They allowed all items in the 2nd edition
Oh well. It would’ve been very thematic that way. - and missed by all the people using loot filters.
- looked for the name in game translation files (D209);
- searched the name in the game database with GD Stash;
So… Nightshard Pet build incoming soonTM :3
Welp, serves me right for not visiting the forum to check the patch changes, I was leveling through elite HC with my Blademaster and got RIPed by the new boss that can spawn with Boris.
I had no idea what was happening, who this guy was, and before I knew it, BOOM, ded.
Nice shield, where does it drop?
And what dies the summoned Nightbringer look like?
Celestial Totems.
Oh so from the totem themselves, not the Scions of Hunger? Guess it is random whether the totem spawns, though.
Btw, Rutnick can sometimes dual-wield his monster infrequent and drop them both. Needless to say his aether spread triggered a lot during the fight.
does anyone know if they finally added new areas to Asterkarn?
No, no new areas there.
So, could we identify all new areas yet?
Changelog says:
Seven new Monster Infrequents have been added alongside new minibosses.
So I assume it´s gonna be seven new areas as well (apart from that dump).
So far I found
- Burrwitch Cathedral
- Colosseum W of Twin Falls
- Arkovian Docks N of Twin Falls
- Ch´thonian Crypt north of Broken Hills
- I was reading about something in Steelcap District, with a brothel or something
- I also was reading about this Sunward Spire thing.
Anyone found a 7th?
Or if not: Found all 7 new MI nevertheless?
small unnamed area in East Marsh with a dranghoul boss, its literally in OP’s post… xD
I found the Totally Nomal Arbiter.
According to GrimTools, ( )
there is also a Totally nomal Guardian in the same location, but I haven’t been able to find it.
Are these weapons randomized so that only one of them appears?
Someone data-mined and determined the guardian one has 1/101 chance to be dropped
1/101… Woow.
“Southpaws be mad.”
I kind of understood what this meant.
I stumbled upon the Arkovian Coliseum just now.
Disapointed that I am not getting an Rover rep here even after killing the boss.
Is that intentional?
Seems like a decent concentration of undead close to a portal.
I just tested it, and you do gain 75 reputation for both the Rovers and Arkovian Undead when you kill the boss. Check that you’re not overlevelled (10+ levels above the boss) otherwise you gain no rep or loot.
no loot? I thought only purple mats where disabled from overleveling?
I don’t know the details but I’m pretty sure you don’t drop MIs either if overlevelled