[REL] Grim UI

Yes, that’s the only way mods work, unless you merge them with the main game.

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Thank you for the quick reply. I thought I messed it up.
It’s been a long time since I played with mods and that’s the reason why I forgot to start on a custom game.

Thank you for blessing us with this awesome mod! :wink: :pray: :raised_hands:

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No problem at all and thank you very much! I hope you enjoy the mod!!

Keep in mind that the “Mods” download is what requires Custom Game. It’s still essentially the same as the Main Campaign - just themed.

If you don’t want to do Custom Game and still want Main Campaigned themed you would instead download the entries under “Themes”…

…these get extracted to a different location than the “mods” folder.


Okay, since I don’t want to start a new toon, is it possible to copy my toon from the main game to a custom game? :thinking:

It is possible BUT you need to flag the character as a “mod” character FIRST otherwise there will be issues and inconsistencies that will certainly occur as a result. The only way to do that is with the GD Stash program.

I have a recent post at this location that details exactly how to do this:


Weird. My toon doesn’t show up on custom game. Do we have the option to clone?

Did you read my above link? You need to move the save folder to the appropriate location after you flag it.

Okay, so I was able to copy my toon but now my issue is how to copy its progress?
I only copied “player.gdc”. What else am I missing?

The entire folder bearing your characters name needs to be moved… not just the single gdc file.

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Everything else… copy the whole dir

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Thank you so much @powbam & @mamba! :pray:t4::ok_hand:t4:

Do I need to extract the .arc files of either of these mods, or can I just drop Grim UI’s .arc file into the resource folder of Grimarillion?

You can just drop it in, in that case you also do not need to worry about the assets part, only the database part

Well, it seems I got it to maybe working. The Blacksmith UI changed to this one, however when I loaded my save up, all of the Grimarillion items (like ones based on TQ and D3) all disappeared from my inventory and stash… well, that sucks. At least the class I was playing was a vanilla combo, so I only lost two items I was wearing.

edit: Also the loading screens go back to vanilla ones.

Out of curiosity, did you change the name of the mod that you made from Grimarillion to something else, or perhaps a typo? I know that will affect the transfer and transmute files for sure, as in they will be new (empty).

That should not happen… you did include all the Grimarillion dbr files, right ? Did you get any error messages from AssetManager ?

The errors would not really explain the missing items, but would need addressing regardless, as they would cause other issues.

I did change the name for testing purposes, I know that would cause it to make a new save folder for that mod and the .gst files, but then I loaded it up by replacing the unedited Grimarillion which is what caused the items to poof.

Yeah, I included all the files, when compiling it at the end it did mention 17 errors, but it didn’t say what they were and it said 0 warnings. The merchants from Grimarillion are still there and I was able to craft an item with one. Odd though, the amulet I’m wearing had a gem from Grimarillion in it and neither it or the gem were removed from my inventory.

The only reason (I am aware of) for an item to get deleted is if it (i.e. its dbr file) does not exist in the mod you are currently playing while it existed in the mod you were playing before and got the item in.

So I am not sure why you would lose an item if you included all dbrs. Maybe there is something else that broke and can be linked back to those error messages.

I assume most are about missing some template like the expanded skill tree template. Add that template to the templates dir you extracted the GD sources to when setting up AssetManager, not to the mod dir, and then build the mod again.

You can download it (and some other templates you do not need…) here

I copied all of the unpacked files from Grimarillion’s .arz file over, so I dunno what caused it. Items from the mod can be crafted and are dropping, so /shrug

edit: Hrm, it seems there is an issue though, new items are appearing like this:

edit 2: Weird, just unpacking Grimarillion and repacking it without editing anything and items still show up like that picture. I still get the 17 errors 0 warnings message when repacking the unedited stuff. This also seems to just be affecting D3 themed items, items based on TQ show the proper skill modifiers