Settlement Showcase - Share your creations!

Well it’s a work in progress. It’s gonna take some hours before I start building and relocating the the temporary stuff I have there.


Wonder how did you get the path creator to make a circle! Thats almost impossible to do man…haha


Wow that’s a lot of time spent using the flattening tool

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Yeah, hope they make it a bit better and faster to use xd

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Wow. Beautifully done.


You shall not pass!


Since my computer started to burn down with 700 pop and above I started to play the game in reverse mode. Killed all people, destroyed every building, hunted down the FPS drop/freeze reasons and now watching nature coming back (or not) for several hundred years. While dismanteling the game I came along this oddly satisfying situation:


that is a bit of a rat problem :joy:

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Ficou muito bom parabéns pelo design



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I make two 13x13 perpendicular lines
Connect each quarter section with a curved road
Delete the initial guide lines
Voilà! You have a nice circle that can easily fit two theatres and large statues.

btw, the crop placement tool its Excellent as an in game ruler :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Thank you so much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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¡Obrigada! :heart_eyes:

New 400 man settlement today, no mayor setbacks or city degradations, or negative spirals. Just slowly moving forward. Only the level is out of stone.


I feel you. I have seen some amazing builds with walls all over the place and I have started to look at them with a lot more skepticism. I had a map with two Mega rocks and couldn’t even build up like that. I did finally get some walls up and was able to wrap towers in walls but NEVER on the scale that some people build walls. It can be done but you have to buy every stone that comes to your trader.

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Now buying every scrap of stone from traders indeed, no choice, also almost no mining in the level. So have to buy advanced tools and iron too.

Work that trader. I got over 100K gold real easy by playing the trader game. Pottery, Clothing, Beer, Candles, Hide clothing. All that raw stuff to make that is cheap to buy and you make big profit. Start buying the mats when they are at below market and sell at even or above with your finished product and you make a killing. I do have a lot of citizens making that stuff though so it a slight burden on the city but the money more than makes up for it.


My second town, they’re all happy and fed. I’ve tried to break up the grid to make it feel a lot more realistic. All the money and valuables are stored in the central citadel, no raider has ever reached it. Although I’ve had some outer wall breaches.


Thats a lot like mine, but raiders can reach the back of my trader area but run into towers on a Mountain and ( 9 of them ) behind a wall and the fort with 8 men inside. lol they die pretty fast because for them to come that way they have to make a very round about way so their numbers drop before they even get there. Coming in to my city the other way they have to deal with a double stager line of towers. If they are attacking one there are 3 more that can be shooting them.

These all have walls around the bottom then i got my 3 tower two wall defense spots inside those. The Raiders knock down fences might destroy a wall on the towers, maybe loot a house but die before they get out of town. 140 didn’t make it 50% into the town lol. If they make it in they never make it out. The only ones that survive are the ones that want to kick fences. lol

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My new 0.7.5 city Valbury is nearing 300 inhabitants and will reach Tier 4 soon.

This time around I’ve tried to break up the grid like aesthetic a little bit, with the road system doing a great part towards that goal.

Of course the heavy, unpleasant industry has to live on the edge of town, but not to far from the storage area.