The MISSING builds compendium

Nice one! Cheers Chuck.

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There is Gutripper and Goredrinker, yet why is there no pierce warlord :thinking:

looking through grimtools, the damage seems good enough to warrant SR75


I have this one lined up

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Here is my attempt at a Grimtools: Bleed Pyromancer

  1. Ranged Firestike with Pierce for leech and jaxxon rings for more AoE bleed spread
  2. Pox for AoE bleed.
  3. Agonizing flames for Reduced Resistances

Greens have no affixes and are open. OA and/or resistances would be handy.

The DA looks low at first glace, but note that Wasting buffs that some, as does Huntress.

Energy might be tight, so Arcane Spark or other could be juggled.

Heh, it could do nicely with some bleed % for Possession, as per the other thread discussion. 135% there would have been handy.

Edit: 3pc Goredrinker probably works better (more health, res, % pierce -single target), but was trying for max pox bleed…
Otherwise you might as well go full Goredrinker and get a better faux Pox from spamming WoP with Inquis instead of Occult. The bleed 1 point WoP investment with full set vs 30+ pox investment is another story.

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Funnily enough, I tried a Bleed Pyromancer, but it was so terrible I deleted the Grimtools and the character entirely. It had Gutsmasher for the weapon and Baldir’s set for Bleeding application, and had Gladiator’s Distinction to convert the Vitality damage on Bloody Pox to Physical (yes, I was using Physical Bloody Pox, Boneshatter Treads now has Bloody Pox in the new patch).

Unfortunately, it had the trifecta of bad Health, awful Energy regeneration, and not enough sustain, so I couldn’t get past SR65. If the devotion route wasn’t so rigid, I’d find a way to fix these problems, but there’s just too much working against it to call it anything but a failure.

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While I was monitoring this thread, I noticed a few patterns.

One of which is: some classes are really versatile: they either support a lot of damage types, or they have the conduit or odd-set to make it happen
Inquisitor, for example, can do Fire, Cold, Lightning, Pierce, and they have the options available to do Physical, Vitality, Acid, Bleed, aether, and chaos.

Oathkeeper is REALLY versatile too, Natively supporting Physical, Fire, Bleed, Acid, Vitality and Lightning, and with gear support to do the rest.

Same with Shaman and Occultist (The later, mostly through pets)

But some have… limits.
The most obvious ones are Arcanist and especially Demo just can’t do bleed.
Arcanist can be decent support for bleed if the other mastery supports it, providing OA, sustain and crit damage… but Demo doesn’t have a SINGLE piece of gear that supports bleed, or anything in terms of general support that would help a bleed build.

I wish there was at least one of those. Canister bomb sounds and feels like it should do bleed damage :slight_smile:


It did have Baldir set though

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Yeah, that’s as close as it gets to supporting Bleed… I’m still gonna say that doesn’t count :stuck_out_tongue:

True - but apparently this works?
Am trying to do bleeding sab using this as a template for Demo

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Of all the bleed builds missing, this is probably the most straightforward indeed.
Full-on bleed Nightblade with some Support from Temper, Flashbang and Blast shield.

Defiler will have to rely on Siphon soul, and there is a bleed mod for Bone Harvest.
Pyromancer could do that through pets ( Maybe @Skelemental would be able to pull that off ? )
Sorcerer… No clue, since this is literally the worst combo for bleed.
Spellbinder will probably be the same as Defiler but with an easier time since it has better OA.

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Grimtools: Sorcerer Bleed

Kiting Build

  • A lot of smaller stacking bleed sources (not much else available) = rings, pet, amulet, bracers, seal, devotions (Huntress, Falcon, UnkSoldier). 3 pc Bloodrager seemed like best fit to add some %phys resist. Bloodsurge ammy for proc.
  • Sustain and single target using Biting Blades, devotion UknSoldier
  • Energy regen is negative but that should only be a problem if you are not active - as plenty of leech/trigger skills
  • resistances are very tight, so perhaps green boots or better component juggle would help. CC are generally good, though. Chose these boots due to low phys requirement = more cunning pump.
    *Bleed RR from weapons aura, pet. Flat RR from Demo AgonFlames

Not sure if FlashB is best fit for Huntress, could be switched - but have to use every proccer.
Original ammy pick was Goredrinker, but I think that is same proc as gloves (same Name and effects) - so needs testing to know if will stack.

(maybe bloodrager gets some Arcanist support? haha)

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Thanks to the CT buff on playtest we got another source of +100% WD for Sorceress, here come Pierce/Bleed CT.

Damage is low, but we got full conversion from elemental to pierce and half from aether. Together with FoR, Flame Touch, and Temper, we got another source of flat damage to convert and racial bonus against Aetherial and Chtonian.

Survivability comes from the big +30% adcth and energy leech, so far there is no issue with energy. It can facetank SR65 Reaper, but Kaisan needs more kiting as he is more resistant to our damage.


:faction_undead:Vitality Commando? Vitality Commando!:faction_undead:

That even did SR 75-76 fairly compfy! It’s not the fastest toon out there but bossing was very smooth to my own surprise!

Shout out also goes to @eardianm & @banana_peel cuz I yoinked their devo path from the top 20 vit gunner build!:grin:

Time to take vit. commando off that list! @DeputyChuck :partying_face:


Uroboruuk’s Reaping on a ranged build? Bysmiel pants? Counter Strike? Base War Cry? What is this?! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Yes! :grin:
Has dmg, speed, flat & adcth.
Don’t care about the skill. :man_shrugging:
CS should be obv. here cuz blood knight supported & WC for DR. :sunglasses:

Also pantsu are trap & freeze CC with some life.

Something that, to my own surprise, works!

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That’s a lot of new stuff at once, thanks everyone!

Pierce Sorcerer: :white_check_mark:
Bleed Sorcerer: :white_check_mark:
Vitality Commando: :white_check_mark:

With that, Commando is complete!
Only 1 vitality build left and we’ll have another completed damage type.


Vit. sorc huhhh… let’s see… :grin:

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Speaking of things that are 1 away form completion: Nightblade and Soldier only need 1 build each to be completed (Lightning Reaper and Pierce Warlord)

I have a lightning reaper in the works, but it’s reliant on the lightning shadow strike conduit, which has been buffed in the playtest patch, so I’m going to wait a bit.

As for pierce warlord, As @arivus mentionned, it shouldn’t be that difficult to pull off. :slight_smile:

It’s… something… :eyes:
I guess… :rofl:
Just have to put it together. :laughing:


as elemental damage also would count, likely something like this would count as lightning reaper (and one challenge dungeon should be possible with a build - even if the overcaps are sometimes close to non existent)