Now that the v1.0.6.0 update has been largely explored and the next expansion coming around the corner, I wanted to both express my gratitude for all the attention given to pet builds and suggest ways you can take them further (assuming the expansion doesn’t take our current knowledge and turns it upside down). I am going to base my thread on the multiple “thoughts on every legendary in the game” threads (see here and here) before the main release that received a thorough run-through by the devs and had several of the recommended changes implemented. Pet builds are specifically difficult to balance and work around because not only are creating stats/resistances/offensive abilities/defenses for two different entities [the Summoner and the pets], but the equipment must be designed for number of pets as well as pet strength.
Before I begin my thoughts on pet items individually, I’d like to bring attention to the primary issues pet builds face:
• There are generally 3 types of pet builds that function well:
- All-offense pets and all-offense devotion set-up that requires expert-level APM (sneaky parrot’s builds fit this descriptor)
- One major pet support and defensive devotion set-up that focuses on having the major pet take credit for the kill while the player largely focuses on survivability (Snazzblaster’s Lightning Hybrid and AyyyLmao’s Poison Fiend Cabalist serving as examples)
- Defensive gear set-up with all-offense devotions - as the label says, use the equipment to protect the player defensively while using the skills / devotions to give your pets the necessary offense (I will post an example of this shortly).
Whether these types of builds succeed or not depends on how well the gear supports the concept. Witching Hour is great for the first set-up because it’s buff provides a huge boost to offense. On the other hand, the Primordial - Order devotion set-up is great for setting up good defenses, but your gear needs the appropriate offenses in order for your pets to be able to take down the content without any major surprises. Gear that provides the necessary skill bonuses is far more important than general pet items. There are rare items that grant pet builds great defensive bonuses (Bysmiel’s Domination’s 30% Physical Resistance being a good example) - having more of these items, coupled with appropriate skill bonuses - can greatly expand the number of viable pet builds out there.
A big factor as to whether these builds succeed or not is how many +Skills to a class you can gather. Sneaky Parrot is fully credited for beginning the process of stacking as much +Class Skills as the build can get it’s hands on, and with good items / skills that grant good pet damage along with player survivability, this is only going to be a bigger factor. It takes a extremely good targeted set of skills or an extremely good proc to get a player to choose a weapon / amulet / head gear if it doesn’t add +All Skills in X. A good example of this is the Venom Launcher gun + Putrid Necklace making up for no skill bonuses by converting 90% of Elemental damage into acid. If they don’t have these things, you can call these items obsolete right off the bat.
• Hybrid summoner play has seen a noticeable boon with the new update, with both Snazzblaster’s Lightning Conjurer and AyyyLmao’s Poison Cabalist able to take on Crucible 150 in the latter’s case and reaching the top at 170 for the former’s. However, there aren’t many weapons that really encourage hybrid play, and those that do have too little supporting them to make a truly unique build. Considering how many Chaos pet items there are, I would have assumed that would have been the easiest in making a hybrid work, but between trying a Chaos Witchblade and a Chaos Pyromancer, they’re simply too weak and take too much damage to make a build concept that works.
In general, it is a very tough task for the player to be able to supply enough damage to be considered a hybrid - there is very little equipment that provides pet bonuses and skills to damage abilities that make the summoner little more than a buff deposit. Auto-attacks are out of the question because of the total lack of attack speed. That largely leaves it to casting skills that match the pets’ damage type. Due to Dying God’s huge damage bonuses, Vitality and Chaos are the most likely candidates for Hybrid pet builds.
• Conversion builds are largely lacking - the most common conversion build is the Thundercats build, and it only has 25% permanent conversion. Yes, the Glyph rings proc fairly often and bring additional 25% conversion for each proc, but stacking 2 procs only lasts for a few seconds at most. The Thundercats Conjurer is extremely powerful, but it doesn’t grant itself any build diversity as if you take even 1 of the necessary equipment slots away to support another class, the build’s performance will plummet significantly. Arcanist grants 45% Physical to Elemental conversion, but that’s merely a 15% conversion to Cold, Fire and Lightning, and there’s no way you can sustain a build from that low of Physical conversion. My own Poison Cabalist demonstrated how you can support and take on new build ideas if you have additional ways to convert damage (in this case, 90% from Elemental to Acid).
I recognize Zantai mentioned that the number of pet conversions is going to be nowhere near the amount of player conversions, but at the very least he should consider cleaning up the conversions we already have. Give us ways to convert more than 50% permanent conversions so we aren’t tethered to proc RNG, and as a specific request, grant us Physical to Fire conversion as Fire pets sorely need the buff.
• Pet Resistances have been given a big boost thanks to AoM’s augments, but some additional work can be done to give further support. Pierce Resistance is the most sorely needed resistance, with only the Diviner’s Raiment, the Mythical Shadowfiend Cord, and the Overseer providing that particular resistance, and Shamans generally have no reason to choose any of those pieces unless they’re either a Conjurer using the Occultist skills or making use of the Diviner’s Set. Bleeding Resistance for pets has no equipment support at all - if you’re not a Shaman build, your only choices are either MI suffixes or devotions. This is a particularly pressing issue for classes like Demolitionist that provide no pet resistance support whatsoever. This is definitely something I want to see improvements, whether through skill modifiers (X% Resistance to party-wide buff) or better pet stats with appropriate skill bonuses.