This game should have a tag BDSM on steam

This game simply doesn’t have smart loot - but if you want you can get items with your damage type a bit later. % Cold / Frostborn Faction items, MIs also have higher probablity for affixes with damage types native to them.


That’s a really helpful answer, thank you.

Now i know that i’m not crazy

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Nope not crazy. But try to keep your sanity for the lower levels at least, it’s not too bad.

And there are lots of purple builds for endgame, so you don’t even have to torture yourself with MI farming.

Because you are newbie and you still dont comprehend the loot pool system. Beside blue, there’re plenty of MIs that easily to target farming for the special ones which suit your char.
For example:
If you want CT Arcanist, Kyzogg is the monster you have to do farming to get his fire CT offhand that supports your build
A lightning shaman for reckless, so this axe from Animated Statues is the one you need to farm.
And so on…
I feel your complain, but you still need to learn a lot, things go well if you have the knowledge.


Ohhhhh but i disagree :smiley:

The game have a smartloot, but an evil one…

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Also have a look at this Trozan Warlock by @Monceaux , all gear is target farmable / buyable and most have Cold / Frostburn on it Warlock, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator ([][Guide] Trozan's Ice Shards - A cold Warlock Beginner Guide)


I understand that, tqFan and Nery were really helpful on the subject.

That was not my point though, i just wanted to know, why 90% of green item i loot are specificly a damage that i don’t use.

I bet you that if i restart the game and play let say a fire demolitionist, every green i’ll loot it’ll be +cold damage :smiley:

Sell the bitches and buy some MI gear that has the damage type your looking for.

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What are those MI you talk about?

I think that I answered that way up in the thread near the beginning, no?

There is no general smart loot, aside from items being more likely to roll affixes of their own damage types, in order to encourage you to make more characters. It is never going to be “one character” oriented.

Of course, I realize that doesn’t help those like you who have restart-itis lol.


Rougelike dungeons have vendors, they all sell various weaponry.

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Techically you could filter items by their damage and live in your imaginary land where all items are suited to you I think but I wouldn’t recommend that as $$$ can be useful and % damage is not be-all and end-all outside of Crucible.


Yes you had already respond that, but i never imagine that would be at that point. If i needed to store every good item for every damage type i loot, i’ll need a 100000000000000 square stash :smiley:

You don’t need to store level 20 items for next char.


That’s why people have made mods for that :smiley: Item Assistant and GD Stash. But yes also you don’t need to stash low-level items generally.


So that settled, the game hates me, noted.

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First you need to level to 100 because low level items don’t need to be kept.


That’s why GD divides 2 seperate loot pools: one totally random (to encourage you create new chars) and one predictable (the MIs). Once you get used to it, you can always farm to build a budget char that gears fully support your dmg type.


That settled, i just added the tag BDSM on steam, could made some new people buy it :smiley:


ngl, seeing a mention then the thread’s title got me curious