Skulls & Bones - Pet Ritualist

You can, sure. But, I kind of like the extra mana regen since going mogdrogen route without scythe.

I followed your guide and have gotten mostly what you have above. Build attached here:

I played this soft core and didn’t die once while finishing main campaign and farming for items. I think it is time to attempt Ravager of flesh. Any pointers before going in? Is it going to be kite fest? Since I geared up I have only lost a single skeleton on an enhanced spirit totem (not the ancient, the middle notch). But since I only summon 4 skeletons at a time and the cooldown is lengthier than with the ascended cowl I am kind of hesitant.

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Hi :wave:

Build was slightly changed for latest patch.
But your current setup is also fine. Make sure to 26/16 Skeletons though.

Regarding Ravager of Flesh, don’t let your pets stand in his blood pools too long. Other than that, should be easy.

SR 95 done, but rather risky due to how much damage enemies can output, so deep into SR -

Thanks for response. This is an SSF character so haven’t done the SR stuff yet. The absolute worst is to do SR for like 7 shards and then have the game crash. Going 5 then getting out with waystone blueprint avoids that but then you have to repeat the last shard to move on - very frustrating. Got extremely lucky with Hyram on the off-hand - maybe the luckiest I ever got with this game. Not so much luck with BOC for the rings. But this build chewed through Bourbon and Lokarr. Bravo and thanks!

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I would love to make such a build, but i haven’t played GD in a very long time, is there a relevant levleing/guide place for something like this? Like at least devotion progression and rough skill progression?

The rings are from Darkvale Gate boss, not Bastion of Chaos :yum:

You can actually vendor farm those rings in BOC rather than continually farming Darkvale Gate boss. Similar to vendor farming the Fleshwarped Archive from Hyram in Steelcap District. In about 40 minutes of farming BOC vendor I got two with ‘of the untamed’ suffix. Since they were each ‘stalwart’ prefix I figured the extra DA was a good compromise over the additional damage of the ‘subjugators’ prefix. What I am unclear about is if farming Thull’Nash gets you better affixes in general or if it is more efficient doing the vendor thing in BOC. I can certainly tell you that farming Lunal’Valgoth especially for a specific set of affixes is a royal pain! Any remotely pet-related affix on the specific belt is good enough for me. :smile:

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Ah, ok. Thought for a second you were trying to drop them from BoC’s boss :sweat_smile:

Regarding the affixes, we only need Untamed and even that is only so that our pets have as much physical resistance as possible :yum:

Hi Maya,
thx for the Build. Why you have Coven Warding Powder on some items? Do we need 82% Ele Res Overcap, also Coven Black Ash on other items?!

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May i ask: This build and the tanky bleed guide, which is more fun? And do you have any up to date guide (1.2) to level up this beauty (the tanky bleed one got leveling guide so it is easier to follow). I try to follow the pdf version but it skip the skeleton mid game that is kind of less fun for me :smiley:

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Coven Black Ash can be swapped for something else since we have an overabundance of pierce resistance.

Regarding Coven Warning Powder, it was simply because mogdrogen has 80% lightning RR. The 18% light res augment is from kymon’s chosen so I wanted to avoid using that.

I suppose you could replace some of these with health or DA augments instead.

Personally, I prefer conjurer over cabalist / ritualist since pet conjurers tend to be tankiner and safer to play. But, I suppose fun is subjective and in the end, either is fine.

Regarding a proper leveling guide, I unfortunately don’t have one for 1.2 other than the small one in the how to level section of the pdf. The reason is because I find Pet Cabalist / Ritualist to be much more item dependent than before and I haven’t been able to make a proper “budget” setup for those.


I’m stupid, so pardon me for the dumb question… how can those vendors be farmed? i mean like make them resupplying their stock for different affixes without doing the BOC again

Move away into another area in there for a little while and then go back to the vendor again. Should have reset their wares.

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Great question. You go into BOC and finish first level. Finish second level too and check the vendor while there. As soon as you get to third level stay put for about 10 seconds then go back to second level. The vendor inventory will be refreshed. If he doesn’t have what you want then walk back to 3rd level for 10 seconds and repeat the process. The bloodsworn signet rings tend to have pet affixes because they are pet items themselves anyway so it shouldn’t require too much back and forth to get a decent ring (of the wild, of the untamed, etc.). You can do the same kind of thing in Ancient Grove for the vendor there or in Tomb of the Heretic. Always go to the next level or the previous level - whichever one is closest - and wait 10 seconds for the vendor to refresh. Then go back and check.

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One question, Maya. I was looking at the latest Lost Souls build posted after 1.2 (the lightning pets one) and someone said vitality is the worse damage type after the nerfs. Can lightning skeletons or Chaos skeletons be better than vitality builds rn? Thanks in advance


Vitality is currently the best for pets.

okay, that’s good to hear. another thing, can superbosses be done wiuthout all of the tonics (i mean, i’m not exactly an expert and i dont exactly know which tonics are used but i guess some gives resistances for a time)

You don’t need those for killing superbosses with pet builds.

Using tonics is mostly for non pet builds since there, the player has the boss’s attention all the time instead of having your pets tank for you.