SPOILER ALERT: Lore Discussion

Whatever /uro has gone to investigate could be related to one of them

I wonder how the downfall of Arkovia was predicted by Mogdrogen, perhaps it has to do with the Arkovian gods.

ishtak is mentioned here:

Writings of Rolderathis - 1st Entry
The end of days is upon us! Glorious Arkovia, beacon of the west, is crumbling from within. But fear not, brothers and sisters, for we are the chosen of Ishtak.

Here, upon the sacred ground of our forefathers, awe shall be safe from the ruin brought about by the hubris of the oligarchs. Here we shall outlast the immortal plague and return to the surface as the second dawn of man.

It is with a heavy heart that I seal the entrance to our temple. May Ishtak have mercy on the damned souls beyond these walls. They will find no solace here.

Writings of Rolderathis - 2nd Entry
The Blessings of Ishtak have failed us. The wards did not protect us. The curse of Arkovia has found its way here.

We are dying, yet we cannot die. My brothers and sisters tear at each other in their growing madness, only to rise again to renew the carnage once more.

The gods have abandoned us. This wasn’t to be our salvation. This was to be our tomb…

relic aegis

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I am more interested in Ugdenbog

As time passes i less and less interested about what stew is Ulgrim cooking and more interested in Ugdenbog

What secret lies within those dark woods i wonder.


You should check the compendium :stuck_out_tongue:

Interesting point

Also, Rod’s note says

The Blessings of Ishtak have failed us

Maybe it indeed is connected.

Also, Uro’s notes

Something powerful is coming from beyond. I have sensed its approach for some time now. But like a dream or some distant memory, the details were lost to me… until now.

Thanks Dikkie, but i am well aware of Ishtak being mentioned in the current lore. :smiley: I was wondering about the devotion description of those constellations from the expansion.


I am also interested why does Mogdrogen call down the power of Ultos.

Very cool, all the more informations on Arkovia is good news in my book ^^.
I don’t suppose the expansion will cover the whole area downwest Devil’s Crossing, but damn that would be nice.

Old Grove, was it?

I think it was accessible in the early stages of development

Might get added this expansion

The area “Old Grove” was in development from the beginning. Only accessible for a period due a glitch/bug. It was very undone and empty, if i recall my memory. I expect and hope that it will be expansion. I truly wonder what happend to that area. Maybe a full area redone, yet suprised that Ugdenbog was mentioned and not the Old Grove. Judging from the lore that Creed was there to investigate something, i think we would certainly see some Aetherial activity there.

Old grove or the south west of DC, has been abandoned (being mentioned in a stream of Grava) not sure for how long, but the main problem was the camera view

at 15:00 grava said why the southwest is closed

Meh, i don’t mind.

I was hyped about that area when i finished the game, but now only Ugdenbog interests me and of course new Chthonic rifts (cause of Ryloks)

Thanks for pointing that out Dikkie, i did miss that part before the Grava showed the new content.

Hahaha. This was too hilarious not to be quoted! :smiley:

Could someone give me a TLDR of what is currently going on with the story/lore? I just came back to the game (never paid a whole lot of attention to lore the first time) and have been picking up notes but have been saving them until I had a bunch so I could sit down and read through it all. I don’t mind spoilers or anything.

After re-watching the latest stream from Grava, which i missed, Zantai was in a small discussion with someone. Than Zantai dropped this line:

unless of course mogdrogen’s powers aren’t entirely natural…

So if this is true than it means that Mogdrogen is probably using some sort of artifact, or some other source from which he draws power? So he doesn’t posses most of his powers himself right?

A other thing that crossed my mind, is that Aetherials can posses a human body and mind. They can read someones mind/thoughts, so i am wondering if it can go the other way around. So that a human can read the mind of a Aetherial and perhaps trap it in their own body and take over the Aetherial form or something in that direction.

Wouldn’t be surprised if Mogdrogen draws his power from Ultos.

He is a Titan afterall created by the Gods. Maybe it’s Ultos who created him

Actually aetherials are shapeless so i doubt it

I haven’t brushed up on this - so perhaps someone can correct the factual errors I’m inevitably going to make - but I was under the impression that Mogdrogen was ‘created’ by the primordials to serve in a prior conflict. Either to safeguard the creations of the primordials against Cth’thon, the Aetherials, or perhaps both.

The statement also can be interpreted differently depending on how one defines ‘natural’ - from Anasteria’s unused lines about the conflict between the Aetherials and Ch’thon, I got the impression that ‘Cairn’ is one relatively tiny figment of an ancient, universe-spanning conflict. So, if we define ‘natural’ as ‘originating from Cairn’, that seems to lead to the somewhat underwhelming conclusion that ‘not natural’ simply refers to a “Chicken and Egg” problem - i.e. does Mogdrogen draw his power from the nature of Cairn, or does the nature of Cairn draw its power from Mogdrogen?

In regards to ‘reverse-possessing’ an Aetherial, there’s nothing that necessarily disproves it, but nothing much to prove it either. That being said, some of the notes imply that Aetherial possession can be ‘resisted’ if the person being targeted has a strong moral compass, or they aren’t vulnerable to greedy/impulsive behaviour. I recall a note in Port Valbury mentioning that an Aetherial couldn’t possess the Mayor directly, and so that Aetherial was forced to settle on possessing the the Mayor’s advisor, Van Aldritch.
Plus there’s the matter of Anasteria to consider.

There’s actually a very good thread about it that I would link if I was above the post threshold to post links (which, at the time of posting this, I’m not), but I’d like to put forward my own flimsy, unprovable open-ended theories on the matter:

Some of the notes regarding Krieg imply that Aetherials are still influenced by the quirks or basic urges of the people they possess. Perhaps the memories of the original Anasteria were so compelling that the Aetherial possessing her experienced an identity crisis, and is specifically trying to take on human mannerisms and figures of speech to convince itself of its humanity…

Or, perhaps something unusual happened during the initial possession process.

It’s worth mentioning that Lucius’s note very specifically refers to Anasteria as ‘the anomaly’ and ‘it’ - despite the fact that Lucius uses separate, more general terms to refer to humans and aetherials in the same note. I’d like to propose the explanation that Anasteria’s consciousness is spliced between human and Aetherial: so attuned to its host that other Aetherials can’t distinguish her as an Aetherial anymore, yet not assimilated enough by the host conscience to be classified as a human, either.

Of course, there are a tonne of loopholes and pieces of evidence that could disprove this - most obvious of which are Anasteria’s own dialogue, where she explicitly refers to her host as a separate entity. At the same time she also has dialogue that runs contrary to this - referring to herself as ‘this old crone’ at one point, and professing confusion from trying to understand the effects that Aetherial possession had on the Taken’s mind (which certainly seems ironic, considering her own situation.)

Again, this is mostly just a wild stab in the dark - and as such I’m probably hilariously wrong. We’re not told very much about the specific details Aetherial Possession really works, so it’s difficult to get a complete picture about this.

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I think that Anasteria specifically told us so after we completed her Port Valbury quest (killing Archivist Thelon) that Cairne is just another world in the universe caught up in the conflict.

You made some very good points about Anasteria though. I actually prefer your explanations over the cliche one where the Aetherial suddenly turn into a human-loving witch.

Well do keep in mind that even the gods have emotions.

I don’t know, my subordinates say the exact opposite about me. Especially that Rylok whom i turned into a stew thanks to that recipe Ulgrim taught me :rolleyes: