Playtesters' plea for help - Zantai's Last Secret

Thanks. Time to see how Toxeus and co. made the trip to GD.

Same question here…

ADCTH (lifeleech) on them, keep pulling and killing as you head away from the start point. There are rock outcroppings and other locations that will also offer temporary respite.

Pet build here…

potions, movement skills, aether fragments, reset cooldowns in the little rock formations around (sandstorm doesnt go there).

It’s a shame there’s not a private section of the forum you could speak more openly :wink: jk :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though I wonder how come this isn’t talked about / a thread in the testers section or has it only being discussed on Discord, as unless I repeatedly missed the thread totally, it seems really strange as a playtester to only read about this secret quest that playtesters cannot solve in the open forums and not a single thread about it in the testing section. :undecided:

Man I want to help so badly

I have made a full walkthrough from the beginning to the end for the crate secret quest.

We mostly gave up lol. A bunch of us feel our world firsts are enough and are resigned to let the community win this one unless Z gives a hint.

And I don’t even have that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems like I’m a bit behind anyway, I’ve completed the Crate quest but not killed the boss, and I’m not sure what this Mysterious Orb thing is or where to get it. Hmm.

I’ve tried as you said but i die every time cuz i can’t reach all that rock points. I need a map revelead so i can figure out my route.

I don’t want to sound rude but where is the “world 1st” accomplishment when you have access to the content way earlier than anybody else (except other playtesters of course)? Or is this some sort of meme I don’t get?

so where can I find that ?

are you on discord? preatorian channel?

I really hope atleast one secret involves the aetherial we saved or killed in the fleshworks. He says: “Your mercy will not be forgotten.” FORGOTTEN. GODS.

yeah never understood what difference it made killing or saving him

In AoM? Absolutely nothing. But it’s been hinted at a few times that there might be a future tie-in to this decision (much like the decision to burn the witch in the Blood Grove from vanilla GD).

Where or what is this huge vagina that was mentioned in some previous posts? Cannot for the life of me find anything slightly resembling this…

star wars worm

I didn’t think this warranted its own thread and I didn’t know where else to post it that was relevant but I found what shows up as a superboss (red name) in Shattered Realm. Seeker of the Damned. Has four untargetable rifts in the corners that spawn mobs and the boss itself is mostly a damage sponge.

What do you mean by “popping something”?