The Carnival - A Guide to Pets

OK, Maya you convinced me. :slightly_smiling_face:

Will record Crucible video and test it in SR 75. If it’s not consitsent will try running defensive map.

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Maya, you have so many builds. I started playing Hardcore as a Conjurer. But I still haven’t decided which way to develop and what I want to see in the end. Your builds seem great for Hardcore to me. Can you tell me which build is currently the best for Hardcore? I think about “The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer”:slightly_smiling_face:


Yup, Fluffy Squishy is my strongest and safest Pet build atm. So that would be my recommendation :yum:

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New build added to the OP :yum:

Guide updated (mostly just the thing about monster totems now existing)

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Maya, I have few questions about pets:

  • What do you think for Witching Hour for vitality pets vs Claw of Hagarz+Off-hand?

  • Is Grimoire off-hand pet decent?

  • How hard is to keep Skeletons alive without Lost Souls set or any mods, are they worth it?

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  • Personally I find Witching Hour over-rated. Its main strength is the flat damage it provides. Then the other stuff. But given the rather long CD on its proc + the fact that you lose Off-Hand Slot, it works if you build around it. But otherwise, it will be worse than going Weapon + Off_hand, even on Chaos Pet builds.
    That said, Claw’s +10% Crit & +300% Vitality Damage to Call of the Grave does not apply to pets :frowning:

  • I haven’t been able to make the Grimoire Pet work. I am not sure what it is, but the pet seems lacking somehow. Or I just haven’t figured out when, where and how to use it best. Since for a long time every pet build just went for Cataclysm’s Eye, I did not really experiment with other options much. So might be worth looking into it.

  • As for Skeletons, I have never been able to get any measure of success with them, with any pet build in existence. I don’t know if it is just my lack of piloting skills or if something else, but even back in AoM, when everyone was calling Witching Hour Skeletons Cabalists OP, I struggled to even finish content with them. And now Plasmo’s Ritualist has me going :scream:. So I don’t think I am the best person to comment on skeletons. I’d say try them out and see how they feel to play.


Thanks for your repsonse. I have some ideas about vitality pets but haven’t decided on weapon slot. Witching Hour don’t have CDR, which is bad, cause none of my other planned items have. Claw bonus not boosting pets? Now this is legit WTF moment. My idea was Claw+OgNapesh.

I will probably skip Skeletons, since they are big distraction and also requires some skill points, we’ll see.

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Yup, the lack of CDR has also been one of my pet peeves (pun intended) with Witching Hour.

As for Claw, that bonus applies to the player :rofl:
And since Call of the Grave is not an Aura, pets don’t get that part :frowning:

Or so it was the last time I checked. If this was changed, then I have a new weapon to build with :sunglasses:

EDIT: Yup, Grimtools confirms it. Claw’s bonus to Call of the Grave is not applied to Pets but the player :sob:

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@Nery if it does not read “to all pets” then it is of course a player bonus :slight_smile: There is also Bargolls core which gives PLAYER health regen and phys res :slight_smile:


and also mythical guardian 2H axe that gives +10% OA to player

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I mean, I know that, but since Call of Grave is pet aura and item is pet based, then it’s logical the skill mod to apply for pets, right?

Bargol weapon is… ugh?

Guardian have no CDR and is weapon for skellies, so I would prefer to just pretend it doesn’t exist :smile: Wait, this weapon is meant for hybrids, that’s even worse!

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Call of the Grave is not an aura btw. Just a straight up buff for pets. There is no Radius. That is also the reason why it doesn’t get the bonuses from the mod :sob:

Also, yes some of these weapons and stuff are meant for pet hybrids. I am not sure why Zantai doesn’t rework those, but it is what it is. And yet, the last working Pet build that could be called a Hybrid, was Dashiv’s and that was a long time ago :frowning:

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Yes, you are right, pet buff with long CD, not aura. As for hybirds, you can always make one, but it’s gonna be leaning hard on either/pets or player skills anyway and you have to ask the question, is going opposite style really brings something? Some items are made for 50/50 hybrids, which simply is too exotic to exist. Of course there’s always time to try it :smile:

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Exactly, all the pet hybrids theorycrafted so far have just been worse Pet or Player builds that unless one really wants to do it, there is no real reason to go that route.

But now that you mention it, it would be :ok_hand: if someone were to try it and make it work. Willing to take up the challenge? :stuck_out_tongue:

There certainly is demand for such a playstyle btw. I often see people requesting for such builds.

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Yes, I have seen many times players’s desires to roll with hybrids, so interesting to see them. I am not ready to try it but maybe in the future. I would be interesting in something like chaos or fire Pyromancer for iinstance. Some items can make Mines very good. Also Spark of Ultos lightning hybrid Conjurer, hmm probably will suck :thinking:

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Can someone tell me about the order of “damage converted” bonus for pet? example: i got “damage converted” bonus for pet on ring and hand armor. which item get effect first?

Both, at the same time.

deepends, if it is elemental to x and say fire to x, the elemental to x occur first afaik

Is there a difference in the result though?

yes because it will work multiplicative and not additive