Preview generated map

correct, zoom in very close should work

Funny “bug” with destoryed town center, can rebuild old one and build new one:

Report that in the bug reporting section please, that shouldn’t be possible.

Hm, I tried it and it seems not to work ingame as expected, the mine is empty even there was plenty.

Can you explain how this works in detail, also the radius and the coloured areas, changing the number of amount too.


OK, it seems that I placed the wrong mine there, mixed it with another place.
Now it works :+1:

Shhhh… sounds like a pretty neat defensive tactic to me. :wink:

Is there any possible way to rename a village/save using your app? Or, could there be?

just change text at load/save menu?

Sorry, I wasn’t clear. I mean in a way that changes the name displayed when you click on the town center in the game.

Hi Mitr,

Your tool is awesome !!! :smiley:

Many thanks for sharing it.

Just a small question : What is the meaning of “fooder”. It is quite unclear for me.

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for barn/cows

Fodder though, not fooder. :wink:

Fodder, yes that makes sense for cows.

I didn’t think of a typo since I read the source files on mitr’s github and I also found “fooder” in all the relevant data structure. So my question.

alright, it is typo

Don’t worry Mitr. That’s a fantastic tool.

After reading this topic “Overlay: Height Map”, I wonder if a variant of this tools could not generate a topographical map ?

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Adding resources to a map that has been generated with woefully inadequate stocks isn’t cheating.

It’s bringing the map’s parameters to within the claimed (but undelivered) promise of abundance.

Wasting hours on generating new maps trying to find one that is worth spending time on isn’t gameplay.

It’s a waste, that will drive customers away bringing an untimely end to the game itself.

This. Inadequate or poorly-coded Starting Positions is a major breaking point for games. Case in Point, Civilization VI, which supposedly has a Start Bias for the playable Civilizations - which has never worked properly in all the years that the game has been out. Restarting the game 10 times trying to get a coastal start for a ‘maritime’ power like Viking Norway or England is enough to make you give up playing the game in frustration, and something like it has happened to just about everybody who plays the game.

FF has some problems in this area, but not quite as bad. I have sat in front of my computer regenerating maps with the same parameters just to see what the range of variations is, and I would estimate that about 1 out of 2 maps generated are marginal. As in, Pioneer maps with 3 wolf and 2 boar spawns and only 2 deer spawns on the entire map, or a map without any Coal anywhere on it, despite having three fat hill/mountain areas full of Iron. Lowland Lake maps with no body of water on them bigger than a small pond - and only one of those, which is, to say the least, counter-intuitive. . .

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On a hill, next to a river! :smiley:

Or was that just V?

I immediately returned and got a refund on VI, seeing it for the garbage it is, and haven’t looked back.

When talking about Civ VI I’ve used the old Ambrose Bierce quote, because it is so appropriate:

“All the details are correct, the only problems are Basic and Fundamental”

But, being a glutton for punishment, I’ve posted page after page of commentary on Civ VI’s problems and historically-based potential solutions over on the CivFanatics Forum. The franchise has given me 1000s of hours of play over the years, it’s such a shame to see so many bad decisions made in the making of the latest game in the series.

By contrast, FF is based on a number of very good design ideas and concepts, very well done. It’s only problems are of balance and polish - and potentially, DLC additions like rivers, bridges, watermills (The Aquatic DLC) and possibly a Map Types Expansion DLC (Play on a scorching dry Mediterranean Map, or a Scandinavian Map with 6 months’ of Winter!)


Not being able to build roads, leaving that decision to ‘autopilot’ and taking away the tactical advantage of planning them, was a huge mistake in VI.

I guess Sid was pissed at me for zipping workers all the way across the map in V, using the Build Rail command.

I’d even seen them cross oceans between harbors and still motor-on to get to a patch of unconverted road. :joy:

In V I loved spamming Scouts, beating up barbarians with them to upgrade their Scouting skills, getting to the extra movement bonus.

Then getting the Advanced Weapons find in a(ll the unexplored) Ruin(s I had discovered but left unsearched) to bump these far-moving, terrain-ignoring Scouts up to Archers.

From there of course, they would become Crossbows, then (I usually skip these first two phases to keep the ranged capability) Riflemen & Infantry, finally upgrade the Crossbows to late-game Mech Infantry, that can rip across the map.

Put 'em on a railroad, and watch 'em ‘fly’. :rocket:

At east in Civ you could wander around a bit, find a suitable spot, then, if you needed to, you could plot a more direct course to that spot and restart the map.

Here, you get an entire new map generated, and then maybe 10 to 20% of a large map to choose from, to determine your starting point.

It’s a terrible waste of resources and time.

Hi, is there a way to add stone to the map?