[REL] Grim UI

The Grim UI themes will not cause any problems like this as they are graphics only.

I assume you are using Grim UI: X-Mod and are referring to the search box on the smuggler window, yes? In that case, I have absolutely no idea what the problem would be and no way to test it as I don’t have a controller.

The only thing I can think of at the moment is making changes to the search boxes:


  • Added Ctrl + C and Ctrl + A support to UI search boxes.


Well thanks for narrowing it for me, but no I don’t do X-Mod, since I don’t want stash problems on my display :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Will bug report it then.

Hi, first of all thanks for the UI mods, they’re absolutely amazing and feel refreshing! I have been playing around with modding tools (mainly asset manager and DBR Editor), just wondering if it would be possible to just merge x-mod either into the game directly or have it like the UI files in documents so you don’t have to go in Custom game? Been trying to figure this out but I still only have some basic modding understanding.

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You cannot use the settings dir, but you can merge it with the game’s .arz file. Add it to the most recent expansion that you own, so gdx2 if you have FG, gdx1 if you have AoM or database.arz if you only have vanilla GD.

Just overwrite all the .dbr files of the arz and then build a new arz from that.

I had extracted the game files and also the Grim UI X-Mod.arz to a different folder. The thing is there’s 3 folders (x-smuggler, x-character, xblacksmith) which I’m thinking is for each windows in the game. But the files inside seem mixed and I’m not sure where I should be putting each one.

You are looking at the wrong files, none of these are in the .arz file. I assume you extracted the .arc file instead. The .arz only contains .dbr files and they are under records/creatures, records/game and records/ui

You’re welcome and I’m glad that you’re enjoying them!

It looks like mamba is pointing you in the right direction for merging the X-Mod with the game, so you’re in good hands there.

I’ve updated Grim UI: X-Mod for the patch. The UI mods should be fine without any changes.

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Argh. And another patch! :smiley:


Good problem to have though. Speaking of which, I need to get things updated.

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You are the last piece of the puzzle my friend :wink:

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Puzzle complete! :+1:

Grim UI: X-Mod has been updated for the patch. The UI mods should be fine without any changes.

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JMD, thanks for your work. I want to use the X-Mod to increase my stash space. I have only “vanilla” Grim Dawn, no expansions. With the newest version of your mod (and the game: it looks like some of the assets aren’t loading - see screenshot:

Any idea why or how to fix this?

Welcome to the forums and thank you!

The X-Mod requires both expansions. If you have the time, you could edit the X-Mod to suit your needs though.

Sorry, man … I wish I had a better answer for ya.

Aw, that’s disappointing. :frowning_face:

It would be really helpful if mods made it obvious whether they require any of the expansions. In this case, the use of the term “vanilla” (for the theme) misled me.

Yep, my fault completely and I do apologize for that. Because of this, I’ve updated the OP to clarify things so nobody else gets misled.

This should no longer be necessary since, settings should now take precedence

Didn’t try it with Crucible, but it works for ‘regular’ mods

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I understand what you are saying maybe im imagining stuff it just feels like i have a slower start in Dom.Either way it doesn’t bother me.Im not pro but im not nab either.I has good boots i run very fast :grin:

Oh that’s badass! And I did try it with Crucible and it worked like a charm.

Thank you for letting me know!

All of the Grim UI themes have been updated to include the Crucible HUD Panel. I’ve also removed all of the Crucible downloads for each theme.

Since the Settings directory now has priority, which made the above possible, it also gives me the ability to support mods with custom UI elements to match Grim UI themes. This, of course, will depend on the mod creator’s permission.