Playtesters' plea for help - Zantai's Last Secret

It surely was the last relic to drop heh

Now if only I could get the seal. Haven’t seen any seal blueprints yet. Which begs the question, do they even drop on Elite? Maybe it’s worth farming them on Ultimate even if it’s 5 times slower and the pool includes 84 and 94 level items?


I’ve seen seals drop in ancient grove and the final zones of AoM and FG in elite

Ancient Grove? You mean the vendor? Final boss? Or random drops?

From drops the vendor doesn’t sell seals. It’s also from drops and treasure troves in tomb of the eldritch sun and the fleshworks

EDIT: about half of my seals came from the treasure trove in tomb of the eldritch sun

  1. Getting so close Guys! The tension and excitement can be cut with a knife! Spent a LOT of hours this weekend farming various locations on Elite. Got a few nice drops that could fill the gaps while transitioning from fire/burn to the endgame spec (allow me to keep it secret for a bit :wink:
    Two seal blueprints dropped today in low SR. Not the ones I’m looking for (Duh, you should know my luck by now, hehehe), but one seal surprised me upon close inspection. I think it might end up in the final spec.


1 item to be able to respec into my final build
1 more item to make it super tough
1 last item to make it really strong

Need a time machine! 24 hours is clearly not enough for this kind of gaming…


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Good - dinged 94 and was able to respec into my final build or rather its weaker version.

The Bad - a lot of gear optimization is needed. This includes leveling the new RR devotions and farming the remaining components (4/10 for seals now, still missing the most important one). So the damage not much higher [yet] than that of the fire/burn spec.

The Ugly - can’t advance in Ultimate without resistance cap, which is now missing. So, I’m back to farming different areas on Elite for a bit. Spent another 40 ancient hearts but still didn’t get the most needed item from the Hold’s smith. This is going to be a very long grind given my luck so far, but I won’t stop until this item is acquired!

Onward and upward!


Fistfull of Dollars

I am progressing in softcore with a classless char and have full respect and credos with where you have got to in hardcore. - awesome!

The Good - i have iron coming out of my ears and not much to spend on.

The Bad - i have good resistances, but struggling to fight my way out of a paper bag.

The Ugly - well frankly, I was just born that way.

Looking forward in anticipation to see your outcome on this thread :open_mouth:

  1. Wasted some more mats for nothing. Total RR is now a whopping 50% lol. Damage is much better than fire/burn but still only about 40-50k dps combined. One third of what I theorycrafted for endgame.

Still need 2 blueprints to really boost both the damage and toughness. Got about 40% of the level 75 components, but not the ones I need, as usual.

That’s a normal feeling when going classless, mate. It IS possible to get good damage though, with the right synergies. Fire/burn gives a lot of damage early on and you can use Justicar set non mythical version at level 68!, which can be crafted from the blueprint from the plant vendor from the grove. Can get it even on Normal. The downside is that you won’t have much RR and there are tons of highly resistant mobs…
At level 75 many more possibilities arise. Lightning, cold, vitality, even chaos. You can get quite a few set blueprints from the same vendor. That’s when the real fun of theorycrafting begins. Having faced a number of bosses on Ultimate already, I can assure you that the damage will be there in the end, but the grind is real.

  1. Got both my turtle and tinker procs triggered last night for the first time in a while, a close one for sure. The closest to RIP I’ve got so far. Never, ever do SRs in HC without at least 50% resistance overcap across the board. I wanted a better and quick loot and almost lost all progress because of being greedy. Shortcuts can make long delays. Beware of any mobs that apply strong debuffs, like those griffons that mark your char with an eye symbol. Another rule of thumb should be to never let yourself get multiple debuffs at the same time. If that happens, disengage from the mobs immediately and reposition. You can easily get killed in SR level 1 on Elite, even Normal if not paying 150% attention.

Back to the grind. Big plans for this weekend. Will do my best to upload a video with the current gear and performance. Still leveling the new devotions, looking for the elusive blueprints to allow for ‘safer’ Ultimate experience. Mostly running Elite troves, Moosi, Alkamos and a few bosses that drop useful MIs.


Glad you survived!!!

This is the big thing I’m learning while doing this in softcore. I still have that urge to rush level like I was doing with all my other alts. I’ve been slowing down and the deaths have been getting further apart. Still working on it.

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How is going so far? What level are you on?

Make sure to farm a ton of aether crystals before you hit 80+ and move to Ultimate. It’s a pain when you are over levelled and need those badly for crafting relics and components.

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Hanging tough. Well, as tough as it can be in SC. :smiley: Just hit level 72. And yes, right after I hit 60 I decided to really slow down and just farm factions and mats until I hit 70. Got my Devil’s Crossing, Black Legion and Homestead reps to revered so I could shore up some sorely needed res.

Managed to get some decent drops in all the farming as well but…the piece d’la resistance (pardon my terrible french) dropped last night while I was at 71. Snagged a regular Obsidian Juggernaut. That is going to help a LOT since I’m running Chaos.

Thanks for asking and I’m enjoying your recommendations and journey!

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I’m really curious to see how much damage you can get with it. Wish I could give you a couple of great items that dropped for me along the way. Voidsoul shield (-15% chaos resistance on block) and a dagger (-15% chaos resistance on attack).


The right seal blueprint has finally dropped!

DPS is up to 60k now with 55% RR!

Just need one last blueprint (level 94) and that 75 level amulet for extra aura and the build will be Fully ready for Ultimate!

Let the weekend grinding begin, hehehe


:champagne: :grava_yes:

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If you mean now my sheet damage says my dps is 8800 but my Obsidian Tremor does 10800. But I’m just in the 70s level wise so if you mean when I hit endgame that’ll have to wait. :smiley:

And as tempting as those drops you have are, even if you weren’t on HC I’d have to decline. One of my parameters for this journey was only self-found. No pulling stuff from my shared stash. Only thing I couldn’t do about that is blueprints so if I have the components on this character than I’ll craft stuff at the blacksmith.

And I’ve decided I’m going to spend my time for a while farming all my reps up to Revered. THEN I’ll try to finish Elite and THEN I’ll consider hoping into ultimate. We’ll see where my drops lead me.

Anyway, onward and upward the journey continues. Good luck on your journey. You’re getting sooooo close!!!

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Yeah, I’m also going self found. Deleted all my other chars along with the stash before I started. The experience so far has been very rewarding.

As for getting close, I’m sure it will take ages to get the key blueprint. Haven’t seen a single level 94 purple BP yet. Now imagine you need a very specific one that basically makes your build viable, multiply this by my luck and you get an idea, haha. My only hope is clinging to some other set that can boost me to Ultimate, even if very slow, then farm farm farm.

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Here’s a preview of the build I’m working on :slight_smile:

  1. Realized that the chance of getting the blueprint is less than 0.05% lol. It’s a set of 4 items. But I did get a couple random level 94 set items earlier. This kept me thinking, what is the chance of transmuting (inventor) those useless items into the 4 I need. It appears that the odds aren’t astronomical! Only 1/68. I had about 20 x celestial lotus from all the trove and nemesis runs. Guess what, it was enough to get the first set item! 3 to go! So, this is a tip for those of you trying (or thinking to try) this untwinked - use the inventors’ transmute option to increase your chances of getting the right set!

But now I’m back to zero cash and out of lotus. More troves and nemesis on Elite. At least now there’s real hope!

Also, blew 40 more hearts trying to get the amulet - no dice and it’s a ~1/100 chance. I’m at 20 tries now (160 hearts lol). So all my rare mats are pretty much gone. Still, very happy with the progress so far. One step closer!



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