Skulls & Bones - Pet Ritualist

Build updated for 1.2
Older build available in the 2nd post/comment of the thread


Hi Maya. Can i ask you the devotion order for this masterpiece? (idk with the new version, but i saw nice buffs on Tree of Life) also is this build better than the ghol cabalist with the gun? Thanks a ton in advance

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Devotions -

Purple > Shepherd’s Crook > Remove Purple >
Hammer > Nighttalon > Fiend > Yellow >
Stag > Remove Yellow > Lotus > Blue >
Typhos > Behemoth > Bysmiel’s Bonds >
Mogdrogen > Rattosh

We are not going Tree + Ishtak here because Mogdrogen route provides much more Damage atm while Behemoth offering comparable safety to the player even without Tree.

I haven’t really played Ghol based pet builds since Unstable Anomaly Blightfiend playstyle got nerfed back in, so can’t comment on that :sweat_smile:

i see. i tried a bysmiel set conjurer with tree of life, maiden ecc and it works quite well, now leveling a lost souls cabalist (i think it has more damage than my conjurer but kinda squishy). Was curious about ritualist, but it’s hard to miss all the good skills on Occultist.

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Maya, do you think going full Vitality is better in current patch than full chaos (via Mythical Fiendgaze)?

Either should be fine, but Vitality offers a ton more RR, making me gravitate towards it for DPS.

Immortal Skeletons are Back

(Until they get nerfed next patch)

Awesome build, thank you very much. Is it anything I can help you with some tests ?

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What kind of tests do you mean? :yum:

Anything to help with optimization the build.
I see you’ve changed items on build right now ?

Build is designed for immortal (or near immortal) skeletons vs Callagadra atm :sweat_smile:
I don’t like resummoning pets, so :stuck_out_tongue:

Me neither, those damn skeletons are so often lost in void :sweat_smile:, still 0% stun reduction might be a problem ?

Nope, Stun Res is not really that important on pet builds unless the build is too glassy or trying deep SR.

Purple > Shepherd’s Crook > Remove Purple >
Hammer > Nighttalon > Fiend >
Blue > Stag > Lotus >
Typhos > Behemoth > Bysmiel’s Bonds >
Mogdrogen > Rattosh

I was following this and at Stag what I lacked was a yellow to start it instead of blue.

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ah, right. my bad. will correct it :+1:

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Can i use this build as starter? Or another skele build.

There is extremely high item requirement, so I wouldn’t recommend it :frowning:

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why are the skeles immortal? :slight_smile: i like it…

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I took every bit of Pet Physical Resistance I could get :joy:

With the changes in 1.2, Physical Resistance for both players and pets are in higher demand than before. Most of the options got nerfed because devs want to promote a more “active” gameplay, but doing that with pets is just frustrating, so instead we go full lazy mode with what we have left :sunglasses:

@Maya Mayby we can swap mark of illusions on rings for something else ?