The greatest Trolling builds

If you are using cloudsaving and you would like to move from out of the cloud to local saving - I made an easy visual guide detailing the process:

You will find that locating your character saves is vastly simplified using local saves (assuming that you are currently using Steam’s cloudsaving - which hides crap in a complicated, confusing directory structure). Local saving, conversely, has your saves in a simple, easy to find location. Always.

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The test run video is almost done uploading to youtube. I will be making a post here with a link to it shortly.

The run speed is definitely important. Ill be posting the video of the trial run with the updated build in a few minutes. I find that 2 mobility skills that do not require targets to execute are very desired. If not that, then definitely more run speed- Its difficult, as you will see, for me to keep up with my target in the video.

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As I discussed with Spanks above, grabbing Messenger of War for run speed isn’t a bad move. I wouldn’t worry about the damage debuff on war cry, as it lasts only 5 seconds and crucible can paste even extremely sturdy toons through layers of defenses anyway.

Also, dear lord are you trying to upload that directly? Youtube, then embedding the video link may be a better option my dude.

Edit: Also, you can reply to multiple people in a single comment by putting an “@” in front of their username. This helps keep the clutter in a thread to a minimum.


Whoops. my bad.

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The trial run for Balrog is posted in the link below. Please note, this is a trial run. As such, I stretched the gray area a bit. My target player (victim) is Kio, a level 63 Cabalist who displays some half-decent tactics, hiding on the sidelines and likely moving his pets to attack in the field. Tactful, but A COWARDS GAME! You will notice a level 40 spellbinder in the midst of the chaos, blasting away with AAR. When a low level player is displaying more guts than a higher level one… Well, the scales of justice tend to offer some wiggle room, and since we are all dying to see how this stuff functions in practice, I decided to go ahead and use Kio as an example to gather our scientific data.

I slow the video down at points to give clear indications to whats happening. Ill explain here;

Opening is slowed to give you a clear glance at Kio.
0:50 - 1:03; Kio (and the host, who is the gutsy level 40 spellbinder) respawn, and both move to escape the swarm, Kio moving to the sidelines with his pets, and I pursue after dispatching Father kymon with the help of the host and sss (the other guy, who is a level 70). Notice all 3 of us are actively fighting, and Kio is trying to hide away on the sidelines

1:24 - 1:44; Kio is executing his tactics, putting the boundary between himself and the action. Note he had been doing this the entire time the rest of us had been actively fighting the enemy. Now, it should be said that he is at least contributing to the fight with some pets and CoF, but when I see a level 40 going nuts, dying, but with no fear of death, totally and wholly invested in the action, and then I see a level 60 guy a screen away from where the action is on a consistent basis (He was doing this for several waves leading up to this point) I am going to exploit that wiggle room in the scales of justice, for science.

2:20 - 2:30; As soon as more enemy spawns arise, Kio runs away once again, and I pursue. Youll see the host has run as well, but if anyone deserves to, its him- hes only a level 40 and yes I know spellbinders are amazing. Thats still a 20 level difference (basically).

3:26; Kio flees from battle, an enemy hero in hot pursuit. I feel this is my opportunity, now that he is isolated with a hero on his heels. I pursue, spreading the pox in a mad fury and putting Kio between myself and the enemy hero, so the he is right in the path of its blind fury… THIS is where a second mobility skill that does not require a target (or greater movement speed) would have helped the most- Staying ahead and leading your victim are essential for this tactic to work properly. You can see my movements, I am attempting to lead him, but im just not fast enough…

4:20; Having spread the pox to every enemy hero in the vicinity, I lead one pack of them to the last entrance to the sidelines where Kio is holed up hiding away, before dashing over to the right enterance and dashing into the sidelines. The rate of speed at which I do this causes the 2, now seperated packs of enemy heroes to enter the sidelines from both left and right entrances, effectively flanking Kio and pinning him down in a mad death-trap. He is simply no match for the fevered rage, and dies within milliseconds. Unfortunately, so does everyone else, and I am left to close out the final wave.

Balrog’s Trolling Trial Run!


Man I cant thank you enough, and everyone else too, for all the tips I am getting. Both tips for builds, as well as how to post more efficiently. Thank you! And I apologize for the nooby mistakes. Now I know, and knowing is half the battle!

Damn. Nice vid dude. Though, the slowmo seems a little weird. I assume the camera shake made it unwatchable otherwise with all the micro.

Pretty much my impression: Threat (GD’s aggro system) mechanics are holding you back from greatness since you essentially have no DPS (which can overtake / is higher ranked than debuffs.) Basically, for you to be able to troll-check properly you gotta get the host + people trying to stop hitting stuff so you can take aggro.

Spanks did make that thing hella all tanky tho.

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Yeah, my original build pulled aggro really well with the warcry and the obscene amounts of hits it could pump out with all the devotion procs and skills it used. Also, I really think maxing out the bloody pox base-skill, even “overclocking” it, would be super effective in regards to pulling aggro. I brought it down to one on the understanding it would still pull aggro but, it doesnt work as well. Im going to shave a few points off some other things and see how it functions when its back up high.

Well, your original build was also pretty low level as well. As your level rises DPS discrepency does as well. A classic S&B cadence witchblade may be better, especially since you ended up tanking basically the entire wave 170 and killing stuff with pretty much just Targo’s hammer alone. Hell, even retal / RATA would work well. Warlord can still dish out some serious retal output, and RATA in an AOE with shield throw.

Also, you can level up your devotions in GDstash if you so please. It’s pretty awesome you were able to complete that with them so low-leveled.

Edit: An easy solution is putting points into Curse of Frailty. Stacking Debuffs may allow you to pull aggro. The next thing to try is maybe converting bloody pox to physical with Gladiator’s Distinction at level 75, as Witchblade has a lot of natural physical damage synergy.

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That link isnt pulling anything up, strangely… Converting bloody pox to physical sounds REALLY attractive though. Let me look this item up…

because pulling up a search page is going to take a few minutes. Here. actual link to the item:


Thanks man, hell yes! This thing would be great for Balrog.

I finally found the relevant thread about threat generation (5 months old, by some dude named Heapheaus on Reddit; lists Xervous, Rekt, and “Doom” as testers). He says at the end that a character that throws out 4-5 debuffs cannot have aggro taken from them (hyperbole?). If so, Bloody Pox + Curse of Frailty + War Cry (w/ break morale) + Symbol of Solael + an RR devotion (witchblade maybe?) might be able to maintain control. Probably worth testing.

If this post is old/outdated somebody please update my game knowledge.

Oleron’s rage works too. you’ll also increase your PTH

He should be named ballrocks

If aggro can’t be taken away, then how is it going to dump the monsters on the other players

Why do you want to convert it to physical? That’ll just kill monsters quicker

I think we can all agree here.

Based on the Vid, he was unable to get aggro really until the DPS dealers died. being able to retain aggro would also make him useful in multyplayer as a tank.

Somehow with his piddly (yet still better than vitality) physical % bonuses he won’t be killing much. Just AoE DPS to try and generate threat, again.

I’ve didn’t notice the video. Is there a formula for threat generation?

If this is really the problem, maybe ghol makes more sense because you can stack damage on blight fiends which have innate threat generation, bring them to players, and resummon them thereby resetting their threat level.


Forgive the potato quality…but those muted microphones I spy with my little eye - could it just be possible?


edit: In all fairness to kio though, he’s doing what pet players do. :stuck_out_tongue:

Would be helpful if his pets could actually maintain aggro off other players.

The reddit link I posted is the closest I’ve found. That Heaphaeus guy mentioned an Ideas & Feedback post as well. Pretty much this:

" Here’s how it’s been tested to work. (Testing over a few dozen hours and across many skills by myself, xervous, reakd, doom, and others.)

  1. Debuffs
  2. Damage over time / crowd control (seem to be about the same)
  3. taunt (The biggest taunt of note is War cry, war cry causes high threat BUT DOES NOT FORCE AGGRO)
  4. Damage (note; “extra” threat seems to just be considered as “extra damage”, so if you don’t do much damage then you don’t build much threat)
  5. Buffs / Healing"

Wait. So if you HEAL other players, monsters run to you?