[REL] Grimarillion v90d

The duplicates were in the ARC file? I’ll have to take a look. I need to update the text_en again eventually, I forgot to update one of the tag files for D3.

I just tried going to Burrwitch Estate and ran around there for a couple of minutes, no crashes so far!

probably something on my end then, ty for testing it out:)

i just wanted to download the update from MEGA and after the download i got asked for a key i have to ask the owner of the link for a key? does anyone have the same problem?

edit: i tried chrome browser and it worked without a problem, dont know what the problem was.

Level 65 SR boss Tyrael seems invincible. Had no major issues getting to that point. Tried kiting him around, but eventually he one shots me. Damage doesn’t seem to be doing anything to his health.

I deleted the mod to make sure there were no entries. I extracted the latest version and applied the patch, making sure it all went to the proper base Grimarillion folder, and there’s 2 worlds to pick from. Did I extract it wrong somehow?

I’ve tried twice. I haven’t tried playing yet.

Screenshot 2023-11-21 104748

Dunno, delete it and download it again. You must have downloaded the first version I uploaded which has been reuploaded twice now.

He is strong but not invincible, idk if 1.2 affected him somehow, but seems unlikely.

I think the difference may have been deleting the level 1 I created earlier and recreating it with the latest version. As I did download and install it again, but I doubt those steps did anything new. :slightly_smiling_face:

Is there a way to play this in a non-english game and the mod still in english?
I tried rename the folder and .arc from text_en to text_xx, the items and “don’t talk to zeke” notification showing english as expected, but when talk to zeke, there is no texts at all.

I have no idea. I don’t know how translation files work. I imagine there is probably some kind of conflict by doing that but … I really don’t know.

What are these? Seems to be several different ones, but what do they do?


Far as I know I’m up to date with patches and I don’t use Rainbow Filter.

Is on an older character though, not a brand new one for v1.2 and v87.

If I understood Asylum correct (and I’m not confusing this with another thing), this is part of another mod that got recently implemented, I think one of Ceno’s older projects. If you collect a whole set of those, you can somehow combine them and unlock some gear sets (iirc).

I’ve barely had time to play due to a hectic schedule, otherwise I’d try this out, as I have two of those collections at 3/4 already.

Oh, the Grim Armoury mod. I’ve only just played Grimarillion again today since all the updates so haven’t seen them before.

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If you rename it literally to “text_xx” it will not be recognized as your language file. You have to change “xx” to your language name. You can find the “xx” part in the language files for each country in Grim Dawn\resources (Text_CS, Text_DE…) . For example, if your language is Chinese, changing to “Text_ZH.arc” will load the base in Chinese and the mod in English.

Thanks for all your work, Grimarillion is amazing.

Ran into a similar issue with the “Diablo the prime evil” boss at SR70. I get it down to low health and a green invulnerable bubble appears on the boss. Boss still attacks and follows you around but can’t do damage to it. From scouring the interwebs, apparently these diablo bosses have multiple stages/transformations. Maybe something preventing them from transforming and they just stay stuck in there first form with the invul bubble.

Is the Diablo implementation using Grimerino’s Diablo mod? He recently updated it, not sure if its a 1.2.0 issue.

Okay, I just tested it and yes, Diablo is bugged, but Tyrael is not.

Diablo’s low HP bubble was supposed to be a temporary buff to make him invulnerable for 3 seconds, it’s currently bugged so instead he’s invulnerable until his HP is higher than 33%, then it goes on cooldown.

Tyrael on the other hand doesn’t have that issue, he is just hard to kill. Between El’druin’s Aura (the sword buff) and his occasional self heal (which makes him invulnerable for a few seconds), he has a few ways to make himself incredibly hard to kill and heal himself.

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Not sure if they should appear automatically or whether you need to add them Asylum, but since v1.2 the shrines in the Conflagration and Tomb of the Watchers are available in the vanilla game on Normal difficulty. I’m in the Conflagration atm and there’s no shrine there in the mod.

With the GDv1.2 update, the localization folder is no longer functional and the Text_EN.arc in the mod must be changed. So, you may delete the localization folder.

So the existing “text_en” folder thats in \Grim Dawn\mods\grimarillion\resources\ should be deleted?

As I mentioned in the Usage section here, it’s a good idea to rename the original file and keep it. Then, you can always revert back to the original.