Stasher - increased stash size mod

Thanks for the help, Erwin!

Hi, playing 1004, I have 2 issues with this mod.

  1. the stash window overlaps with the character and inventory window instead of standing next to it. (see pic)

  1. transfer.gst resets itself indefinitely, I don’t have any issue with other mods

Any help?

Has anyone figured out what the hell does he mean, and how you mix this mod with another mod.

Deleting stasherv5.arz and building the mod again create a stasherv5.arz that doesn’t work, so I suggest the files incorporated with the mod have been modified in some way after he built stasherv5.arz, just not sure which ones.

he means exactly what he said… you did not include the psd files in your mod and created bitmaps from it.

Because of that you did not replace the vanilla stash screens with the ones he is using in your mod.

Deleting stasherv5.arz and building the mod again create a stasherv5.arz that doesn’t work, so I suggest the files incorporated with the mod have been modified in some way after he built stasherv5.arz, just not sure which ones.

nope, you just do not know how to properly build a mod that includes graphics. Also, the issue is not with the arz but the UI.arc, as he already pointed out.

the arz file is the database . leave it alone.

you need to rebuild ui.arc . to do that you need to delete ui.arc and the folder labeled ui under \resources\

this is assuming you have a \source\ui\ and \assets\ui\ folder. if not then you need to unpack ui.arc before you delete it then copy your stuff over it,

head over to the modding help forum and read the stickies for guides on unpacking files :smiley:

or go to CLI and type archivetool.exe /?

Thanks. Your post is a lot clearer.

Should the Assets not be in the mod though? By building the .arz file you have to create them, yet there are not in the mod, and you have to create them again to use the mod.

@ anyone having difficulties with the mod

You have to create the assets again, to do that.

  1. unzip mod in Grim Dawn/mods
  2. open Asset Manager
  3. mod > select your mod
  4. in the Sources tab > modname > UI > Caravan > on the right screen, right click caravan_transfercoverimage.psd > auto-create asset > bitmap > ok
  5. do the same with caravan_windowbackgroundimage.psd
  6. next to the Sources tab, you can now check your Assets tab, it is no longer empty
  7. build > build

You have now the visual assets for this mod in Grim Dawn/mods/modname/assets

  1. To merge it with other mods, you can now copy/paste your mod files, and build your mod as usual.

they are, everything in the mod dir is the mod, not just its arz file.

Why the mod tools insist on having a psd file in the source dir and are not ok with simply having the tex file, I do not know - apart from there usually being a source image anyway (exceptions are when you use textures from mods that do not come with the original images or textures from other games like TQ)

I am a bit confused who to contact about this mod, maybe I missed a post somewhere but could the maintainer of the Stasher mod please send me a PM.

Jiaco! TT300 is the dev of the “new” Stasher. Hush hush.

how make it work with crucible?


I put your mod on Kırmızı Perfect:

Hi rorschachrev,

Elfe pm’ed about the mischief i have given to the mod creators. I want to apologize personally from every mod author. I have created the thread below to explain myself and i will be very happy if you let me host your mods.


hello, maybe im stupid but i dont see any of the files im supposed to copy in the save files folders (theyre just empty for me)… cant get any version to work at all… if anyone would be so kind to find some time and write a step by step guide for idiots here i’d be really grateful

have a nice day either way, and thanks

2 things,

1st the link you posted for the mod is dead

2nd explain it like Im 5 please can I continue my vanilla character with this mod? what problems if any will I have trying to do that.


Sorry if im doing anything wrong. This is my first reply.

I’m kind of a noob to all this modding and stuff, so i was wondering, is there anyway to use this “Stash enchancer” in another mod like cornucopia?


Was it a technical reason the background of the character screen was replaced with transparency or just a cosmetic choice? I’d prefer it the old way if the latter, is there a way I can change it myself?

When I try using this mod the edges of the character and stash windows are off my screen. Is there something I’m maybe doing wrong

Yeah, you’re using a low resolution that the mod wasn’t mod for.

I’m using 1080p

nevermind it was just a ui scale issue Lol

That was going to be my next guess, but I was going off the screenshot resolution and making assumptions.