The Fat Birb - Pet Warlock

You will need to take points from Physique inorder to cover the Spirit + Cunning requirements for Dagger + Offhand.

Maya, could you walk me through some questions?

  1. Why not hard cap BoD?
  2. Why not pox for debuff/devo proc?
  1. The percent heal doesn’t increase and that is pretty much what I use it as. You do gain a bit of OA and flat damage, but not sure if it warranties the 2 extra points.

  2. Extra button to press. I can bind DEE to left click, can’t with pox. Yes I am that lazy :stuck_out_tongue:
    Plus, the transmuter helps a bit for our low phys.res.

I disagree on BoD, I think it’s worth hard capping.
As far as pox goes, DEE is a more useful debuff and pet builds have way too many actives as it is. Although with the newly added RR on Eldritch Hound/Raise the Dead, some pet builds will be needing another skill to trigger celestial powers.

Hm… I did not notice any visible increase in damage or survivability due to it though.

It probably depends on where you’re taking the points from. The OA + flat damage should at least be a slight bonus. Very very slight.

Also I’m dumb. It’s not overload i was talking about, its Elemental Balance. That should be amazing for damage. Interesting that Overload was alright, but uhhh, woops. I have a tendency to mix up a lot of stuff in arcanist for some reason…

I had both overload and EB during one of my tests. Took the points from Mend Flesh since I wanted to test out how far I could push my damage. It wasn’t much of an increase to be honest.

Also, another thing to note is that the build is kind of terrible in SR 75+, even worse than my Solo Occultist due to having low CC res.

I need to give Primal instinct + Cat’s Eye a try.

Nvm on the Primal Instinct. It performed even worse…

Ok, new plan. Bysmiel’s Domination, different pants, cat’s eye and going back to Blizzard.

I am ok with the Crucible time. Now just need to see if SR works.

Watching this slooowly moving/lobbing eye ball is so painfull though. I’ve switched to Doom Bolt and it instantly felt better :stuck_out_tongue: the feeling worth loosing the debuff imo. And it’s going to look great in the upcoming patch.


Ok, so Bysmiel’s Domination seems to have done the trick. SR 75-76 completed and I am now content with the build. Just need to kill all the Celestials next :smiley:

Lol :smiley:

Always handy to keep a spare Bysmiel’s Domination around. That and an Elite Legion Voidcutter, on some builds.

It’s more like something you use when you’re forced into a battle of attrition though, something like Primal Instinct should still be your go-to.

I think what the build really needs is better DPS devotions on the birds/hellhound, but that’s a different can of worms I guess. As far as CC goes, we are talking about an Arcanist/x class here. Conversion is right there… personally I think I’d swap Mend Flesh for it.

Your pet builds look amazing. Do you have any template for occultism + necromancy focusing on skeletons?

Primal instinct sucks imo. The swarmlings spend too much time moving around and die too fast to AoE, leading to a significant loss of DPS. Using Mogdrogen helps a bit due to +speed, but I still rather use something else instead.

I tried using it before switching to Bysmiel’s and this was the result:

I think what the build really needs is better DPS devotions on the birds/hellhound, but that’s different can of worms I guess. As far as CC goes, we are talking about an Arcanist/x class here. Conversion is right there… personally I think I’d swap Mend Flesh for it

For that I will have to give up on Ishtak + Tree of Life. I find it hard to survive as is. Don’t think I can reliably pull off Mogdrogen.

And Mend Flesh is what keeps the build alive :p. Conversion is not worth giving it up for me. But CC res has been fixed now.

Ty :smiley:

Yes, 3rd post in this thread.

But that is kind of untested atm as I suck playing with Skeletons.

I guess it makes sense, given the build’s playstyle.

Mend Flesh has always been too iffy for me. The way it currently works I’d prefer the birds keep attacking enemies while I try to pull off some other type of Hail Mary to keep myself alive.

I saw the birb in the title…:rolleyes:

And there are Birbs in the build :cool:

Maya, have you read Birdy by William Wharton by any chance? If not you definitely should. You remind me of its main character.

I haven’t and after goggling it, not exactly my kind of book. There isn’t enough betrayals, murder, bloodshed, incest, tentacles etc.