Hello, another pets build from me. I wanted to make skeletons somehow work and I had good results both in damage and consistency, all content can be cleared and farming is very comfortable. The only problem is Callagadra due to skeletons fragile nature, fight is very long so I do not label it as “Cally viable”.
I experimented with Chaos version too but damage vs superbosses was horrible, it’s basically impossible to take RR outside of one devotion.
I see this concept (HC version) was already posted by our pet master @Duskdeep86, you can check his version there: [ -] Lost souls Set | Death's Gate Skeleton Update | Vit | Pet Cabalist
Offensive devotions for pets are Rattosh and Mogdrogen, we need this RR for comfortable boss fights. Our character can survive very good with Behemoth + Dryad. I do not use flat RR anywhere because it’s on the weapon and we can apply it both with BH and spirits.
On our 2 rares it’s important to have resistances, build has troubles with it. +2 raise of skeletons bonus can be covered without problem, explained in section below.
Helmet - we need it for CDR and survivality. I tested Ascendant Cowl but it’s worse, lower survivality and it can screw Crucible runs - if we want to review like 2-3 skeletons in last wave we review 7 of them, so half of our minions lose buffs. Aim for resistances and pets stats.
Rings - just for damage. If we do not have any mods on rares for skeletons go for 1-2x Mythical Marrow Band (+2 raise skeletons) or even Wendigo Conjuring Seal (Barrowholm faction).
Medal - for more summons, go for pet stats and resistances, like in case of helmet.
Weapon - CDR and survivality for our skeletons, next thing is vitality->physical conversion.
Amulet - again -> CDR, also temporary damage boost is usefull.
Rest of our armory - resistances and skillpoints, nothing to explain. However for player survivality Mythical Footpads of Grey Magi can be better.
Relic - I take Mogdrogen mostly because of defenses for our minions, it’s very important. Dirge of Arkovia is very good choice too but survivality of pets goes down.
Crucible 5:08, can be faster probably with some fishing and little bit slower average.
SR 100 with Kaisan - this build is not the best for sr pushing, correct pulling 1vs1 is necessary. You can’t pull Fabius, Kaisan or Sentinel first, whole map can be needed to kite and survive. For Benjahr changed boots for Grey Magi.
Crate boss in ~40 seconds
Ravager 3:40
Mogdrogen 2:22
Average 75-76 run under 10 minutes