Settlement Showcase - Share your creations!

Agreed! and your town looks great :ok_hand:

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My run at a 1000 pops and 1mil gold on a small arid vanquisher map with no walls/gates and no roads, has been stopped by the slideshow headache. So this is as far as I got.

2x2 blocks of houses surrounded by small gardens is very effective. Having overlapping markets seems to help insure they keep shelters stocked.

With efficient farms and barns you can feed a lot of people on meat cheese and vegetables.

Map seed is 24EFDD4C000 small, if you want to try it out.

Significant use of flatten terrain tool lets you build very effective walls to shoot down from and funnel enemies through a choke point.

You can run max size herds without ever shifting grazing or pressing the manual slaughter button, if you set them up well.


I’d like to share with you my defensive hills.

Here it’s The Pine hill that protects the industry district

Golden hill to protect fields and rural quarters

And Snow Twin Peaks that guard town center

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This is what I love about this game… its so much more than building a city to win… it’s create YOUR city and you just fall in love with the creation more than “what is the end goal”. But at the same time it is more than just a sandbox, there are actual challenges and objectives. Wonderful game!


Fantastic. Eveyone’s creativity is amazing to see. Some have such straight crisp and pressed cities, and then you see this one and you looks like the best place to live! It looks organic and safe. The creativity of the game and the players is just amazing!


Agree, the amazing thing about this game is the randomness. Every single time we start a new map we know that it will look completely different because the resources and the terrain will be completely different that will force us to plan different than last game. If we choose to play on easy without enemies that town will look different and doesn’t need to be compacted into one spot and can be more spread out for example.

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Here is how I have been setting up my city center:

It can stand a lot of early attacks. The really nice thing is that the towers cover each other. For some reason I like putting the theater right there on the corner.


Details like this make me happy!


One of my town squares


I love all of the details- the little things I see if I take the time to zoom in on something.
The attention to detail makes me smile. :slight_smile: :slightly_smiling_face:
We all float down here… the levitating people make me grin. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Pole beans. As a farmer- I love the pole beans. They make me unreasonably happy. :smiley:

Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow lives here… going to be a hot time in the city tonight!

Never turn you back on a baby cow- they will get up to no good!

The kids are alright- people say they do nothing, but I keep catching them carrying stuff to the stockyards.


Yeah, it’s really well done. You’ve seen the 2 Journey Logs on the artwork side yes?

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Bier Garten fur Oktoberfest!


Come at me bro!


Suggestion, wall your towers out of the inbound path, then to attack your towers, another wall needs breaching.


Started a new town with one rule: no straight roads. Love the result!

Update: Tier 3, love it even more with the cobblestone roads:


Yeah that map is saved locally to my laptop which I haven’t used since moving back to my main rig…I want to eventually go back to that map, when I do - I will share the seed for anyone still interested :+1:

I honestly love the detail that villagers will briefly go into the graveyard, turn and look at a headstone or group of headstones. Grieving for friends or family members who passed away from old age, illness, or were killed by hostile wildlife or raiders. They stop, look down, and then head back out to their jobs.
The little detail of flowers planted in front of the headstones… love that.


The results of some of my farming and pasture efforts.


Diamantina, an hexagonal city of 1k inhabitants.

I gain so much gold that next stage is to build a huge army for those cases where I get invaded by 250 plated raiders with 4 rams.
(between raids I had to deactivate my 148 guards so that houses upgrade to next levels … stupid that I have to do that)


My NON efficient Mountain Settlement - Malcaifa.