The Carnival - A Guide to Pets

So is the general consensus to do AoM up to Malmouth Resistance then do FG before heading into elite?

Depends. Personally I would say, unlock all the factions on Normal, rush Elite to Loghorrean, Do everything on Ultimate.

As long as you got your resistances covered, you donā€™t need to worry about getting faction reputation as the no.1 priority or anything. It is just that the faster you get there, the easier the game will be once you reach the appropriate levels to make use of the faction stuff.

and not only pet items, but also armor augments for you. Like 30 DA ones etc.

A random post coming through.

Tried Pet Warlord and a Pet Trickster with Winter King 2h.

Both failed to complete even SR 75 and were promptly deleted.

Lmao. Turns out not everything js possible without birbs :stuck_out_tongue:

Btw, Iā€™d like to see your take on lightning birbs conjurer. I tried a lot and failed :frowning: tho i didnā€™t do the traditional DG+Ishtak yet. My brain doesnā€™t work on pets

Hmā€¦ something like this maybe:

If you want DG, then:
If you want DG and above 2700 DA:

Hm. Stormbringer over cataclysm huh. The variations I tried (canā€™t link grimtools, Iā€™m at work) were 4pc bysmiel + spark of ultos with ultos+mogdrogen devotions (I saw sigatrev toy with meteors and leviathan so I guess when devotions are procced by pets the % damage used are also pet % damage?) But then it was slow in cruci and bysmiel + beastcaller is too piano. Never expected pets to be like that.

Next I tried was full beastcaller + glyphs of kel + heart of the mountain + bysmiel dagger. Had meteors + ultos devo at first and was bad. Then went for ishtak + korvaak cause eyes are cool and then I cleared cruci once but too slow. 9 mins with 3 buffs and vanguard. My pets die at 167 and above. I thought pets donā€™t usually die in cruci :frowning:

Devotions bound to pets take pet stats instead of the players, aye.

Spark of Ultos is kind of worse atm, atleast fo Birbs due to the bonuses on Mindweaver.

Birbs are hard to kill, even though they lost their supposed ā€œimmortalityā€ shortly after FG was released. It is mostly due to their ranged nature and the fact that they donā€™t generate much aggro.

But the rest of the pets do die in Crucible even with blessings if you are not careful or havenā€™t pumped up their Aether/Chaos resistance. Personally, I see them die mostly to Aleksanderā€™s meteors as I am too lazy to move them out of the way.

Ofcourse with enough dmg it can be avoided to a degree since if you kill stuff fast, they wonā€™t be there to kill your pets.

On 167, Karroz has Mindcontrol just like Sentinel. So if you let him live, he will take your pets from you and hopefully your other pets will kill the mind controlled ones before your own pets end up killing you. So there is that on that particular wave. His second form is relatively harmless however.

Not much to worry about on 168.

On 169, Anasteria can be a problem if you are not careful as her RR hurts and can kill pets when combined with everything else. Also take out Korvaak/Theodin on 169 itself if you can, since it will mean one less thing to worry about incase you get Aleksander/Grava on 170.

On 170, Aleksander is still usually the culprit for pets dying. Also Grava with his pools and aura.

Other than that, crucible should be a breeze.

Now for the Mogdrogen+Ultos setup, I kind of gave up on it due to the low DA you end up with. It is still doable atleast for Crucible. But SR performance will be questionable.

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They will die, except the ghost. :smile:


And another Pet Apostate added to the list of evergrowing pet builds :yum:

This one uses Elemental BlightFiend Bombs btw :smirk:

Maya is conjurer the easiest of the pet builds for farming gear if on a fresh account? Currently following the full occultist as you suggested. Not sure if it would be easier adding shaman or necro later on.

Personally, I would say so. It has more synergy when you are lacking for items and is easier to play.

But since the very reason why I made the level up section use single mastery builds was so that players can combine with masteries of their choice, I would say; go with the one you find thematically more appealing to you.

Both Conjurers and Cabalists are top tier when it comes to pet builds and have a good number of ways in which you can build them.

If you decide to go for Cabalist instead of Conjurer, I would say focus on Blightfiends with Unstable Anomaly and Reap Spirits from the necromancer side. You can take points from the Hellhound line. So with a Cabalist, you would be focusing on Familiar, Reap Spirit and Blightfiend.


And today we welcome another addition to the list of pet builds. A Birb Cabalist with Elemental Fat Bombs :yum:

EDIT: And also a Doggo build without Skeletons :scream:

  • Pet Oppressor updated
  • Master of Death Sucks (Fite me!)
  • Still not much progress on Solo Shaman leveling guideā€¦

Oh and umā€¦ some small changes to the guide, mostly in the form of fixing typos and stuff that you probably wouldnā€™t noticeā€¦


Given the new difficulty increase of the base game content, I might scrap the Solo Shaman leveling guide altogether. We will seeā€¦

So putting a pause on that until the Patch hits.

Added a Pet Witchblade to the List

bro manļ¼Œthx from china

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Also welcome to the forums :blush:

Q: do you have a build for acid/poison summoner with heavy usage of Blight Fiends? :slight_smile: I need some tips.

I was thinking about using Dreeg Venom Seal, Mythical Rotmenderā€™s Ring, Mythical Blightshard Amulet and Mythical Blightstone Invoker

Final goal would be to get Ghoul set (only have gloves now)

Aye, the ones below are all Blightfiend focused:

The Rawr God - Pet Cabalist ,
The Witch Doctor - Pet Ritualist ,
The Rawr Fiend - Pet Oppressor

I went with different items though.

  • Yugol rings for the Phy > Acid Conversion.
  • Ruby amulet because focusing on Blightfiend Bombs means not focusing on Pet HP / resists, meaning the Rift scourges will die too fast to be of much use.
  • Plaguebearer for the -% Acid res, but I am not sure on it tbh due to the low proc chance. If building with greens, Scorpius Pumeller all the way :yum:

Fwuffy is now green and not red? Probably am color blind :scream_cat: