Things you think you are the only one doing


1 - I always spend 1 point after lvl 10 on second mastery ( incase i forget what i wanted to play )
2 - I love playing with controller * even tho it’s kinda bumpy for those piano builds xD

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When I was powerful enough to beat celestials I tried the “new game -> malmouth xp potion + lokarr’s set + merit -> crucible to get a constellation - > rush elite -> ultimate full playthrough” method. Any other method now feels like a waste of time :thinking::relieved:

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Thats how i learned which items are really rare.
7 mules and 7 real builds so far.

Thats funny. lol
I like it.

I’ve gotta be the only person playing a 2H Fire Strike Sorcerer build right now

Right now? Probably.

Made plenty of memes and suboptimal builds in the past, one being a Retaliation Sorcerer

I played 2H aether FS Srocerer a week ago. Now it’s Cadence time!

Fascinating thread.

In the last six day, I’ve theorycrafted about as many builds. I probably spent over 20 hours on it. Maybe 30.
I played less than 2. Hours, not builds. I’ll never play any of them.
I have a habit, in every ARPG, to immediately try to find things that are completely off the archetype of a character or class.
Like a melee witch or something.
Still haven’t managed to do a decent pierce damage channeled skill build.

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Is this way faster than the one used by Rektbyprotoss?

Nope, reading those lore notes and do the first quests in ultimate is kinda huge and its faster to get those devotion points by devotion-jumping in normal than do crucible. This “get devotions in crucible” etc were good methods pre-merits.

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Will it be suicide if I read the lore notes in the 1st quest then continue to level up in Ultimate instead of devotion jumping in Normal, Elite and Ultimate?

you get some exp from the totems, in particular late normal and in elite. You need to get those devotions anyway. Also you need to do quests to get reputation. Most ppl seems to forget that Grim Dawn leveling is just not only about experience, but also reputation. Crucible and Shattered Realm gives 0 reputation.


I never confront Josephine Reddan(after killing his father for stealing from his partner) and I also never talk to the lunatic(Harvey if I’m not mistaken) in Burrwitch Estates just so I don’t have to kill him. These two death are so sad and unnecessary so I walk pass by them without any interaction.

The issue with Nicoh also very upsets me; though there is a chance I can save them so I try my luck for fifty fifty.

So do you kill the trader anyways? That’s also an unnecessary death and you lose a good trader?
Also, you don’t have to kill Harvey if you don’t try to pressure him to ‘help’ him. ^^

Well as a merchant, the things he offers are not that important, including buying items from you with better price.
For the story itself. I always thought that if he’s telling the truth, his daughter will be there with him. No dad sends his daughter away after saving her from danger. Also If anyone try to rape my daughter, I certainly make sure he is dead :wink:
And no matter the issue between the partners; the girl done nothing to die but two merchants traveling in the invaded world of cairn dying because of each other doesn’t seem too wrong to me.

Well I feel sorry for him and think that he is better off dead. So I let him become Schrödinger’s Harvey :stuck_out_tongue: Both dead and alive until I observe him.

I believe it when I see it!

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He offers up random ointments - and that makes him absolutely worth in my book. Noone else does that.

Haven’t found a Hoarfrost blueprint yet but want to head to the depths of SoT to take on Alkamos? Reddan is your guy.

If you talked to her you can see that she is a pretty strong-willed woman. No daddy of hers is gunna make her stay put if she don’t want to be.

It’s worth letting him alive and without taking bribe for the first playthrough but after that it’s no big deal.

And I would accept that if we learn she is the one who stabs his father’s partner because he tried to rape her.

i second that :raising_hand_man:
they don’t call me ChronicRestarter for nothing :laughing:
for me the reason is not so much that it gets grindy but because i will usually come across an interesting item or build and then i just HAVE to start a new toon to try it out :+1:

anyone else like to hear “still drawing, you were, he’s um” from Hangman Jarvis before embarking your toon?