Settlement Showcase - Share your creations!

I always forget to get shots of the raid itself. :slight_smile:

Well done.
Looking forward to more installments.
The awards are well deserved.

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The new buildings and decorations are great!


Expanded my defence on the mountain front.

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Griefwald… Seeking Shelter.

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Honestly, I think we might need to start a save file repository where users can share their saves so anyone can load them up and view (and record) and see people’s creations in motion.


OK, Nazilvar a few years in and after the great Hidden Stone disaster of year 1, which reduced the population to 3… it has just reached a tier three town hall and suffers predation and raiding but toils on.

High Street

South Gate

Agricultural area
(awaiting a repaired Windmill – raiders destroyed it and our only heavy tool… hence the new barracks and partial pallisade)


There just might be a plan in motion that leans towards that…

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So is the Fieldstone Fence.

Nice. Hope it pans out. I haven’t played Satisfactory in a while but I remember the community had something setup to share saves and some content creators would review impressive saves.


It’s gonna be a little while yet (if at all), but I’m putting a fair bit of work into it and hoping to “partner” with someone to hopefully deliver something similar, with our own unique twist :crossed_fingers::pray: still early days though.

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The starting position for this Lowland Lakes map looks different, somehow…

Year 26
Just upped it to a population of 48.

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Not the biggest town in the world, but then I rareyl go above 350-400 before starting a new map anyway and this is up to t3 housing. This is using Zantai’s Graveburg map seed (54EBB95FCA5), but Pacifist and medium size. Wells are constantly dry despite me choosing Low Lakelands for it, but boy does it have a LOT of mining resources. Plus at least 5 megarocks I’ve found so far and that was just within the initial visible starting area before plunking the town centre down. Who knows, there could be MOAR hiding out there! :upside_down_face:


This image has given me a great idea for a build :pray::+1: also with you on the population/new map cycle :joy::man_shrugging:

Presenting Himinbjörg.

And in motion thanks to Farthest Frontier Builder (it looks amazing, thank you for all the work you do showing off this beautiful game): Farthest Frontier Builder - Tales of Envoys - A visit to Himinbjorg by MeowBeep - YouTube


Stuff like this confirms what I’ve known all along… that FF is going to be an (even more) amazingly beautiful game once it sees official release and beyond.

Excellent work here.


Crossbows on a Crouton, Batman! What are all those Towers on the citadel costing you! I stopped counting at 60!

Most of them are disabled and are just there in case of Ragnarok. Four towers are sufficient to see off 100± raiders, so 32g a month? I run more than that just to get the slaughter over faster. The village smelts it’s own gold so the bills aren’t an issue.

[Edit: just to save anyone else counting, there are 70 towers and 4 forts, for a total of 236 defenders at capacity.]


Great settlement there MB! Most impressive… and what made me smile the most? The massive, and full, graveyard! Looks like you’re burying the raiders too… Great stuff!