The Carnival - A Guide to Pets

Yeah… Fwuffy became green…

Added a Witching Hour Cabalist to the list.

Nice guides ;^)
@Maya, can u plz give us link not to zippyshareshittypagewithtonsofads, but Google drive will be ok?

Okay :^( sad then

You can just browse the guide on the forum itself btw, if the Online PDF and the offline versions are a no go. It is on the second post/comment. While I did cut out some stuff to make it fit within the word limit, it still holds most of the needed info.

Okay, thx a lot:^)

Can you help me to figure out this

As you can see Physical Resist didn’t change after using the skill Call of the Grave. Why so?

its for the player since it is not listed under “to all pets” on the item.

This is similar
the skill modifiers to call of the grave is for the player, not for the pets.


Yes, you are correct. Both bonuses are for the player stats, just checked it.

I’ve been out of the loop for a while. What would you consider the BEST OVERALL CONJURER (damage, survivability, easiest time with superbosses/celestials) one of these builds or something sigatrev has came up with?

It’s nice to see such a wide variety of build choices but personally I would only like to play the best and I haven’t been keeping up with the game and it’s changes lately.

Fluffy Squishy double Familiar Conjurer, by a mile.

Btw, new patch brought with it buffs for pet Belts along with a slight nerf for Shadowfiend Cord. So probably will be changing some stuff soonTM.

I can tell you this much, Fluffy Squishy will probably be using Nosferattis from here on out. Or might leave it untouched and instead put this up as an alternate build option:

We will see.

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No love for voidmancer?

Good question. It also got the pet pierce res buff, so will try that out as well.

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Why the skill description shows me different value of pet’s health instead of the real one? (W/o any buffs/debuffs - normal condition)

I would also like to know

Hi since you are some kind of know it all regarding pets, a quick question: is it normal that aspect of the guardian does not show up as poison resistance under pet bonuses? If you turn Blood of Dreeg on it does not show up at Build Calculator either. And if this is normal, does it actually affect pets?( Not sure if this is new, i could swear it showed up prepatch…) thx in advance…

EDIT: Nevermind it shows up but you have to have an active pet. And skellingtons dont count as pets regarding resistances…(?) So they have all green dots around them but the poison resistance does not show up/change. Do you know if it still applies?

No idea, you need to ask Zantai if you think it is a bug.

Aura skills like Blood of Dreeg (and Aspect of the Guardian) affect all pets in range. Easiest way to check will be to take skeletons to Ugdenbog with and without BoD and see how much their health drops in bot cases :yum:

And I know nothing. Anyone who says otherwise is Lying!
Don’t trust the above sentence!!

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  • There won’t be any updates…

I have been testing out the new belts against Callagadra and even with the nerf to Shadowfiend, I noticed absolutely no difference in kill time. As such, I am sticking with Shadowfiend’s Cord.

Also want to add a bit about the difficulty changes.

You can no longer stroll through stuff with crap gear due to pets carrying you. The problem here is not Pets dying, however. The problem at least for me was how squishy the summoner feels against bosses. So advice is to level on Normal instead.

A bit more testing. I spoke too soon. Regardless of the difficulty things just got harder across the board and not just on Veteran. Now this is in the context of budget builds btw. Endgame setups still faceroll content, but early on the risk of death is very real.