Skulls & Bones - Pet Ritualist


There seems to be a market for old bones and weird ghosts. So, this is kind of my attempt on trying my hand at that.

  • [Pet] [1.2.1] (sr+) Skulls & Bones - Pet Ritualist (Maya)

    • Damage: Pets
    • Active Skills: Raise Skeletons, Reap Spirit, Bone Harvest, Call of the Grave, Devouring Swarm
    • Passive Skills: Primal Bond, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Mogdrogen’s Ardor, Presence of Might (x2)


Reap GrimTools Link:


Callagadra, The Scion of Sands:
Took around 2:15 minutes image

Took around 1:50 minutes image

Crate of Entertainment:
Took around 30 seconds image

Ravager of Flesh:
Took around 2 minutes image

Crucible 170 with extra Spawns, without Blessings:
Took around 6 minutes image

SR 80:
Took around 3:30 minutes image


How to Level

Since the above build is an endgame build, use the information provided below for leveling.


Everything into Physique, except for when you need to invest into Cunning or Spirit to meet the required stats for equipping items.


Start as Necromancer-

We will be focusing on Skeletons first before respec’ing halfway through, into Blight Fiends & Reap Spirit and then going back to invest points in Skeletons later on. The reason for this is that Skeletons struggle Mid-game and hence the shifting of focus for a bit helps make things a bit easier.

Since we are going for a Ritualist, it is recommended that you put enough points in Shaman early on, to get a 16/16 Briarthorn before going back to focus on the Necromancer Side. However, do note that it is optional and not necessary for success.


  • Purple > Shepherd’s Crook > Remove Purple >

  • Blue > Eel > Red > Viper > Remove Blue >

  • Green > Raven > Murmur >

  • Yellow > Lotus > Remove Raven >

  • Manticore > Remove Green >

  • Panther > Crane > Sailor’s Guide > Hound >

  • Ishtak > Tree of Life (4 points for Healing Rain)


  • Lvl 10 – 16/16 Raise Skeletons, 1/12 Undead Legion.

  • Lvl 20 – 14/16 Summon Blight Fiend, 12/12 Undead Legion, 1/16 Ravenous Earth (RE).

  • Lvl 30 – 16/16 Summon blight Fiend, 12/12 Rotting Fumes, 6/12 Will of the Crypt.

  • Lvl 40 – Remove points from RE, Raise Skeletons and its nodes, 12/12 Blight Burst, 1/1 Unstable Anomaly, 16/16 Reap Spirit, 11/12 Master of Death.

  • Lvl 50 – 1/12 Spectral Binding, 1/10 Spectral Wrath, 16/16 Raise Skeletons, 1/12 Undead Legion.

  • Lvl 60 – 12/12 Master of Death, 12/12 Undead Legion, 8/10 Spectral Wrath.

  • Lvl 70 – 10/10 Spectral Wrath, 12/12 Will of the Crypt, 8/10 Call of the Grave.

  • Lvl 80 – 10/10 Call of the Grave, 10/10 Mark of Torment, 1/16 Bone Harvest, 1/12 Dread, 6/12 Soul Harvest.

  • Lvl 90 – 12/12 Soul Harvest, 1/16 RE, 12/12 Decay.

  • Lvl 94 – Respec as needed, according to the build you are going for.

(Click to Expand)



Another one for good measure. Won’t need anymore hopefully

Yeah, me too.



You actually misspelled “reserving” and didn’t realize even when I quoted it. :smile:

I have been spelling it as reserbirb on purpose for a while now…

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Oh… I didn’t see the “birb” there. I thought you just misspelled it. :smile:

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No one expects the birbnquisition :bird:

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:rofl: 10char

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Decided to go full on meme build and include Og’Napesh, because Skeleton. Still need further testing, however.

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Is Og Napesh pet good?

Skeletons,birbs is there any Skeleton birds? :skull:

Oggy is mostly for the meme potential. Can be replaced with something else if needed. My other choice for offhand would probably be M.Reaper of the Accursed.

Definitely need Skeletons with wings. However, needs to be this instead:

The best birb is a dragon,fact :dragon_face:

Don’t have access to emoji menu from my phone,so that will do :laughing:

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Testing done. It is slow as expected, due to lack of proper amounts of RR and the dmg type being Vitality.

But damn those things can take a beating and are hard to kill.

The player on the other hand, can die pretty easily if you are not careful.

I still prefer my Diviner + Trinkets Cabalist, by a mile. But for anyone interested in Skeletons and a Lazy skeleton build at that, this one is kind of interesting.

Also note that this thing is horrible against superbosses, as expected of Skeleton builds.

I’m a newbie in pets, so maybe don’t understand many things, but isn’t Soul Harvest great for pets? Especially considering the amount of them at your disposal.

Also, last 2 points in Undead legion… Aren’t they pretty useless?

Also, have you tried full vitality? On my Cabalist I managed to squeeze Rattosh, Bysmiel’s Command, Shepherd’s call and Nature’s Guardian, which seems fine on paper in terms of RR and important pet procs. Also Rattosh is no-cd, so skellies proc it real fast.
Haven’t tried the thing outside campaign + 25 shard in SR. Did fine by my standards, except Kuba. MC Kuba is a big no-no, unless you have a lot of time and patience…

Soul Harvest is indeed great for Skeleton Builds. But I find myself lacking skill points.

As for the devotion setup, I wanted to go full defensive spec. It was the only way I personally could play a skeleton build. I prefer beefier pets and lazy play style, so that mind set kind of carried over.

Think of this as a meme build that is viable instead of thinking of it as a proper well optimized one.

Major updates to the build. Traded Og’Napesh for 3x Reap Spirits. It plays much better now :blush:

Also Rabagur done. Honestly didn’t expect it since you know… skeletons. But they do…

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I’m surprised you spent two devition points in Obelisk of Menhir for some defense instead of adding at least one more point in Light of Empyrion where you get +3 to max. aether and chaos resistance and +5 max. to all pet resistances. Is there any thought behind this?

+5% Player’s DA > +3% Aether & Chaos res and +5% max on Pet Res.

I rather keep the extra 147 DA.

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