Soulrend reaper or basically any reaper is pretty far behind the good builds though. A small buff would not make him op at all. I like the idea of adding cold/acid RR to ill omen (either via items or to the skill itself). Values should not be very high though (maybe 20% at softcap and 30% at hardcap).
How about turning all stacking RR multiplicative?
It’s already nearly everywhere - it’s even in my ale.
That said, the class isn’t exactly impressive. Still, somehow, I find the idea to put even more RR into the game somehow revolting. :undecided:
Doesn’t necro already get generic flat RR on Ravenous Earth?
It’s an on-death proc which is worthless against bosses.
A good solution would actually be to simply increase the acid RR on rumor to 35
EDIT: Now that I think about, wouldn’t it be an elegant solution to simply LOWER the acid resistance of enemies by 10%?
I don’t really checked it for FG content, but in AoM acid/poison was like one of the least resistant damage types among enemies worth caring about. :undecided:
I don’t know why you insist on necro having acid resistance. There’s like three builds that could make use of it:
- Deathguard reaper.
- Blight Fiend
- Acid RE
Deathguard obviously requires a set, so it makes more sense to buff set instead if it needs help. Blightfiend idk, didn’t sigatrev said it’s ok right now in this very thread? Then it leaves just acid RE - one pretty exotic playstyle enabled by offhand. I’d buff offhand instead if it’s necessary.
You can argue that other builds might emerge if you add acid RR to necro, and I did ask if you have something in mind earlier. I for one aren’t going to get necro just for acid RR, because other classes have stuff like %damage, flat damage, dedicated exclusives in addition to acid RR.
Going to object to that, it would help poison builds too much. They don’t need the help imo.
I don’t know what the answer here is guys. But acid damage is in a pretty sorry state outside of the OK class. DG reaper has always been pretty crap (relative speaking).
We considered this when we added more RR to Thermite Mines last patch, but ultimately decided against it.
Rather than yelling about Acid desperately needing help all across the forum, it would be much more helpful to list builds that you think are struggling and why.
If that’s the case then it makes sense to buff other acid classes instead. Adding acid RR to necro won’t solve the problem, just increase the number of sorry-tier acid masteries by 1.
Sure, I don’t know what the solution is - but it’d be nice to have a discussion
I found this thread in an attempt to claim the same thing with the contents of the OP.
I think it would be better to have RR in the skill base than to add Ill omen mod to the set.
In that case, there is no need to add a new ill omen mod to Deathguard, and in Radaggan you can give another bonus to the space in the RR part of the ll omen mod or change to another skill mod.
It also increases the range of weapon and item choices.
In a mastery combo that lacks -%RR, items that include -%RR are essential in order to perform well even against highly resistant enemies. Those without them are not actively selected.
This is a current idea and my opinion may change depending on the v1.1.5.0 content planned for next month. Anyway, wait for the update!
Yup, this thread is still very relevant till now.
Ill omen is not a very good RR skill though as it has a very high CD. Also it has confuse which scatter enemy all over the place.
Personally, I prefer crate to buff Necro universally instead with more stats and res.
Edit: gonna make my own thread
I agree. Necro have some own issues but aren’t stats and resistances the important problems?
12 posts were split to a new topic: Multilingual Discussion
Didn’t see that coming.
On topic: I don’t think Necro should have innate Acid RR, which is probably the one thing that keeps Acid RE from being completely overpowered. The damage type is very easy to fully convert to Acid/Poison and there are a lot of damage modifiers for it.
A well-placed Acid RR skill modifier on a Legendary item for underperforming combos could be good though.
Edit: just saw the whole Acid RE thing has been discussed already.
How about acid DE retal oppressor?
Looks really creative. I don’t know enough about retal to give an informed opinion, but it definitely warrants testing.
LMK if you get around to doing it. Consider my curiosity piqued.
Even with -25% monster DA with an additional -240 DA shred, crucible clear time is around 8min 15s.
Clear time goes up to about 9min 30s when you remove fevered rage, and go for more offensive devotions (i.e. OA + crit from ulzuin’s torch).
I don’t speak for the devs but I would wager that from their PoV both of those times are fine and prove that build is more than viable.
Remember back when Crucible was considered hard just to get to the end? Nowadays it’s a speedrunning contest and I don’t think that’s a step in the right direction.
You mention that build has several specific problems such as the gaps in OA/DA and the Energy reg.
It’s fine if those were addressed in some way if they are demonstrable outliers but adding RR, one of the most powerful stats, is too much of a good thing and it never ends.
I think what gets me down is that, at the end of the day, it’s being barely held together by 2 impossible-to-get m.i’s.
So unless you have GDstash, the radaggan cabalist isnt going to see any action in the crucible.
Edit: right you are about RR. That other post I made was way back in April and is certainly obsolete now. Better stats would be exactly what acid neess
Yeah, my point was that that’s probably more a problem with that set and/or other items supporting it, maybe it needs a little more.
But adding RR to the class would probably just lead to other power creep problems.