Settlement Showcase - Share your creations!

i have been rerolling my maps for a week now … :frowning: I can’t find one i am interested in building on.


The central hill - the fortress with the upper and lower castle, together with parts of the sub-castle - the southern and northern town.

I hope you like it. :wink:




how are you zooming out so far?

Awesome location for a sand mine.

flatten, flatten, flatten… lol

How about a smallpox wave in the middle of an attack :slight_smile:

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In my first city (currently 500+), I used an easy mode to let me build in the way I like facing only small event challenges. I wanted to keep it as much irregular as I could, and to enjoy the creation of a large cultivated wilderness with sparse settlements.

Here is my main town, which is wealthy and well developed, with roads and lanes map not following a full regular pattern.

Crops and orchards are spread especially in the east side of the town, with a very irregular road network connecting all the locations. Some roads go further east to reach ore deposits and other points of interest. Some small villages are also built near farthest cultivations, with some little services for them (well, rat catcher, cell, and compost yard).

Procuctive area is mostly concentrated on a small area close enough to the main town to be served fastly, but far enough to avoid desiderability malus. A road network starts here to reach mines and quarries (and when they’ll be depleted, the trading post is built in the town’s side facing the productive area).

The west side has some other crops, orchards, and a field for livestocks. This area is less populated due to the less fertility.

And here are outskirts. As happened for many ancient towns, not everybody lived inside the walls, some live just out, near gates. Some can be poor, some others can be relatively wealthy.


A nice Lightning.


Hi, how to take a screenshot like this? I do not have this zoom! :slight_smile:

My latest town: Vegaland

Tried 2 things. To make a vegetarian city and put in place a layout that tries to maximize the desirability for all houses (of course the edges have less).
101 manors, 9 large houses and 2 homesteads that really don’t want to upgrade after lots of years now.

Lots of decorations, yet a lot of people in kind of a small footprint.

Maximum desirability: 141%
Minimum desirability: 79%


Your town makes me with I could go into first person and walk around it and the country side! What a nice and very inviting city, thank you for sharing it.


New setup, second medium setting game, choose to go big with the wall, took a while, but it is complete!

Edit; all in stone now

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In autumn I love my city very much! :heart_eyes:


The same here!


Currently tier 2 with active “to tier 3 upgrade” button


That was my screen background on my PC for like 2 yrs.

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Best game ever in my opinion and it’s an early access! Good job Crate Entertainment! :slight_smile:

Here is som pictures of my level 3 town :smiley: