Sacrificing the body for Grim Dawn

I like the fact that Medierra admits to drinking alcohol to numb the pain.

Best of luck guys, hope it works out for the best.

Did the beer work?

eeerrmmm Med… After GDC, can we se the demo in action as well?

just a quick question or is it the same enviroment video?

grtz and gl at gdc

Med thx god you dinent break anything!!!

GDC Remember to read the small buttomline letters before signing any contract :slight_smile:

beer heal alot of things, just do in in moderate amounth :rolleyes:

Good Luck At GDC and be safe.

Just tell them that the game is shaping up to be really realistic.

Ideally through a microfiche & an atomic force microscope to check for really small print…

2nd. notice:
Knight mentality. You give your blood to the victory!:cool:

Technically speaking, we’re not really showing a demo but the actual game itself. Being a small company, we didn’t really want to spend time making a specific demo level or anything for GDC, so we just show the raw, unadulterated game in all its current glory. The first hour of the game is actually in a just about finished state with the exception of quest and story stuff. We’ll probably put out a gameplay video of it soon, although I can’t say exactly how long soon is. I wanted to get one up before GDC but so much is going on that it is tough to find the time. Development is really in high-gear now, so I have to spend a lot of time working with the artists, animator, sound, etc, responding to questions and detailing out what I need / how I need it. Then on top of that I am doing business oriented stuff and I have my own massive load of development work since I’m doing a lot of world building and all of the gameplay design.

So, we have a lot of cool stuff to show you guys and I think the game has evolved to a point were I’d be proud to show off the gameplay but actually getting a video put together is just a time issue. I’m hoping after GDC I’ll be able to take some time out to do a video.

Have you shown it yet? If so what kind of reactions are you getting?

Great to hear that it’s moving forward so much!

As for making a video, I’m sure there are at least a few legendary supporters coughOpalMonkeycough that would be willing to deal with doing a nice video if you sent out a few pre-alpha copies :wink:

Disclaimer: Opal Monkey agrees to no actual video production and has no experience with making gameplay videos. Receiving a pre-alpha copy of Grim Dawn shall not legally bind Opal Monkey to make any kind of video… but he might do it anyways.

I don’t know, that sounds pretty much alpha to me…

whistles innocently

Nice to know though. :slight_smile:

Edit: I’ve just realised, a 12 lb laptop? That’s like 50% more than our 3 week old baby!

Publishers have been pretty impressed. :smiley:

Whether anything actually progresses into a real deal and whether the terms of a potential deal will be acceptable to us, who knows. Only time will tell.

Either way, it is nice to be in a position where we don’t have to sign a deal to survive. I’d like to partner with the right publisher but I think we’re also in a good spot to finish the game on our own and do a decent job of it. I think once we finally put out a gameplay video, it will be a big boost to pre-orders and that will help a lot.

This is so good to hear, too many developers get forced to release unfinished products because the publisher wants it now. Or they are forced to sign away IP rights in exchange for development money.

It is always easier to negotiate from a position where you can walk away from the table and the other guy knows this and treats you accordingly.

Good Luck

Interesting updates, well, I hope for the best outcome regardless. Thanks for sharing that with us Medierra!

[QUOTE=medierra; it will be a big boost to pre-orders and that will help a lot.[/QUOTE]

just dont use all the money from preorders so you cant make GD DLC or GD2 :wink:

anyway look forward to try a alfa game :smiley:

Those are pretty good news Medierra! Congratulations and thanks a lot! :smiley:

Very good news… awesome in fact, i cant wait till the game hits… cant wait till i can send in some cashflow for one of them keys =)
TQ was and still is an awesome game, GD has all the potential to blow many a game out of the water… Congrats and the Best of luck to all who has a hand in this.

Good to hear!

Do you have a publisher in mind? Or maybe something like a top-10?

If I can make a request: By NOOOOOOO means pick EA as a publisher. I beg you. The last EA-game I played was Battleforge. It was an awesome game from a smallish studio but EA managed to totally wreck it. I don’t want to see that again.

Don’t use ubisoft either please!!!

That is going to leave a scar. Wear it like a badge of honor, my friend. :slight_smile:

I also hope you get a deal from a Publisher that is beneficial to everyone.
I’m hoping there will be a disc version of the game, so I can purchase that as well. :wink:

Regarding your run in with the brute with brass knuckles…
Where were your friends at ? They should have been all over that thug to back you up. That’s what friends do.

Do you set off metal detectors with the metal on your skull ?