Poll: Component Completion Bonuses

In TQ I felt disappointed when the completion bonus was not satisfactory; felt like nearly every time. I never farmed so when I did have a chance to complete harder to find relics I was ecstatic…but usually disappointed with the outcome and frivolously attached them to gear or sold them; non-synergistic completion bonuses just made the relic useless to me. Eventually I just ended up using an external stash tool to auto complete to the bonus I wanted. I suppose it took the fun out of completing relics but I never found crossing my fingers to be all that fun either.

If relics could be completed without the bonus then craft an attachment for the bonus…that way I won’t have acute crossed finger syndrome anymore.

All in all this situation is the same problem I had in Firefall Closed Beta. I would spend hours gathering resources to craft a blueprint and ONLY when the completion bonus was +healing or +%energy was I happy…and man when I didn’t get the bonus I needed /internal_rage. I work at work, I don’t need to work at games to fail at getting what I worked for because of a computer miscalculation

I agree x 1000

Ditto. The fewer functions the inevitable GDVault needs, the better.

Lol, if it were as easy as just doing something different that would be better in every way, then we wouldn’t have a poll. As it is, we can either take the option to change components for a few benefits or we can leave all the component stuff alone and just do something different with bounties, which will not necessarily be better or worse.

What I won’t sign off on though is anything that requires weeks of additional development time and which could introduce new inventory bugs. We’re beyond the point in development of doing anything like that. I need to see the game finished before I die.

So, in trying to make bounties work (which are already an unplanned feature that got added in) Zantai was having trouble with the issue of auto-choosing components again. I’m not willing to spend a bunch of programmer time on this to engineer some 3rd half-baked option, if there even is one. So, the cleanest choice would be to sacrifice randomized completion bonuses to make everything else work. I’m ambivalent about it, so I suggested we put it to a poll, since I could see people potentially being upset at the loss and felt like the community should have a voice in deciding the outcome.

It’s a choice though. Either you lose the random bonuses and everything else works a little smoother, or you keep them and everything works like it does. There’s no 3rd magic option where you get it all and it costs nothing.

after a lot of hours farming and getting the highest rolls on all the components… I would say no… :eek::eek:

I finally got all the components with the highest bonuses, would be ashamed if something happen to them :cry:

I sort of like the fact that we do not have GDVault yet for this very reason…TQVault made it too tempting to not only clone the best completed component, but never pick up another component again once you got it.

cant believe you people are giving up character customization in a game that already lacks character customization. And for what a little more inventory space (when you already have unlimited inventory space) & a very small QOL change to crafting. :rolleyes::confused::(:mad:

Unless we come up with some ingenious solution, and we can only vote on these two options, I clearly vote yes. I can see the appeal of random completion bonuses for players, who farm a lot to optimize their favorite chars. But I prefer playing self-found and do little farming.

Regardless of the bounty system and the other pros, completion bonuses just add tedium to the gameplay for me. I’d rather have a static strong bonus, than having to think about, which e.g. Chipped Claw I should use now and which one I should save up for later. Or if I need a specifc completion bonus, I basically have to scan each and every one in my inventory and stash.

Having this part streamlined, would add to my enjoyment. If that means, that it will be harder to get some of the rarer resistances, then other parts of the game can be re-balanced accordingly. I see an opportunity here to create more components, which you might only acquire through crafting and can be useful for niche builds - e.g. Chipped Claw + Mutagenic Ichor = Putrefied Claw.

I assume the random completion bonus will be removed from relics, too, so that these can be autoselected for crafting.

Another aspect of this change seems to be, that item affixes might become more important, as you cannot stack completion bonuses as you have been able to.

And even if we lose an option to customize our chars in this respect, I have the feeling that Devotion will make up for it.

Here is my idea.

First you have 1 area where it shows icons of all components.

Then you click on a component (in this case Corpse Dust).

Which brings up the component with arrows which can be pressed to cycle through all completion bonuses. With this pop up enabled you can then sell components that you do not want, use them for crafting, or turning in a bounty (should that work) via right click. Unless the bounty system it just takes the component from wherever and doesn’t have a spot to place it in (like crafting). Perhaps right clicking in the transfer stash will move a component to that spot so you can give it to another character.

In any case getting rid of completion bonuses would just get rid of more customization and therefore options when it comes to builds. However this idea may be a bit tedious though.

For myself I have no problem with hoarding components - if getting a bounty which needs a component could have a spot for you to put that said component would work that would be the best option for me.

Plus hoarding items in general is something that I believe was frowned upon by medierra - since I remember a thread in which case people wanted unlimited inventory space. Having such space would just mean more clutter and wouldn’t that apply to this situation as well? If people want to hoard components that is their choice. I don’t use transfer stash files or mules. Only 1 page is full of rare components while the others are for items (including personal inventory page). Main character inventory only contains primary components in which I usually keep 2 of each kind.

One of the things I really like is completion bonuses. Taking them away would negatively impact character customization. And this has to do with bounties, which we have not yet experienced, so I question why we would be asked to pass judgment when that is the case.

Take away completion bonuses, and the game loses some of its character and charm in the customization the game offers. I vote no. I would ask that you devs, regardless of what the poll shows in the end, have more discussions internally with the thoughts of the community’s posts in this thread in mind.

What do you mean by this? Do you mean specific base components (ie: severed claw) or specific components with a specific completion bonus (ie: severed claw with +10 OA)?

I would image the former. If so…

Why not just pop up a list showing the base component type and then let the user choose which one to provide?

You solved it for crafting, why not simply have me choose the component to hand over instead of randomly taking one out of my inventory ?

While there are many bonuses I do not really care for much, a single one per component is rather limiting to me. There are at least 3 or 4 I like / choose from for each component.

Whatever more individual bonuses you could do, you also could do as random bonuses.

Storage / stacking I do not really care for at all.

Well said! Your solution is quite similar to Jakenets one.
…But the hoarding is not really recognized by developers to be existing for a majority of ARPG players throughout the time. Kind of healthy ignored so to say (4 tabs is perfect aso, but this was always a general devproblem it seems) :wink:

isn’t that the way it pretty much is already ?

I have 2 stash tabs full of COMPLETED components
and 3 mules full of COMPLETED components

I finally realizied it was a waste of time to pick up anymore LOL


so the answer to the poll is YES, obviously

random completion bonuses are mostly garbage
you end up selling more than you keep

it will be great to have bounties require components and take them out of my inventory

just don’t get this at all

like I said, I’ve got more completed crap than I can ever use

running around picking up more components just in the HOPE that I MIGHT get something better is a waste of my time

make that +1% resist a sure thing and it allows me to maximize my build and move on

I’ll wait for Bounties and other events to provide more customization


Don’t like that, so I have three components of the same type, but no way of knowing which one I should equip - and only knowing by equiping them onto some junk items and the destroying the item to regain the component.

Thanks for the info, just not sure there’s anything here I can use…perhaps the fundamentals of the Bounty implementation is what needs clarification.

Here you go :wink:

We didn’t solve it, we just made the crafting UI worse to accommodate selection. We had to build a UI for crafting though anyway, so it didn’t add much work. In this case, we’re not building a special UI for quests, just to allow specific items to be selected. It would be a lot of work and risk for very little benefit imo. We’ll just have to compromise and do something else.

Are you sure you git the TQ part right ? TQ is exactly how it is in GD afaik, each part has a seed that determines the completion bonus if it is the one to complete the component, ie the other pieces get dropped on it

Yea except my idea may be a bit too tedious to use.

Unless perhaps clicking one of the Component buttons would bring up the Component list with arrows in a different area so you can click another component to quickly switch between them.

That and perhaps right clicking a component in that list would remove it from the overall storage area and put it in your inventory for whatever reason. Shift clicking the component would add it back to the list. edit: This way the bounty quest / crafting would take whatever component is in your inventory - not in the component list.

Also to shorten inventory issues you could lower the range of completion bonus numbers. Corpse Dust with 4-8% resistance on top of it - 6-8% would lessen the amount that you’d have to deal with.

Perhaps even add a button that would take the copies of specific completion bonuses that are too low and mass remove them (or sell). Like if you have a bunch of Poison Resistance bonuses on Corpse Dust - you’d push the button and all the lower resistance bonuses would be removed leaving the highest one (or “ones” if the highest bonus had copies).