SPOILER ALERT: Lore Discussion

If Yugol wins, will it also consume Ch’thon and the Void?

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the answer to that question would probably never exist (because yugol is about nothingness)

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most likely not. They both seem to be the two sides of the same coin, existance/non-existance, wich is rather fucked up given how much either side of the universe wants to screw us.


wow I dint notice that…humm…that is intresting indeed…


I’m sorry if someone has suggested or done this, but it seems it’s time for the Encyclopedia of Grim Dawn, which details the timeline of events and the relationship between the characters. While there are other reasons for this Archived Lore, i have my own reason.

I have discovered the modding tools and LOVE creating maps (except for the damnable bugs)! I am a creative writer and have developed a side storyline in the world of Cairn involving the Rovers. In researching their history, i found little info on the subject.

I dont know about other modders, but it’s important to me that i dont run afoul of the given history of the established saga – what everyone else would call the canon. Modders want to develop stories that work within the established story, so it’s more easily accepted and “believed.”

Perhaps someone could compile all the knowledge of the Grim Dawn world into a pdf or webpage, differentiating between the “truth” and “fiction” of the lore, so that we modders have something we can use to work in our stories. This will also inspire smaller, more compact mods with more limited storylines that would maintain interest in this franchise, so to speak.


Small subject I’ve never considered or seen mentioned but want to touch upon. It’s a little lore-related but also gameplay/developer related but I’ve only now taken notice of the Avatar amulet descriptions:


A pity that virtues four through seven don’t have items. Would have made for more avenues for interesting concepts for skill modifiers and stats, and it would be curious to see what principles they represent or if any have been corrupted like the Avatar of Chaos by the forces beyond like the Aetherials, Yugol, Korvaak etc. :smile:


+1, I always wondered about these! For a long time, I thought I was just missing the rest of the seven. :smiley: Would have been extremely cool to see the rest of them, for sure.


they remind me of dreeg’s nunbered series of plague items. sadly, like many artifacts of cairn and beyond, they got lost due to grim dawn. which also makes me wish the 3 witch cults do historical and record keeping of cairn seriously, because the resistances certainly don’t have the spare men and time to do that considering the enemies all around.

the avatar of chaos amulet was perhaps a corrupted form of the virtue freedom. because freedom is like the good version of chaos, and there’s no way chaos would be called a virtue among all them good names.

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Avatar od chaos would be corrupted version of avatar of order in my opinion.

Freedom have nothing to do with chaos.

At least that’s what I think :slight_smile:


but that means the second and third sacred virtues of cairn’s humanity are both avatar of order… one is the pure order while the other is order…?

imagine avatar last airblender aang intro:
water… earth… fire… wind… also another wind…
thats derpy. its like if chaos damage in grim dawn had a twin named chaos-y damage…

or maybe its like the twin opposite alignment of lawful good and lawful evil. both want order and laws but through different style… while lawful stupid is the 3rd unwanted sibling to confuse people even more…

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Chaos and Order imply no intrinsic good or bad. Neither is a ‘corruption’ of the other and having elements of each would be a virtue. Chaos - Change, Growth, Creativity. Order - Foundation, Strength, Tradition.

Taken to an extreme they would be both equally terrible. Chaos - Wanton destruction, anarchy, cancer. Order - Unadaptable, Rigid fragility, Merciless.


yeah, thats what i meant by freedom is the family friendly name for chaos. because they’re both about changes, adaptability and choices. maybe in grim dawn’s case chaos is considered a virtue, but that amulet of chaos was also corrupted by void dimension’s chaos damage.

so… the chaos amulet of virtue has been chaos-ed by bad kind of chaos so its a corrupted chaos amulet now, which means the previous virtue of changes choices freedom and such good labels became twisted into horrific mutations, anarchies and freedom of choices in methods of torture (void dimension in grim dawn is about pain and torture).

i wonder what kind of chaos damage the original chaos amulet offers. by default, the chaos damage of grim dawn is about destructive entropic energy that looks like red black pinkish lightning…

cue memes like “this is my pure ruby colored chaos damage build! there are many like it! but this one is mine!”


I am still reeling from the depth of the game’s lore, on my last playthrough I read everything I could and put attention to detail and wasn’t expecting many things from the aetherials being that cruel because they were contaminated by human emotions and that they have a council that functions on another timeframe due to being on a different dimension.

Really the story on the malmouth dlc was awesome and the forgotten gods dlc only got better with the added mechanics and what not. This game is truly a masterpiece for me.


forgotten gods adds A LOT to the lore of grim dawn universe. especially about the celestials and the 3 witch gods. sadly the aetherials are lacking presence in FG for unknown reason. i was really wondering how’s the relationship between korvaak and the aetherials, and more insight about the aetherials’ history like how they’re made by the celestials, their original forms and cultures etc. it seems crate wants to save that up in the sequel or spin offs.


Look what I found in Gloomwald :upside_down_face:


korvaak must have had a tropical vacation resort in ugdenbog marshes.


After playing loong time , ı just find this only two times. İs it that rare ?

Could be that it only occasionally spawns there. There’s also one in the Burial Cave in Burrwitch Outskirts which appears from time to time (not sure if that’s Korvaak or one of the other gods though). And of course there’s the permanent one at the Shrine of the Forgotten God.

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that one ?..ı think ı seen only one time …but I have seen other one under tunels of Burrwitch many thime thouh…

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Zantai said that Chthon and Yugol are not related in any way, but the final boss of the Shattered Realm is Ekket’Zal (rather Chthonian name, especially that there is Ekket’Zul, Progenitor of Darkness in Void’s Edge ), Harbringer of Yugol his race is listed as Ch’thonian and his model is just a darker version of one of the big Ch’thonians. Is he Yugol’s own creation and the developers just didn’t care about his model and race, or is he a Ch’thonian who serves Yugol?