Preview generated map

could you send me sav file?

I went in and reverified the game files, which appeared to add something, but I didnā€™t catch what it was at the timeā€¦did a complete restartā€¦and itā€™s working as intended again. Thanks very much for providing the great tool and following up.

App 3.2.5
update for 0.9.0

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App 3.2.6
update for 0.9.1


Thank you, Mitr! Still enjoying this great tool. :+1:

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Mine doesnā€™t work, it just keeps going non responsive.

Yeah it doesnā€™t work anymore. An update to 0.9.2d is required. :slightly_smiling_face:

Now it needs an update to 0.9.3 actually. This tool was broken for 0.9.2d, and so itā€™s broken for 0.9.3 too.

I tried reaching out to him a while ago and he mentioned working on other projects. I tried again recently with no response. I grabbed the source from his github and when I get some time, Iā€™ll dig.

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Awesome, thanks!