[REL] Grim UI

Grim UI: X-Mod has been updated with the X-Illusionist window. Maybe some will find this useful as it now displays 45 items instead of 18.

I also fixed a minor alignment issue with the X-Character inventory bag image.

X-Illusionist window with Vanilla UI (1920 x 1080)


Grim UI: X-Mod’s X-Illusionist window has been updated. The torso selected border on the character’s side was not showing due to a typo in the .dbr file.

Thanks to @Kanjineo for pointing this out. :+1:

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Thank you JMD.

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I downloaded the Grim UI: X-mod Source.zip and followed these instructions:

Installation is easy. Just extract the .zip file into your “Settings” directory. There are two options for this:

  • You can use the default “Settings” directory located in “C:\Users\UserName\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn”.
  • The other option, which I use, is to create a “Settings” directory in the Grim Dawn installation directory.

But the mod still doesnt work for me, is there anything else im missing?

Probably the fact that you should not be using the source .zip for that.

Also, the setting dir works for Grim UI, but XMod needs to be in the mods dir.

So what should I download? I couldnt find any other to download. Trying to get all these work.

  • X-Illusionist - (Released 30 Mar 2020)
  • X-Blacksmith - (Released 26 Jan 2020)
  • Vanilla X-Character - (Released 14 Aug 2019)
  • X-Character - (Released 9 Aug 2019)
  • X-Smuggler - (Released 8 Aug 2019)

The one that says ’ Download Grim UI: X-Mod.zip ’

Assuming you do not want to use the vanilla theme, then also the theme you want to use (to replace the vanilla textures)

Grim UI: X-Mod’s X-Illusionist window has been updated with a very minor addition of a higher visibility selected item background.

X-Illusionist window with Vanilla UI (1920 x 1080)



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Oh I get it, this is just the skin/theme for the addons, where do I go to download the actual addons?

All of the UI themes have been updated with several redesigned class images due to an alpha channel issue. Nothing too noticeable, other than the class selection window.

How would I go about merging the X-Mod with Grimarillion? I really like the expanded Blacksmith window that X-Mod has and would like to use both mods.


The short answer is, you’d have to extract the Grimarillion mod and add the X-Blacksmith files to it, then rebuild the mod.

I’ve added Grim UI theme support for the Dawn of Masteries mod. If you play this mod with one of my themes installed, the UI will now match.

This new addition is located under the “Add-Ons” section.

Thank you to @mamba for the permission.

Dawn of Masteries Class Selection

How do you do that? I’ve never modded Grim Dawn before with actual mods.

I’m going to refer you to this thread Grim Dawn’s Modding Tools … to get you started.

So just copy the records\ui\inventor folder into the UI folder of Grimarillion?

Depends on what you want to add. The ‘Mod Separation.txt’ file tells you what to add.

If any of the files in database\records already exist, you need to merge them (i.e. figure out what each version changes relative to vanilla GD and then combine those changes into one file), not simply overwrite them

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ugh, this is too much work and I don’t see any easy to follow guides / videos on how to do this stuff.

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Use a tool like WinMerge to compare the different files (GrimUI vs Grimarillion and both against vanilla for the files that overlap to figure out what each changed, so you can combine those changes).

The dbr files are simply text files, so any text editor will do

The overlap for you (i.e. when using the blacksmith only) is a single file, and in that file you have to take one line over from GrimUI (in theory you could also leave the Grimarillion file completely unchanged, it would do no harm)

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It’s not that bad, but it does take some patience at first. Once you get things setup though, it’s fairly easy to keep a mod updated with something like what you want to do.

Personally I’d say don’t give up. Give modding a shot and see what happens.