[REL] Grimarillion v90d

No, it is just an older version of D3 in Grimarillion, as its latest release is older.

You are doing an amazing work!! reading the description it feels like you breath so much life considering the combinations you can do into Grim Dawn

This doesn’t have auto-pickup so i assume it is safe to use with Grim Internals?
No issues with Item Assistant?

Do you modify the default run speed? if not, how would i go about doing that sir?

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

This has the same auto loot that the game has, but if you want more then GI is fine. GDIA as well.

GI has options to increase the game speed, but that’s overall speed iirc, not just movement speed.

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By game speed do you mean overall speed (mobs and npcs included) ? if so that is even better friend!

Yes, everything sped up far as I know.

Ninjared just recently released a mod to enable more than 4 players in multiplayer. Is it possible to eventually merge this mod?
I just started a session with friends yesterday and I have more wanting to join, but we already hit the cap of 4.

[MOD] 8-Player Support + Difficulty Scaling

Since the Grimarillion v80a patch came out, Grimer released multiple updates to the D3 mod.

Asylum is working on the next release, and once the next release is finished, it will include the latest patch of D3 mod. It’s just a matter of time until the two mods are identical (in terms of D3 content, that is).

I just decompiled Grimarillion, and it does not seem to conflict with my 8-player mod. Mine only makes changes to the 3 balancingadjustment_mp+difficulty databases, which appear to be untouched here. The zip archives for my mod also includes the original DBR files, so no need to decompile it. They can simply be copied and pasted into the working directory for Grimarillion and re-built to a parallel mod.

This isn’t to say that it will be problem-free, though. I don’t know what all Grimarillion has changed, particularly the template files, and how that could affect the DBR’s. Also keep in mind that my 8-player mod does not automatically work with all player counts. It has multiple versions; one version works for 3-6 players only, and another with 5-8 players only. This was the only way I could circumvent the templates that are hard-coded for 4 player scaling. You would need to create multiple builds of Grimarillion in order to accommodate different player counts, and your desired difficulty scaling.

I could certainly try re-building Grimarillion with my mod included and see if it works okay. But I wouldn’t release it without approval from Asylum first. And I’ll be honest, I’m not really up for re-building the mod over and over every time Asylum makes an update. I don’t spend very much time making mods these days. But considering how often Grimarillion is played instead of the vanilla game, I think it would be really cool to combine them.

I think this can be a great addition as Grimarillion adds many classes, monster spawns and QoL.
Would be nice to head back from asylum.

Not sure there are any templates hard coded for four players (I doubt it), there are dbrs configured for four players however.

You certainly will need to adjust more files if you want everyone to get some specific drops / quest rewards, like the body at the bridge in Devil’s Crossing…

The template I was referring to can be observed in the behavior of the balancingadjustment_mp+difficulty databases. All difficulty multipliers are locked at list values 1, 5, and 9. (1 = normal difficulty, 5 = elite, 9 = ultimate). It does not matter how many players you add to the game, that template does not change, it is locked to groups of 4 players. I imagine there might be a way to change the template to shift it to the right (ie: 5 becomes 7 and 9 becomes 11), but it cannot be changed within the DBR’s. I tried many many times for my mod. Hope that clarifies some things.

Almost all loot drops are handled by one of two values, either: “perPartyMemberDropChance” or “evaluatingPartyMemberCount”. Experience and silver sharing is handled by the number of members in your party. I tested this pretty extensively for my mod. Although admittedly I haven’t played through the entire game with 6-8 players yet, I have done so with 2 players. If you have instanced loot enabled, it shouldn’t really make a difference what quest items are required for what. Either your party only needs one of the item, or it is one that will drop multiple times with RNG.

Feel free to test my mod for any errors, or tell me if you think I missed something. It can be found here:

As I said, there are specific cases where something is meant to drop for every player, like the body on the DC bridge.

Unless you change those dbrs only the first 4 players will get something I believe (unless Crate already defined them correctly for 8 players, they might have).
Template is fixedloot.tpl or something like that.

Are the skill trees for the new classes shown anywhere? I can find the D3 classes in the Grim Tools Build Calculator, but not the Grim Quest or Zenith classes.

Only in GDStash. Change the configuration settings to add Grimarillion, save the setting and then under Mastery Info you should see the masteries. Most of the info for the skills are there, but no completely.

Thanks for the quick reply. I am using Item Assistant instead of GDStash.

Thanks for the update @thepowerofmediocrity

This mod has all the items from the various modded classes dropping in the same loot pool, right? It’s not using a token system like DOM?

Will this mod be updated soon with the latest D3 patches?

There is no token system in Grimarillion, loot must be acquired “naturally”.

So how exactly do you make two different Masteries even synergize with each other? Same for example the D3 Crusader and the Rouge. Do you pretty much pick a primary class master for attacks and just pick up buffing/passives from the other mastery? Are is there some way to take some of the poison effects from the Rouge and bring them over to have some kind of effect on the Crusader skills?

Do you have to rely on some kind of item support to make a build? As if you primarily try to build around only specific items that can support something?

Cross mod mastery support is always going to be dog shit. You’ll never see items that support both masteries from different mods, that is an impossible task. Your best bet is to look for “generalist” uinques that grant 1 to all skills, not just specific skills and classes.

You’ll have to mix and match D3 and GQ items to get proper skill support but you’ll have a hard time finding gear to support a combination like rogue and crusader, both classes do very different damage types. Rogue has poison/vitality/bleed/pierce, i think crusader is physical/fire/lightning. You will need global conversion to remedy that.

Rule #1 for making an easy solid build is to make sure both classes you’re picking share at least one damage type/resist reduction type. Otherwise, yes, your secondary will pretty much be a support mastery and only provide you with defenses and stats.