Three things you don’t love about

In this thread, please list down three things you disagree with, are butthurt about or simply wish didn’t happen in patch. Some reasoning behind is also welcome.

Here’s mine:

  1. Conduit removals. BS conduit change - and Mortar conduit before it - was not a nerf. Nerf is when you lower values but the general shape of an item/skill stays the same. Since some time ago, conduits are simply being removed from the game. This is not good. Imo, items should not be getting removed from aRPGs. Other ways to balance exist. If +1 to a summon seems too powerful on a conduit, a penalty could have been added.

Arguing it’s just an affix is pointless. Different affixes on conduits make them effectively different items.

  1. Removing aether rr from Aether Corruption. Few would argue that removing lightning rr was bad. Lightning is an elemental type with abundance of rr. But aether?

  2. DG ultra nerf. I didn’t like it when 40% crit was made into 30% but all in all it was an okay change, and DG was in a good place. I rebelled when Z wanted to mess with the uptime - this wasn’t a good change and it was abandoned. This change right now is not good either. It’s simply too much. I believe it stems from a false impression that DG was being taken by every build. It was not. DG was being taken only by the builds lacking in stats it offered and being close to it in devotions. If someone thinks otherwise please do a little review of best/fastest/tankiest builds. DG is not as popular as it is believed to be. This change is imo unwarranted.

  1. Lack of interactivity with shrines.

  2. Removal of DA on Barb pants.

  3. Canister Bomb nerfs that came before I got to make a CB build. :weary:

Should I start a 50 things you love about thread, you know, to balance it out in a way that reflects reality?


and even if this is the truth, this is a nerf. Chaos builds have 0 in-built crit damage, and now more crit is taken from them.

I agree with things @ya1 said but have some mine.

1 - nerf of FW. I just can’t understand it. FW builds have never been OP as the skill itself with low WD, and even the best build - fire FW Commando - never broke out of 6 mins or reached further than SR65-66.
2. Removing racila from Revenant. Chaos builds probably haven’t suffered much but there are also aether Battle Mages and there’s Reaper of the Lost …
3 - Strange retal nerfs. What is the purpose of nerfing the only and best pants for retal and chopping a piece of lightning retal? No person sane enough will take Dawnguard for 4-5 pieces as only 3 pieces fit perfectly with Dawnbreaker’s Set. And lightning retal warders also have never broken sth.


Except not a nerf? It had the weapon damage penalty nerfed and the flat damage mods buffed to compensate for the total damage penalty increase. CD FW got the best end of the deal by having the flat damage sources buffed while it doesn’t care for Tremor because it doesn’t use it.

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Balancing patches requires balanced opinions, so it’s nice to express both what we like and don’t like.

Btw Battlemage got new toys but aether BM lacks any RR by mastery, so aether Corruption is big loss. I agree lightning don’t need it as much but aether does , especially BM. So I suggest aether only at -8% RR.

I would agree that only naming negatives doesn’t portray a realistic image of people’s reaction to the patch (at least I hope so). Perhaps it would be better to elaborate on three positives and three negatives.

May sound like a surprise but these buffs don’t overweight damage penalty.
And I care about spam FW which has got weaker for unknown reasons.

Not really, specially because i tested them. 2H FW damage is more or less the same.

I agree that acid retal buffs are nice but I don’t understand why other types deserve nerfes.

Thornhide Leggards got nerfed because every retal build under the sun were using them. Fire, Acid, Lightning, Physical it didn’t mattered, every retal build.

But maybe there’s another way - like buffing another pants for different retal types - instead of nerfing the only option?

Or maybe those pants were overtuned and that’s the reason they got nerfed? Buffing would just make other retal pants just as ovetuned.

But still we have Thornhides as only options. So nothing remained, and this won’t make builders take other pants for retal, imo.

Nope. Venomskin Legwraps for acid and Runeplates of Ignaffar for fire. The latter specially because of flat OA which helps retal builds.

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I agree that specific “Conduits” shouldn’t be removed (Not that I’ve lost any builds yet).

If you are considering doing it, my advice is to start merging certain Conduits together EG merge Chaos Jacks with Chaos Canister Bomb into a single prefix etc.


I have only really one thing that made me scratch my head in confusion and it’s the Frenetic Throw nerf. Last time i checked Vitality and specially Cold PB spam builds weren’t terrorizing Crucible and SR as far as i’m aware.

  1. BS conduit removal
  2. Aether Corruption rr
  3. more nerfing/removal of racial damage
    Other than that was a pretty great patch imo, and the removal of the BS conduit prefix didn’t hit my build as hard as I thought it did, Runebinder Gem is a pretty good replacement for it (Chillwhisper caster infiltrator).
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Removal of +1 to BS Conduit was completely unwarranted. Conduit was a core item on several strong but not op builds. Spite Blademaster did not rely on third Blade Spirit, it just needed Conduit for defenses, third Blade Spirit was merely a little AOE bonus to it. I love that it could be used on Pierce builds and on Cold builds, I personally made two quite creative yet strong builds with it: Pierce caster Infiltrator and hybrid Chillwshisper Trickster. With this item removal I will have to rethink the builds from the get-go. I feel really sorry for the people that followed those guides and got their builds destroyed by one stupid nerf.

Removal of Aether rr from Corruption was also a brainless move, imo. Yes, Lightning builds deserved it (but then, it should’ve happened BEFORE all lightning nerfs), but Aether builds? A lot of Aether builds have only one -RR in mastery (some like Battle Mage got none), that nerf gonna hurt them a lot. And again, for no good reason.


I’ll just note that racial got added to a few tier one devotions. Gallows, Toad, Wraith, Wretch. These were most always bypassed because they had nothing comparatively substancial before. Now they are at least worth a look for an extra 6 % damage to some type.

Some got reduced, but imho these were and still are full of goodness anyways. Imho it’s better to spread it around. The component reduction (skull) was definitely warranted.