Hi folks, i dont usually post on forums but i got a similar build that i pushed to SR 84 on hardcore multiple times hope you dont mind if i share here, worth mentioning i only play HC and mellee characters (mostly pierce) got 5+ hours in the game, so yeah i’m very try harder
Some things i want to point out: Bladetwister signet and Myth Windshear greaves are BiS for this build, the GG MI, well it’s a GG MI you dont have to use it but make everything easier, Serenity Relic + Myth Reforged chains of oleron > Belgo Carnage/ Myth Blade breaker sash, not much to discuss here you are a Cadence build priorize points in Soldier and Serenity is OP. I’ve tried 26/12 RoS and 12/12 multiple times it’s definely not bad but i’d say to push this build at the limit you gotta spread those points into Lethal Assault and War Cry, last but not least Oleron’s Rage totally worth it maxing out the damage bonus is insane here.
I don’t think your setup is optimal. Using ABB with nothing but 30% elemental to pierce. You’d get more flat dmg by putting those points in wps. If you want to use ABB on pierce then Spellbreaker belt.
A nightblade belt is always better than a soldier belt on a dw nightblade. +1 to nightblade gives you more dmg than you think. It’s just that you don’t see it in the stats because that dmg is in the wps.
Your fire, lightning and aether res - the three most important ones - and then vitality res are very low. It might look slightly better in game but honestly I wouldn’t dare go to Valbury on hardcore with that aether res let alone SR. And you’re using Chains on your chest with your trap res already overcapped a lot. Talking about hardcore, it’s weird that you’re not using Blade Barrier and Menhir’s Will.
Belgo Sigil is so much better than Bladetwister. Flat dmg, way more speed, useful res and six ranks is useful skills instead of just 2. Unless you get a good roll on conversion, Belgo Sigil actually gives you more flat for free than you get from ABB through Bladetwister for 13 points.
Bonus from Oleron Rage is just ok. Isn’t insane. It’s about 10% dmg and 0.3% oa per point. No flat.
Finally, Counter Strike is nothing but loss of energy regen. And Whirling Death is best kept at 7/10. Capping Veil of Shadows is always good for oa shred.
Excuse me but a build that killed every celestial in HC did multiple times SR 84 safely, glad crucible with extra spawns without even need any buff is not optimal? I’m pretty sure this build is quite optimal. Only thing you can argue is took out the points from Olerons Rage 1 Anatomy and CS to max out RoS, which i tested already and it’s not better.
There is absolutely no way blade breaker sash is better than +1 Soldier for this build just look at my setup i dont really need any more points from NB, the damage isn’t the important thing here although im sure reforged chains provide more damage because i already tested both.
Belgo sigil cant be better than Bladetwister Signet, it provide blindside points, RR , convertion everything you want, my atk speed is capped almost all the time with either pants, boots proc.
Bonus from Oleron rage is insane, 3% OA and like you said 10% dmg (i believe it’s way more than that) is very important at high level content.
Counter strike is free damage for 1 point, you may think it’s useless but it helps i woudn’t put it there if it doens’t. Literally proc all the time.
My resistances are indeed better in-game and i obvsly use potions to overcap it for harder content (i’m not talking about port valbury )
Blade barrier is kinda useless in high SR.
Like i said before, i had push this build to the limit and i’m pretty sure it’s optimal also one of the strongest builds in the game for SR ATM, only thing i see over perform that BY A LOT it’s spellbreaker which i pushed to 90 recently on HC without much problem. (They gonna nerf it at some point, sadly)
Glad that you posted a pic and got that out of the way, friend. You used 3 shrines four rows of pharma. Without it you might die in Port Valbury with 14% aether res overcap.
You has to be kidding if you think a build like that have a chance to die in any Dungeon.
So, I was playing around today with those changes : - CS +1 Military Conditioning, -1 Anatomy of Murder + Breath of Belgothian , -10 Oleron’s Rage + 6 Veil of Shadows + 4 Pneumonatic Burst, -ABB / Lethal Assault to cap RoS +1 Blade Barrier.
It’s a good defensive setup but you lose quite a lot of damage this way i’m not sure if it’s worth it since i did every content in the game without it, but it may be better to push even further in SR. I’ll try that someday, We’ll see …
Guys, chill. Everyone builds the way they want to. While I do agree with @ya1 suggestions and views on optimization here it can’t be denied that @Renan_Campos built it with pharma in mind and no one can argue with that cause pharma exists and it can be used. Sure it won’t be accepted in some leaderboards like the fastest cleaner thread but it’s a single player game so who cares?
No, it’s not. But if you wanna discuss and compare builds, items, skills and devotions you can’t bring up pharma’ed performance as evidence.
By the way - I’m curious - did you change to Ultos amulet on that Mogdrogen kill? Because your lightning res seems too low even with Stormshroud Ointment.
Not really ya1, didn’t made any change on the build to kill him. My lightning/ Fire res is 30% in-game plus Stormshround ointment , that’s good enough i would say.
Crucible is normalized around different uses of blessings and banners with 3b/VB as the most popular. Now, how can you normalize pharma?
I realize that SR on hardcore is only possible with a little help from liquid goodness. And I got nothing against potions for personal use. But in a public discussion on the subtleties of different micro-choices you need some sort of a constant. You can’t argue this and that is BiS because you did SR 84 more wasted than Gargamel’s cat…
It’s pretty clear to me by just looking from both builds that my setup is better suited for HC and the way i look to the game it’s completely different than the comum sense here,I dont care about how fast i can do the thing but how far i can go, x1x1x1x2 build clearly cant do the same content i did with mine even more on HC , that’s just fact i’m not saying his build is wrong or bad but it’s not optimal IMO.
Also, you was trash talking my resistances, my resistances is way better than his lol …
I have blitz/blindside with just one point up yo 7 and 11 this is just bonkers it’s not even comparable to shadow strike, i got war cry/ break morale for disrupt effect again this is a must for HC, i got more points into candece/fightning form/deadly momentum which is pretty much your mainly source of damage with this build and i got 13% more RR with bladetwister signet and 13/10 Night’s chill which is huge.
I even fit the blade barrier there that you was talking about although i think it’s pretty shitty skill but whatever
like i said before from my experience in the game which is a lot 5k+ hours is no joke i believe most of you guys doens’t have time for that i can see which build is stronger and more optimal by just looking at it, at least for what i’m trying to do which is not racer time.
The fuck are you comparing the builds? My build is built for crucible where you got free resists, of course no one’s gonna mind resist overcaps. If I wanted to go SR pretty sure I’d add more, that’s a no brainer.
I see some minor to medium mistakes in your very obvious and very easy build.
Hardcore build and no Prismatic Diamond in helmet? I mean, it’s bis for almost any build, but for a hardcore autoattacker it’s a nobrainer
20-2-2 augments in Jewellery? What year is it? Bis augments are 10 flat pierce 50% pierce 70 DA, by not taking them you are missing out on a quadrupple tonn of damage and goodiness
You have SO MUCH skill points yet you don’t overcap skills that yield you the most damage: Night’s Chill and Fighting Spirit. AND YOU HAVE A FREAKING IMPOSSIBLE GREEN MEDAL THAT BOOSTS FIGHTING SPIRIT.
No skull in chest? You are basically taking Chains of Oleron for OA - stat that you could get in millions of places on a Pierce Blademaster, yet you waste a chest slot on a component with minimal utility
No Ghoul in a devo map on a HC auto-attacker. That sums it up.