Playtesters' plea for help - Zantai's Last Secret

No idea if true but sometimes bosses with weapons having 5% chance of a buttload of extra damage weapons have done that to me sometimes, no idea if that 5% is purely chance based or DA/OA effects it etc…though some veteran could reply much better…since your enemy was a boar so it couldn’t equip a weapon…

It didn’t have any weapons. Some boars have armor debuff, bleed debuff, trauma. But It still doesn’t make sense. I’m missing something obvious here. Unless it’s a glitch or bug.

  1. Homestead line of quests. I was finally able to craft two Justice helmets, then went to crucible and converted one of them into a chest plate. Realized that I have no more serrated spikes and battered shells, so O went to farm them in the hives. Then It dawned on me that I’m out ancient hearts, so went to Horus (necropolis) and exchanged blood into brains and brains into hearts. Crafted another helmet and converted it into gloves! Only to realize that I’m out of money, out of Eldritch essences and out of shells. Woes of the third world!

Was worth the efforts so far.
2k armor
2k DA
8.3k hp
Decent damage.

Well, the grind is real. Back to farming stuff…

  1. Darkvale. Starting to feel it, the pace is slowing down. About 20k total dps, all procs combined. Took 3min to down the Amalgamation. Need to find 2 usable items with auras that can be toggled, so I can assign the two remaining devotions to. Thinking to farm the last act on veteran for a bit, to get more essences to be able to convert set items. At 75, will do a few more groove runs to get more blueprints.


Have a vision of the endgame build and it’s pure awesomeness! Just to make it there in one piece and find all the gear…

Run some low SRs on normal. Get blueprints and iron. Then you can buy more blueprints from from the plant vendor in the groove.

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Does anybody know if that deathstalker relic can drop on Elite? If it does, I might try farming it later on as I’m clearly missing proc binders for my devotions. If not, may have try nemesis instead.

Ok, it looks like the beast only spawns in Ultimate. This is turning into one epic adventure. I will farm the Nemesis relic next, then switch to a cold / pierce spec and work on better defensive stats specifically for deathstalker. I don’t care if this will end the journey prematurely, but I’m so badly into this fight now. I want this relic for the ultimate endgame build.

You can cheese out this challenge by farming SR on normal to hit 100 for sure. But will take forevs

Nah, not going to bother. Will continue Elite till about 80-85 and off to Ultimate.

73 at the moment, Fort Ikon. Once I get enough coin will do a groove run to grab some more blueprints. Already got Markovian visor and Beronath reforged. Maybe it’s worth to respec into physical…

  1. Doing trove runs, hoping to get anything usable as I have very low damage currently. Did a couple SRs but not very happy about damage or survivability. No good loot either at this level. Need the nemesis relic and some components to increase damage. Every boss fight is taking forever. Hope remains…

Does anyone know if Horns of Ekket’zul can drop on Normal? The beast spawns 74lvl and drops lvl 75 epics. Can he drop his horns? Killing him in Elite will take me over 30 min lol.


  1. Grinding some rep and mats before Log. Then off to AoM, to farm Ekket’zul. I need his horns lol.

Ekket’Zul Elite is not a joke, brother. Even post nerf he can RIP your toon. Be careful!

There! Finally was able to craft an upgrade! Blueprint from the grove, spark from the legion, mace from Kilrian, and A normally useless legendary makes my build quite a bit stronger!

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Ultimate unlocked


:clap: :champagne: Well done!

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Thank you! I recorded the fight, 6 long minutes. But it’s boring as my char is overgeared in terms of toughness and seriously lacking dps. Still have no luck finding anything useful damage wise. Not a single seal blueprint and no endgame components in general. Before starting Ultimate, got one promise to fulfill, visit Ekket’zul. I still need his horns. This fight might take forever though due to his 92% fire res and my poor 28% RR lol. Oh well. Can’t respec into anything else at the moment. Coven’s quests now…

Best of luck for ultimate

  1. Ekket’zul, I need thy horns, argh!!! 6 kills and still nothing. I rebalanced my gear and skills for this fight. Full facetank, no healing potions used. 4 minute long fights. Not too bad, but he refuses to drop his helmet!

Stats at the moment:
HP 10k
All res max
Armor 2.1k
DA 2.5k
Regen passive 1k, boosted (60% uptime) - 2k.

I’ll post a GT link once the horns drop and the gear is rebalanced for Ultimate.

Also, my new 4tb drive should arrive today and I intend to record the full Ultimate run.

Edit : Ekket’zul death count : 16, still no horns. I’m getting angry. Surrender thy horns, you beast!

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  1. Is Ekket’zul’s death count… Still no horns. I’m very patient, but it really sucks to be so lucky. If Grimtools’ numbers are correct, the chance of getting the helmet is 10%. Do the math… And on top of that the helmet is not even part of my endgame build, just something to get by while I farm another item with aura to bind the Giant to.

Well, the day is young and potions are cheap…

  1. After a few more wasted tries to get the horns, I went theory-crafting and realized that there’s no way for me to rebalance the gear to incorporate the helmet for Ultimate without losing too much resistances. Did one SoT run and it was hard. Alkamos is not a joke at level 85, even on Elite. I highly recommend to be very careful. I didn’t get any close calls but only because of very careful repositioning and 5 potions (regen, life, etc).

Nothing new on the gear side of things.
Ultimate it is. Here are my first encounters. The plan is to farm that wasp cave for a bit. If nothing useful drops, will continue along the quest line.

Edit: This game is seriously trolling me!!!

I go to SR to get some Eldritch essence to respec into lightning and here is what I get. And look at the level! Trolled twice with a single drop!