Thermite Mine

Thermite Mines are GREAT! Make you feel like you’re on the MOON! Slow motion descent, 0.2 gravity, and everything. They teach you PATIENCE like a true Zen master.

“Three-fold be rewarded he who waits…”


Wiser words have never been spoken :open_mouth:

I’m doubtful that Crate will change the overall mechanical behavior of these TMs. at this late stage Something like exploding mines or an RR that lingers outside the aura. would have been interesting.

So I was thinking that if Crate added RR to further damage types on the Hellfire node, I personally would be more interested in using TMs.- notably with conversion builds which lack RR.

  • desired RRs:: vitality, acid, aether, pierce, bleed.

This would allow for a variety of interesting class combos. Oath Keeper basically has all of this, but via immortal pet auras that are not clunky.

Aether is there already. Defilers have no easy excuse for being the shittiest class anymore.

But seriously, the mines are good now. Or almost good. Invincibility is there, radius is there. Can’t expect them to work like Censure because they are meant to work like tag-the-area-and-hold-out kinda playstyle. That will not change, I dare surmise.

The only problem is that they are still painstakingly slow. It takes 2-3 seconds before they fall, gently, like an autumn leaf, multiply and finally, after everything is already dead, activate… If they only fixed that Moon gravity thing (with all demolitionist toys) then I would be happy.

Yeah fix that and for Grenado so I feel like I’m throwing rocks instead of water baloons

Nope, fully agree with you

you are not alone
i do not play demo because mine is terrible for my gameplay

a whole 0.1m extra radius compared to before. Still bounces off enemies. Also, they literally have a 2m censure on without the PDR%

I might be wrong but I think the radius used to be 1 meter. And now it’s 2 meters. So it doesn’t matter if they bounce off or not as they never bounce off more than 2m away. Also means that one set of 3 mines covers an oval of 4m in the shortest and more than 7m in the longest diameter. 2 sets can cover the area between the 4 pillars in Crucible of Death if placed right. This isn’t bad at all.

And they usually fall in a predictable way (like 20-30 degrees counterclockwise off line of sight). Just a bonus but important if you pilot well and aim at maxing clears.

I say there’s been huge improvement since 1.0.7 when the mines were dying in AoE. Back then I used to 1p them or not take them at all. Now it’s hard to justify not pushing them to the 2% rr per point break point. They’re still the worst stackable rr but they’re viable.

Most of feedback in this thread is outdated.

Mine isn’t. I still don’t like how mines work, not when compared to the myriad of options for RR that the other masteries have.

I guess it is decent if you can afford to hold your ground and fight. But if you have to kite, atleast in my experience, they become worthless.

Atleast if the placement was instant instead of what we have atm… but right now, Demolitionist is easily at the top of my list of most useless stuff in GD because of Mines.

Mines are still clunky.The radius was increased by 0.2m I think,which doesn’t help.

But like Maya pointed the biggest problem is the big delay.I would prefer if they’re instant,even if there RR is nerfed a lot.

I’m not saying they’re great. I’m saying they’re good enough for what they do. I’m making a very low-tier build now (aether defiler) that forces to really pilot well and I actually enjoy the fun of trying to predict what the battlefield will look like in 3 seconds. The mines should be faster, yeah, but hey, in the light of everything else there isn’t really THAT much to complain about. I quit Demorant Club long ago. The fastest build alive is demo with the clunkiest of the clunky skills as main.

(Actually, if I was to join Demorant Club again I would put no res, no cc res and still useless Temper on the top of the list, not the Mines)

@Nery I won’t bet my life on it but I think the radius was much smaller before. I remember ranting about it myself…

why would you nerf the RR? Guardians of Empyrion can do only 5% less for less skill points, twice the target radius (you can have two guardians out so it can cover 33% more area at the highest), and being mobile and fast.

I’d agree with reducing the rr/damage if mines had tiny legs and swarmed around the enemy like swarmlings with their tiny censure auras

Mines with legs,you made my day sir :laughing:

Btw which is the fastest build?Also does it use mines?

As demo,I agree with @ya1 the lack of any resistances,no CC and weird change of Temper-diminutive DA,instead of armor.It should be much higher DA and armor on top.Also no exclusive skill.Elementalist will benefit from fire exclusive skill.Saboteurs don’t have any.

But since all of -RR in Demo is mine,one can consider that they’re the worst form of RR for most of the builds.

It’s Canister Bomb purifier with 4pc Ulzuin and Fleshwarped Incinerator made by John_Smith. And yeah, not only does he use the mines but also pushes them to 19/16, way beyond the break point. Top Mortar builds also invest generously in the mines.

(To be precise, that purifier is not actually number one because the ranking thread mixes up 4 banner runs, 1 banner runs and pharma runs, and the latest pimped out pet cabalist by Sigatrev is best suited for pharma and 4 banners. But in classic 1banner runs the purifier should still be number one.)

Anyways, my point is the age when top builders 1-pointed or even skipped mines are in the past. The Mines are good now.

Well i like the Thermite Mine to have an overhaul, so once you step on it, it jumps in the air like flipping a coin, and when the Angle is perfect it shoots an firebased Kamehameha Laser, 20xTimes bigger than AAR and as long as from Devils Crossing up to Ugdenburg(and if you get the new set of the 6th Roguelike Dungeon even straight up to Malmouth). It permanently debuff ress of said enemies due it melts their armor away like butter… and i don’t care if it’s 30 min up to 1 hour cooldown, because that would be a really cool skill.

But for real, i kinda have to agree with it, even as caster. It’s somewhat nice if you play multiplyer with a friend and he does facetanking, but solo i often don’t bother anymore because the enemies won’t hold still anway… except if i would try to facetank with a sorc which would be kinda… yeah… no

Why no? You got 7 seconds of full facetankability against pretty much anything with a sorcerer. Which is when you apply your DoTs. Which is when the debuffs matter. Once your DoTs are stacked nice it doesn’t matter if they leave the mines or not. They tick the same for the whole duration no matter what.

You gotta watch your cooldowns with a sorc. Otherwise pita. Mines are good. Gotta pay attention more is all.

Seems like they are getting a buff to their placement: Thermite mines mechanics need improvement

im keenly awaiting these changes. hopefully it will help with energy costs too not having to cast so many thermite mines to get the placement right.