Seek advice for my first fire aura paladin

I see…I switch back to the rare shield which has +2 to Ageis - it also add 2x elemental resist. Although there will have some lost in OA and DA, the change in constellations (Lion and spider) have compensate the lost a bit.

I am also thinking whether to farm the Flames of wrath to replace Tainted Ruby of Gar’dal for more elemental resist, enhancement to Aura of Censure and Summon Empyrion’s Guardian instead of another aura damage.

You don’t need to do gear changes like that, just change armor augments temporarily (you don’t need Poison / Aether res at all during fight and you can lose Pierce overcap) and you can also drink a potion (+30 or maybe 25 Lightning / Cold res) for the fight if needed

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hmm…I am just thinking whether using Flames of Wrath couple with Blazeseer Crest that will grant +10% max elemental resist, more fire damage and further resist reduction (-6% from Flames and +3 Celestial Presence from Blazeseer) to be more tankier or using Tainted Ruby of Gar’dal to have extra damaging aura.

@tqFan Some one is so kind that he gives me a spare Flames of Wrath to test. I have tuned up a bit. However, I have to find other source to compensate for the OA / DA lost.

Do you think I should go with this or switch back to Tainted Ruby of Gar’dal and Mark of Shadow Queen?

It’s hard for me to say :thinking: probably the current Flames of Wrath, it even has some cooldown

Recently, I am using seal of blade for both of my weapon and shield. Or will it be better to switch to enchanted flint for more fire damage.

It depends on whether you have any skills that use shield to attack. If yes, then it will benefit from seal of blade. if not, then using enchanted flint to increase the fire damage will be better.

I have changed my char to the following:

I think his damage output is a bit too low. Still thinking ways to boost his damage. It is not easy to balance OA/DA/attack speed/resistance/phy resist/+mastery.

And my control is not good enough and still fail to defeat Avatar of Mogdrogen lol

Grim Tools is down atm so I cannot have a look

Remember to evade Sunder cloud. See how I easily do it here

Well…during the heat of battle, I can hardly notice when will he cast the sunder cloud. Not to mention to evade it.

I was planning to make a feedback thread about it actually. With your comment now it can hold more weight

I have just started act 5 and is planning to get the blazeheart. It has higher damage and further boost on OA and attack speed. I will adjust the build again.

Just sadly find there are not much gears that are suitable for fire-based melee paladin. Seeing many build can easily reach 3k OA and DA, 10k damage and 3k armor when I’m still struggling with all these values…

I assume you’re droppping EoR because with Blazeheart it’s gonna be bad / not worth it to be in the build.

oh, I just think it has higher damage and conversion from chaos/vitality to fire damage which can boost the damage more.

I have fun playing with EoR and not planning to drop it.

I have tried to fight Lokkar tonight. The first time I can kill him but I keep dying for the second time. Seems like the first kill is just out of luck. I think I need to boost the DA and fire resist instead…

Fire res overcap is at 100% so not sure what you mean about Fire res.
The build looks strong enough for Lokarr for me to be honest with you.
You can send me your save folder _CHARNAME if you want, so that I can see in practice.

what if u went dual dagger phoenix style so all lightning gets converted with korvaak brand medal so u can dual wield cuz I personally see no point of using the shield u have right there.

He has 23% Physical resistance on it :slight_smile:

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yea but more power at cost of defense :stuck_out_tongue:

…this phys resist issue, it’s nothing new, always bothering us.

I must say tho if op reaches 20% phys resist it will be alr, no need for more… it will be enough, perhaps dual seal of mights or formidable solael pants.

Hi @tqFan,

I have just sent you the save file. Thank you for your help :slight_smile: