SPOILER ALERT: Lore Discussion

Yeah i imagine Artur`s crew are chilling off somewhere in the Caribbeans on their yachts and swimming in their rightfully earned piles of cash :slight_smile:

But hey they can always get another pile of money if they do come up with the Lore book :slight_smile:

Don’t forget that from conversations with npc’s also gives tons of lore.

He just said they were “not affiliated” in a lore thread I had started awhile ago.

What I meant was: my impression is Ch’Thon has spent so much time outside of creation or at the edge of the void that he has been driven truly mad due to such close proximity to Yugol, similar to what happened with Morgoneth.

Based on what is known of Ch’Thon and Yugol so far, and the significant amount of similar imagery and overlapping themes between them, I have the impression that they’ve become so tethered to one another that the cult of Ch’Thon had might as well just be reaching out to Yugol directly. They just don’t know any better.

Actually Ch’Thon feels the suffering and death of all mortal things created with his blood.

Dying god constellation description

In an age preceding the creation of the mortal planes, an elder god was betrayed by his children; his body torn apart and drained of blood so that they could use its power to breathe life into their own creations. His remains were cast out of creation into a void but, incapable of death, the god lingered on in the darkness, doomed to an eternity of pain and madness; feeling the suffering and death of all mortal things that were given life from his blood. His name forgotten by time, the dying god is known only as Ch’thon; he who dwells below creation.

This seems really odd to me. I would really love to know more about some gods and the relationship between them, because there are way too many overlaps among them. Yugol and Chthon are the most obvious ones, given how much we get to know/fight them in such a similar manner, and we got confirmation that Three Gods are indeed VERY related to Korvaak, a sort of big revelation of a mistery from the original campaing, but there are way to many cases left unsolved that, at the very least SHOULD have some impact in the story/lore. Im referring to Vire/Menhir, and to some extent, Empyreon. Same with Ulthos and Mogdrogen.

At some point we should get some clarification on what’s really going on, because i feel the story is loosing direction. In the very first iteration we went from dealing with aetherials (wich we left unfinished) to persecute cultist, back to aetherials/cannibals, to eldritchs primordials, and now yugol. We have way to many open fronts, and the only REAL interaction ingame are among aetherials and cultist, wich we see getting at each other between Darkvale and Fort Icon. The rowhary do essentially nothing, Mogdrogen is scratching his belly in the couch, and the Three Gods took the backdoor exit after the Korvan crisis. For such a big conflict, were a seeing way too little confrontation, most of wich we are solving by our own. I understand that thats the point of the game, but for so much foreshadowing, i would like to see a real thing done by any of the big players, because the threads are starting to loose sense. Why worry about ANYTHING when we took care of both Loghorrean and Korvaak? And the Master of Flesh, wich, btw, felt kinda flat and weak compared to the other 2 (not difficultwise, but lorewise).

A bit off-topic but I think I encountered a bug -

Well some things should be preserved for a possible GD2. I do hope for a few things to have some more light shed on them.

i don’t mind things being revealed later on, but i do think that there are things added for no real reason, Yugol being the best example. For all intents and purposes, he and Chthon are one and the same. I know they are separate entities, but from a human/player’s perspective, they fill the exact same role. They don’t want to conquer or dominate, but to swallow everything/everyone. That means one of them has a higher hierarchy, and at that point we should just cut the middle man and go straight for the badder boss, wich still has nothing to do with the actual Grim Dawn.

This is from one of the developers:

Ch’thon/the chthonic void and Yugol are not aligned.

Ch’thon most definitely has goals, I can assure you of that. :wink:


i know. But still, both sentences read veeeeery similar to me. It’s like comparing Zeus/Heracles wtih Odin/Thor. They might be different gods, but their style, demeanor and overall powers sound very similar.

Given how much of GD is inspired in Titan Quest, i wouldn’t be surprised if Chthon is Uranus and/or Chrono and Yugol is Chaos/Tartarus, but Crate gave both extremely similar roles, making the distinction a bit too blurry for my taste.

I’ll have to rethink everything… again. I admit, Ch’thon barely makes sense to me at this point. My earliest, pre-AoM concept of Ch’thon was that of a very angry and vengeful old man, god dad in hospice. His devotion description and the cult made sense, but the void always seemed weird to me. It didn’t really seem like his “realm.” It seemed like it was foreshadowing to me, based on all of the real world, dilapidated and broken structures and monuments you see scattered around it.

Then, in AoM, I really started to question it based on… basically everything involving the cult in AoM. The only thing that made sense was Barrowholm’s reason for hating the cult.

I guess I’m just over-emphasizing the importance of the tentacles theme, the shared monster design, the shattered realm, et cetera. :crazy_face:

I feel the same. Crate has branched out onto too many other threats and ignored the actual “Grim Dawn”. I would have preferred a more focused storytelling.

I can somewhat accept Korvaak because he was hinted at as the malevolent patron of Kymon’s Chosen. However, Yugol totally came out of nowhere. I guess he was conceived to give an explanation for how the Shattered Realm came to be.

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I do agree here, Yugol is great for world building but I hope he or someone closely associated with his plot doesn’t serve as an important piece in the core story. He’s a cool little guy who is to be worshipped by the “apocalyptic cults” that Sauron runs whom we can run into whilst exploring the world or doing side quests. Beyond that I don’t want him involved in the storyline at all.

The core story should focus on humanity’s struggle post the Grim Dawn imo. That’s what made the base game and AoM so good.

Reading lore notes about cultists sneaking into the ranks and sacrificing unspecting villagers to an Old God (Darkvale) was awesome. Notes about poor people complaining about odd smell and weird activities to the mayor, the ending to those notes is left vague. Then we visit the area and discover their fate (Valbury and Malmouth)


Even in that scenario, i woulded love to see that storyline built around Chthon. He checks every description on that list, we have dealt with his followers before and woulded expanded his lore, he is a true engine of the story, given that both aetherials AND KORVAAK fear him, connecting all the dots from the OC and the dlcs.
Now we have a chthonic void, a “true void”, a monstruous god with tentacles, hurt by the spear of empyreon, who wants to kill everyone, and a monster with tentacles hurt by the light of empyreon, who wants to destroy everything.
And from both takes at “apocaliptic cult”, certainly the chthonic one is FAR BETTER fleshed out (no pun intended). They have much better/deep background, and actually participate in the story. Yugol should be just as dangerous as him (if not more), and yet nobody gives a rat’s ass about him once we finished Riggs quest. With all the “cosmic” npcs around (Ulgrim, Mogdrogen, the aetherials, and even Creed), one would expect SOMEONE would at least give us a phonecall and ask wtf did we found in the desert (wich may also include FREAKING KORVAAK, apparently the death of a god is just another thuesday).

Edit: funny thing is… there is no reason why Yugol would have a constellation. He literally hates them. Is like protesting about protests.

Lol i don’t get why it’s so hard to comprehend similarities between c’thon and yugol. Yugol is a force of nature, hunger itself that consumes everything kind of like a black whole or if you know kotor 2, the sith lord of hunger Nihilus that “ate worlds”. So if you think about it, it makes a bit of sense for c’thon to resemble yugol with tentacles and stuff, his in the void, since yugol influences it, remember all the gods that tried to garner power from the void went mad, so it’s normal at least for me that everything in the void gets corrupted and twisted. C’ thon has his motivation to get whole again ie take his blood back but in doing so i think he is unwitingly preping the “dinner table” cairn for yugol. I realy like this turn of events, and enjoy a story with many characters, motivations, backstabings etc. It’s almost like early game of thrones with so many factions triyng different stuff so for me at least it’s a lot more enjoyable than a fixed story with x enemy kill it and the day is saved bla bla.

If you talk to mogdrogen in ugdenbog, he interrogate you on why there was a great disturbance and begin a conversation about korvaak and the 3 false gods. But apart from that, you are right, the other npcs don’t seem to care about the death of a god. Well, there’s still the attendant throwing a party alone in the temple of the three since he can hear the 3 again and the messenger in kymon’s faction saying you will bring the end of the world because of your actions (pretty sure he refers to the lore note “sins of the forgotten - final entry” where someone wrote how the shattered realm was swallowed by yugol because the god Ralyoth vanished and was then totally forgotten by people after some centuries.).

True. In GD2 We’ll have ch’thon, possibly a return of the aetherial (maybe as friendly faction if the elders stop the circle?) and let’s not forget the one I’m the most suspicious of : Dreeg.

The guy have just too much powers (can mindrape a vast number of people + know all the paths leading to the differents futures) and it seems he have ambition too, quoting Dreeg in the korvan elegy -part 2 “My open eyes peer through the possibilities” “Many roads to follow, but only one shines clearly before me, but one leads to my ultimate victory” "No doubts remain in the infinity. My course is set. Now I must merely ensure that the other pieces fall in line. All other threads will be cut, until the one true path remains…the path of Dreeg. "

it’s the similarities that are the problem. A good practice in storytelling is to not have too much of the same, nor have redundant characters. All the things applied to Yugol coulded been attached to Chthon, nobody woulded complain, it woulded made sense, and it wouldn’t feel forced and out of nowhere. We know Korvaak fears Chthon, therefore is reasonable to think the cultist woulded been persecuted just like Morgoneth was. The enemies we face in the dungeon are VERY similar (as, “the same” similar), with the exact same tentacles we find in the Necropolis.

We already have plenty of different factions, and i like them all, i think they are all well written and represented. But Yugol is completely unrelated. It doesn’t affect the the rest of the story, his presence doesn’t seem to have any sort of impact on anyone, and more importantly, it makes me (and others, according to this thread) think about Chthon all the damn time.

I throw Korvaak in there because he is indeed ignored by the vast majority of the relevants npcs, but im well aware that Mogdrogen refers to the event. However, when we fight Morgoneth, If what we read in the notes and the constellation is true, everybody should be going FUCKING CRAZY. Remember, we open the seal of a portal directly to the “Embodiment of Nothingness”. Aetherials, cultist, the Wendigo Spirit, Mogdrogen, Ulgrim, The Three and their mothers should be getting at the gate and nuke the shit out of that place.
Remember what happend at the Necropolis? it was a free for all because the cultist were going to release A FRACTION of Chthon’s power. How (and why) is this different, when, by all evidence, it should get worse?

I’m not 100% sure but I think it’s the ritual of Morgoneth with the Iris of Eternal Night that allows yugol’s tentacles to reach the gardens of Ateph. So I guess by bringing the Iris to Riggs, the ritual can’t continue and morgoneth’s soul stop coming back. In brief, as long Riggs is a good guy and don’t do shit with the Iris, it should be safe. As for why everyone in the world don’t stop us from opening the seal…I guess they just are not aware of it.

Or maybe we shouldn’t overthink it, after all Mazaan keep opening portals like crazy even if they lead to a world already devoured by the nothingness.

I think the issue/confusion here may lie in thinking of Yugol as an antagonist whereas it is more of a constant of the universe.

It cannot be reasoned with, it cannot be killed, it cannot be undone. It is the essence of nothingness.

In contrast, Ch’thon is a primordial elder god, the progenitor betrayed by his children, torn asunder and cast into the abyss. Incapable of ever truly dying, he yearns for the return of what was taken. His return to the mortal plane would herald a reckoning never before seen.