[REL] Grimarillion v90d


Hello, Can add another download link?
For example:

Oh wow! 3 more masteries to play with. My altoholism is going to get even worse now. :upside_down_face:


Guess we need some new class names

Yeah get to work.

Is there MI item for these 3 classes? Where can I find it?

Check the Darkest Dawn Reborn thread.

Priest has some MI and set items, you’ll have to figure out which ones though, I have no idea.

Thanks I found it

The words “Critical Damage” and the pop-up are not showing up in the Pets section of the II tab on the Character Sheet.

Here’s the fixed file, in an attempt to return the favor. :grinning:

ui.zip (2.7 KB)


t found MI for Priest, but I tried to find but couldn’t find any relics for this class

GAL v88 Can’t summon anything.

Small fix:

If you’ve already installed v88, here’s the hot fix

if you haven’t, here’s the full download for v88a

v88a Changelog

Fixed an issue with missing assets from Darkest Dawn.

Fixed an issue with missing Divine tags for Nemean Lion set.

Adjusted tag files for classnames, combos for Priest/Reanimator/Illusionist will now have vanilla combo names, classes with no name will now say ClassA + ClassB instead of looking like a tag error. (Make suggestions for better ones)

Added a way to reroll Dvalinn’s Simulacrum


Updated the Rainbow File for v88a.


Resistances colors are missing.

Oops, I was using the normal tags_grimarillion_ui.txt as is.


I found a few items which have wrong colors.

Thanks for the report. File corrected.

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There are errors and missing items in the original text on the right.

Looking for 3 players. Room name is questing. My name is Wartec Prime on steam.

Re: Changelog for v87c and subsequent:

Found two Relics on v88a (Ruination and Calamity) that still have Level 18 requirement (they are the only ones, may be intended?)