t as vital

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Here goes: Warder, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
(Drawing liberal inspiration from @mad_lee’s Blitz Warlord, tweaked to fit OP’s needs.)

Just ran a few maps with it, killed 2 nemesis and Korvak, never saw my health dip below 3/4, and I wasn’t really paying attention. (20k health, 6k health regen, 18% absorb, 35% physical resist, 25% DR and 3.5k armor will do that)

I needed to access the keyboard once to summon my wind devils, but after that, it was all one-handed. (I have hotkeys 7 and 8 bound to side buttons on my mouse)

Most of the key pieces are either target-farmable (Helmet, Amulet, mace, shield) or craftable (Avenger set) And the target to farm are almost all accessible very early in the game (except Bargoll)
Prefixes are optimized (sorta) for the purpose of this link, but basically anything relevant would do. (I don’t actually have those exact affixes on my own character anyway)

Damage is a bit lacking, and the build could probably be tuned a bit more in that sense with a small compromise on sustain. Think of this as a starting point.

This build could very easily be made as a commando or Witchblade too, the former having even less buttons to press but also less RR, the later having the opposite.



wonder if making it a warlord could make it sustainable while then getting more dmg (but less buttongs than witchblade still) :thinking:

*edit, without additional tweak (need resist fixing now) it drops from 5.9k passive regen to 4.6k and from 10k proc regen to 8.2k regen Warlord, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator , wonder if there is something there, with a bit more effort, than just a lazy mastery repointing :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, if you can keep respectable amount of health regen, it still works. I’m unsure if a massive investment in shatering smash is worth it though, given the cooldown on Blitz. I think a single point is enough, and we could move those points to Presence of virtue for OA, Decorated soldier for damage (and elemental resist) or Safeguard.

Investing in the mastery bar like this also allows us to take back points in spirit and move them to cunning for extra damage. :slight_smile:

Like this: (I also fixed the resist by changing just 1 augment) Warlord, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Of course, we can’t max everything we’d like anymore, and we lack the DR of war cry (Which can sorta be fixed by putting back the Tyrant prefix on the mace) , but this is also very viable, and it has one less button to press :slight_smile: good call.

If you want you can replace Shieldmaiden with Solemn Watcher and pick up the Healing Rain proc. :thinking: I mean, we don’t have any on-block procs or anything anyway.


smash was for RR, to completely remove the use of War cry :wink:

also, i’m just realizing, you’re skipping Tree of Life proc for some reason, in favour of passive nodes ? how come :sweat_smile:

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Oh yeah, forgot about that :stuck_out_tongue:
Well, it wouldn,t completely remove the need for war cry since it also has great DR, but RR is always nice.

The proc is nice, and can bail you out in sticky situations, but when it comes to health regen, consistency is more valuable than potency, and its sporadic nature makes it a less attractive option (IMO) than having more flat, reliable base health regen.

Hey, best of both worlds here! :slight_smile:

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on your setup you lose less than 300 passive regen, which is then is then for 4secs(less with cdr) of the time, meanwhile you gain 3000 regen 66% of the time/the remaining 8sec

heck, be cute and farm a CDR prefix on the shield and suddenly you almost have 100% uptime on Tree of Life :sweat_smile:

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I was under the impression that cooldown on devotions and skills was dependent on the skill uptime. In this case, not 8 seconds up, 4 seconds down, but rather 8 seconds up, 12 seconds down… :thinking:

I know that’s how it works for skills at least (When I tried to abuse Menhir’s will to get it to 100% uptime and it failed miserably)

nop, or rather “not all skills” :sweat_smile:
it’s because you’re lumping in all skills together CD mechanic wise when they actually have different rules
regular skills, Ascension, blood of dreeg etc, CD begins when skill begins
automatic condition proc skills, Menhir’s Will, Blast Shield, Fighting Spirit, Deadly Aim, Prismatic Diamond etc CD begins when duration ends
Most devos are just regular skills, so CD starts when skill is initiated,
and, as i understood even the ones that seemingly is similar to player self triggered condition proc, Ghoul etc, still is just regular skill behavior/CD starts when it triggers, because devo skills are just classed as regular proc skills regardless.
But in either case Healing Rain is ofc just a regular when hit proc so it would start CD when the buff is triggered

*it’s ofc also what makes CDR builds so super potent defensively on some setups/builds, where you basically get either near 100% or actual 100% uptime on certain buffs/defensive procs like Chariot etc


My main 1-button build is the soldier/shaman that uses JUST forcewave with a 2hander. You can spam it, and the shaman bonuses for 2 handers all seem to stack fine enough. You can also spec it with a demolitionist, to get that Flame Toucher/Temper and Vindictive Flame/Ulzuin’s Wrath, which I have found is probably a better build overall because of the survivability. The rest you can figure out on your own, gear-wise you just need a great 2 hander with forcewave bonuses like the Obsidian War Cleaver. I don’t believe in hand holding, so that’s all you get from me. It’s just spamming forcewave… I’ve finished the entire game with it, including all the DLCs achievements. It may not be 1.2 mil/sec, but steamrolling everything kinda trumps that. Pardon the term.