Skulls & Bones - Pet Ritualist

Something like this:

Yellow crossroad
Red crossroad
Viper or Wretch
Staff of Rattosh
Remove Red crossroad
Eel or Sailor Guide
Dying God

And then use the rest to focus on whatever you want, likely pet devos in the purple or blue area.

Example of route: Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator. It feels very glass canon though, without heals.
edit: another one with Ishtak and Tree of life: Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator (having Dying God but not Shepherd feel wrong though).

Build updated for

Less than 8 min Cally kills Ayy

Build updated -

  • SR 120 done
  • 6:30min Callagadra done
  • Ravager killed without a single pet dying
  • Crate done
  • Dirge of Arkovia pet added back in build to fit the Skeletal theme even more

(Revenant of Og’Napesh is still useless outside of leveling
 and even then it is questionable)



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Thanks for the update, impressed by your job as usual.

Mythical Wildshorn legguards as pants?

Dropping Manticore (since Ishtak gives flat RR now) and gettinig Shepherd’s Crook instead?

Mythical Fiendmaster Rainment as chest?

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Ty, ty :3

I considered both. My main reason was Pet Elemental Resistance taking a sizable hit with Fiendmaster (along with 1 less Skeleton) and Wildshorn without Fiendmaster making the already low Pet Aether resistance even lower.

I originally used Mog’s Ardor for the same reason since I was concerned about leaving Aether and Chaos resistance uncapped.

But unlike Aether/Chaos, Elemental damage is pretty common and I wanted to avoid struggling against it in SR.

Ofcourse, for superbosses (outside of Moggy) and SR 75-76, both can be considered.

Reason is Ishtak’s downtime + activating only on hit, even ignoring the 10 less RR.
My SR run was more or less standing a screen away while pets formed a wall and slowly killed whatever was on the other side. So, yeah

But for superbosses and SR 75-76, it might still work.

If needing extra tankiness, switching to Bysmiel’s Domination is also an option since it killed Cally in similar time and would be stronger with Fiendmaster’s. Plus, you need to get hit to proc Bysmiel’s anyway, so

 dis might work - Cabalist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
I will test it later

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Thanks, all points are valid.

Thematically Dirge of Arkovia fits so nicely here, and flat Vitality damage from Necrolord Shroud is still converted to chaos in any case.

Scaled Hide as component in pants? Do you still need extra Bleed/Pierce res from Silk Swatch (outside of Callagadra fight)?

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It was mostly for the overcap on bleed res for Cally and Ravager, but yeah, that can be safely swapped for Hide or anything else.

Also, I tried with Bysmiel + Fiend chest + Wildshorn + swapped Manticore for Shepherds

Why can’t I seem to get a faster Cally kill NotLikeThis

I mean, I can kind of guess why, but I did not expect that the times will be the same :rofl:

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So you have discovered another way to build it without loss of efficiency :slight_smile: Good to know

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Can anyone give me an advice on how to progress, finished the game on Ultimate without much issues. Been farming some totems but nothing meaningful as of now, got some items but no lost set pieces. Tried SR, could potentially get to SR 30, MAYBE, but not above that pretty sure. I have some of the pieces for maya’s chaos build but without Lost Souls set its pointless and i am better of playing the build i am currently using i assume? I don’t really like dying god and revenant at all as they make me very fragile , was thinking of respecing but i will lose a lot of damage, any tips? Thanks in advance guys! My build - Cabalist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

There are several things I would recommend.
I would respec the devotions to this: Cabalist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator it is less damage but will feel much better and with korvaak recently being buffed you don’t really lose that much damage.
I would also recommend some components to your rings and amulet: “Mark of Illusions” . Your DA is quite low. You also need components on the rest of your gear pieces. Note, constitution is basically worthless.

As for farming. Totems are pretty good when you have nothing. If you are going to do SR then I recommend leveling up in SR normal it is much easier and when you get up to SR-75 you will still get lots of legendaries, etc.

Skeletons are also not one of the best pet builds in general. They seem collectively to perform as well as any other single pet with the exception of having better AOE but much worse survivability. When you get them geared they will do fine but you will still have to micromanage them to keep them alive.

Imo, just switch to Normal and farm SR 75-76 there. You can take Tree of Life if you want a bit of healing to offset Dying God’s HP drain, but will have to give up Shepherd’s for it though - Cabalist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

 no, never. Korvaak is useless.

I will politely disagree with your assessment of korvaak. 150% all damage 5% OA and 6% crit damage is not useless by any stretch of the imagination. As well the petrify on the proc does wonders for keeping things rooted which allows the pets to do unabated damage.
Please see the following as evidence to my argument: ă‚«ă‚Șă‚čç«ç‚Žăƒă‚”ăƒŸăƒ ă‚·ă‚šăƒ‡ă‚Łă‚·ăƒ§ăƒł SR100æ™‚é–“ć†…ă‚ŻăƒȘケ【grimdawn】 - YouTube A SR-100 run with time left utilizing the Korvaak devotion.

That is not Tier 3 devotion stats by any stretch of imagination either. Shepherd’s gives way more than that for much less

Petrification is useless against everything except trash mobs since bosses get CC resistance.

That has nothing to do with Korvaak and that build is
 not using the full beastcaller’s when no slot is blocked is a straight up crime. Korvaak is the least of the issues with it.

EDIT - Even a highly defensive build can do SR 100 with time left on the clock

(Cutting it really close, I know. But, the build was made to facetank Cally. Damage was not exactly a priority)

Cabalist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator, can i switch over to this build if i only have the boots, potentially craft bysmael’s domination, legs, the offhand for full chaos conversion from physical, the amulet and the chest. NO rings or lost set pieces so probably a No go? Gonna feel not having 2 hellhounds probably
 And thanks for the previous advice, will try it althoughi will lose some pet elemental resistances!

Without the rings, might be better to go with Dying God since your damage will be split between chaos/vitality and Dying God’s proc gives +570% damage to both (pets get the entire thing and not just the stuff under “bonus to pets” since Hungering Void is an aura).

Can’t comment on Skeletons without Lost Soul Set since I mostly recommend against Skeletons altogether if lacking the Set, but people have had success without it, so shouldn’t be an issue. While a bit old, you can also check this out - [] Skelemancer Cabalist -> Crucible 5:08/ SR 100/ Ravager + Mogdrogen + Crate/ 75-76 farmer

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Got most of the gear through trading recently, i was pretty sceptical about it - is mogdrogen’s ardor worth over dirge of arkovia or nah? Asking for your chaos conversion build, i honestly don’t like the pet from Dirge, its ugly and has to be resummoned sometimes which is annoying. Mog is just raw power, you can’t go wrong with, same thing with Bysmael’s domination but there you gotta get hit so
 Also, i am probably better off with manticore if i dont wanna keep the uptime of that annoying Shepherd’s crook, will probably deal a bit less damage but its probably worth it : D

you can go for it if you wish. I used to have Mog’s Ardor in the build before and switched to Dirge only recently because I wanted an extra tank.

Actually, manticore is kind of necessary regardless since you need it for the RR. Well
 that or Bysmiel’s Bonds or Revenant, but I don’t like relying on the Bys bonds Pet for RR and Revenant is not that great on a pet build.

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Thanks for the quick responses, Maya, you’re the best! I also don’t like revenant, will replace it as soon as i get all the gear pieces. Its really nice that most people trade a legendary for a few blooms, which are very easily farmable btw :D. I mean, i got the whole lost set for 8 blooms per pieces and i can farm 32 blooms in like what? Below an hour and thats guaranteed!

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Potential GrimTools for 1.2 ^

(Items provide more skill points & Rings provide Aether res in 1.2, but since GT is still in, that is not shown in the link)

3Min Cally, 2:30min - 3min Ravager of Minds & 30sec - 1min Crate.

Skeletons have been better than ever before with the recent changes :ok_hand: