The greatest Trolling builds

At the time you wrote this the trolling has yet to be executed. Many variables need checking, chief amongst them are free time and jerks in crucible to encounter, of which I havent seen any since this thread began. However it is now the weekend, and more importantly, the first weekend I wont be working overtime during so I am ready to take up my mantle, for the greater good! I shall embrark on my quest shortly! Thine coffee is brewing!

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GDstash is ready 'n waiting for your command, cap’n.

Let me get set up, I want to test a few of the ideas you guys had. Mainly, removing Warcry entirely since it reduced the damage the enemies under its effect are able to dish out- It’s important that the enemies not be affected by damage reductions, as you all hashed out in your discussions above. The fevered rage with black death should be enough to pull them to wherever I go. I just have to ensure I can survive. at level 66, I am looking for the best armored up setup I can get. I am going to have to re-do some devotions. My original build was great for this level, but many aspects of it were also designed around stunning and weakening enemies which is counter productive for our joint mission to strike back at these jerks!

I’m partial to the idea of taking defense/armor buffing devotions like targo and shieldmaiden and maybe menhir. I want to see how these affect the build, so I need a bit to go playtest these elements. My coffee is ready, and I shall be back in a bit!

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Such a combination of words have never once been uttered in the hallowed annals of this forum

Not all heroes wear mantles and capes. Actually this is more of a remark to Sir Supermen Spanksalot. :smile:

But it’s interesting how more the trolling can be improved. We wait for your input and long live GD stash!


So i have adjusted my build as best as I can at level 67 right now. Tested it out, and its pretty tough! Very durable! here are screenshots detailing the current build…

Citadel Relic is just a placeholder. Also used to buff the non-jerk teammates. I can just un-toggle it whenever the jerks are alive, and once they die during a wave, toggle it back on.

I have re-filled my coffee mug, and shall now assume the watch. I will be scouring Crucible matches for at least 3 or 4 hours provided no real life interruptions are encountered. I live with my girlfriend, so, there will inevitably be interruptions. That said, however, capturing some kind of video is my main gaming goal this weekend. This is wholly dependent on there being jerks present in Crucible matches, so I may not get much, if anything. But… Perhaps I will dabble in the true evil and- for the sake of science- test it out on some hapless chaps… Just to see if it works right… Its nothing personal… Just scientific data collection…

Embarking now.

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oh dear lord, Knife, have you not learned how to use the glory known as GrimTools yet? I hate to tell you but that was a bit painful. For you and for us.

It pains me to think of all the time you just wasted doing that. Serious amounts of time. Amounts of time you could have annihilated and reduced to no more than a few clicks, a few seconds.

Seriously, if you haven’t figured out how to upload a character into GrimTools… just ask. We want to help you so we never have to scroll thru so many screenshots again :slight_smile: and you, likewise, will never have to take so many screenshots again.



He looks like what I’d imagine a smurf’s ballsack would look like if it decided to grow arms and leg

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Great thread!
@knife This is the icon to click to upload character from save file to Grim Tools:

And then the icon below that will produce a link.

Also if you are having problems locating your characters save file (perhaps you are using cloudsaving) then simply open up Windows Explorer and in the search bar type: “_Your Characters Name” <–be sure to add that underscore

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I think he knows how to upload GTs

Then dear lord, why… would you do it any other way once enlightened?

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Maybe it’s a collage? I dunno. I thought the first pic was awesome though

The first pic was the only one needed… everything else would show in GT :slight_smile:

just saying… ouch… is all. I’m glad screenshot days are far, far behind us. so much work - that.


Can’t deny that mate

Dude, thank you! I knew how to build my guy using grimtools but it always took so long- this shortcut is super helpful. Let me test it out!


I got some video, no one who was TOO jerkish, but there was definitely a cabalist who just hit on the sidelines. It was a tactical play, no denying that, however he was pretty much at my level and there was a level 30 something who was on the frontlines with me… So, no excuse, cabalist… I GOT THAT MOFO! Now to figure out how to upload a video… Sorry! Noob-itis

Sorryyyyyyy :grimacing:


Those Illusions are on point my dude.

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