- Conduit of Night Whispers / Lightning Amarasta’s Blade Burst variant
This is the most recent one. The only possible use is to have more cold>lightning conversion. Lightning ABB is not even meme because you literally can’t get skill points.
If cold>lightning conversion have some use that I can’t think of, change skill and make it Lightning Blade Spirits instead, atleast that will have some use and some elemental damage items provide skill bonus to it.
If the conversion is not crucial for players, then my suggestion is to make it Vitality ABB with Acid>Vitality conversion as top affix. Because Pierce>Vitality conversion already exist on Blade Trap variant and physical>vitality conversion exists on plenty of amulets.
- Conduit of Divine Whispers / Aether Ascension variant
I really can’t think this amulet’s use instead the one provides -%15 Aether RR on Guardians. Maybe I’m wrong, if so please enlighten me because I never saw anyone use this.
Lightning Damage, literally same Ascension variant but Lightning instead Aether.
Fire Shattering Smash with some flat RR on it(like 25, or modifier can convert the flat RR without that?) . There is a lot of item that support S&B fire archetype but it’s really hard to get physical>fire conversion since no Exclusive skill has it and you get %50-60 at tops with gears and components. So it’s good to have completely converted Shattering Smash for Burn Stacking. But I don’t know what should be the conversion prefix, lots of amulet provide %10 average phys>fire conversion so maybe vitality>fire? Which is rare and might help to convert bat when combined with other items.
Vitality EoR. It’s exist only on a 2H Axe without AS, maybe people try DW version of it with conduit amulet.
- Conduit of Warring Whispers / Aether Counter Strike Variant
Seriously, this is beyond meme. If someone wants to use Counter Strike such build, Fleshwarped Core converts almost all physical into aether with good rolls.
Fire Counter Strike.(or maybe cold, it would be better than Aether)
Complete change with Lightning Blade Arc. I’m aware there is not much weapon alternative, maybe change +4 Cadence on Fist of Ultos to +4 BA. A bit strained but Stormreaver needs some rework and we all know Cadence spamming with a Hybrid DoT stacker archetype is really not reliable.
- Conduit of Warring Whispers / Lightning Forcewave variant
This is a cool idea but there is no 2H weapon to use with, only possible candidate is Ultos Axe but I don’t see anyone make lightning forcewave with Warder instead using PS or even Savagery with WPS, and there are also items that supports lightning Cadence.
A new Forcewave item for lightning damage and casting speed, maybe one supports Tacticians and Commando’s aswell.
Change it to Vitality Forcewave, if it’s gonna be meme, atleast it will be a new meme
Though with proper affixes Obsidian War Cleaver can be used since chaos>vitality conversion also not hard to get.
Change it to Acid Forcewave and add casting speed to Slithbane because that weapon has no use for Cadence. Even half converted BA is better because I tested it.
Thanks for reading, any comment and feedback is welcome. You can also add other conduit variants you see no use of. So please don’t hesitate to express your feelings about these suggestions and warn me if I overlooked something.