Three things you don’t love about

I am more inclined to trust opinions of players who actually proved their knowledge by continuously posting great builds and had actually tested a lot of stuff in-game. I have played couple of @thejabrixone’s builds and we chatted a lot about the game, guy knows his stuff.

But what about “Top starter, Ultimate farmer”, and whatever the third one was?

Z nerfed my PB saboteur. Sad saboteur noises.

Three things…hmm, well, I could bicker about 3 changes not made…:thinking:

No new options for Bleeding Builds. New items, nothing for Bleeding Builds except one MI for a slot which already has good options (one was even buffed). No changes on existing items to test something new.

Mythical Butcher of Burrwitch:
Okay, more Bleeding, less AdctH due to less Physical Damage…but more important: Why is this Shaman-only? Shaman Bleeding is 2H-WPS. Yeah, Trickster (which already has options), but why not support something else with Skill-Bonuses?

Mythical Scion of Crimson Wakes:
Again, more Bleeding Damage…okay. Still: EoR with Bleeding isn´t a great choice (only when you take Gutsmasher and deal tons of Physical Damage). And more Shaman, especially RR. Why? What about Nightblade for Blademaster or Necromancer for Death Knight (Masteries which have DW WPS)?

Given that he showed zero evidence of his claims, me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Zantai doesn’t give a shit about how many builds you have tested, he cares about evidence. thejab showed zero evidence for his claims, nothing happens.

And i would actually post the many builds i have tested in beta and in public, but we know what has happened in the last few years when it comes to build posting. I don’t have the patience to deal with bullshit from certain people.

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Well, it’s a sword that gives whopping passive 18% RR, +2 to Nightblade skills, buttload of flat, huge %damage, %cdr and 10% phys res. Savagery Winter Bane Tricksters with two piece Korba were already super solid Crucible farmers (6 minutes, maybe 5:30 or closer to 5 if pilot is someone like Plasmo or Banana). Giving them 10% CDR is over the top.

Also, watch out for new op SS builds with Winter Bane.

And yeah, it makes Soulrend pretty irrelevant (it was already semi-relevant before).




Having a grocery list of its stats is not evidence of anything.

Come on, Bane is never going to beat 2 x Loxmere.

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Top builder vs top Praetorian, place the bets. :smile:

Btw Norzan said that PB builds are not crushing Crucible lately, so my bet is on Jabby.

I also should update my spam CT Harra Winter King Spellbreaker build, should be even cooler now.

It is. Endgame is pure stats juggle. It’s not always obvious when it comes down to proc interactions but when the item is just a stackpile of stats you know if it’s OP or not in… 10 seconds when you see it? Maybe even less.

I was going to make Infiltrator or Spellbreaker with this sword so your thirst for evidence will be satisfied anyway.

It isn’t. Some items can be compensating for the lack of stats in other items, some items end up having more stats than others.

For possibly like the fourth or fifth time, post actual evidence. For a group of people that prides themselves so much in their build posting, it sure is taking a while for evidence to show up.


It is. If you actively play endgame you know what you are dealing with. You know other items to compare, you know the stats of possible class combos to wield the item.

For this particular case, i like that the sword has phys res now. It’s actually a good change. Also some CDR is not a bad idea in itself. What makes the sword broken is free 18% RR. Right now cold has a possibility of -104% RR aura. With 0 green items. Other dmg types could only dream of it.

Have some patience. Making a well-rounded endgame-ready build takes more time than slapping the item on one of your Cronley farmers.

Take your ego wars to private discussion please.

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My 3 things, more of a general matter than anything particular :slightly_smiling_face:

  1. Removal of the items like +1 to BS or Anguish belt that was nerfed back into oblivion from where it came just one patch ago.
    Of course, it’s sad for builders but that’s secondary. More important is how it affects legit players. This game has intricate building with lots of moving parts. When your item is nerfed you usually can shuffle some things to compensate for that. But when a part of your build is effectively removed the build falls apart like a house of cards.
    No quality of life changes can compensate the loss of smth you planned and farmed for for weeks. It’s an awful feeling.

  2. Nerfs to dmg without anything in return.
    I don’t have a say in caster’s world but in melee certain platforms rely on damage (mainly single target damage) as a source of survival. Meaning you have to be able to 1v1 bosses in Shards or Crucible before you get swarmed. This patch has brought many generic damage nerfs but almost no generic defensive buffs.
    If the goal is to bring the timers down, in my opinion there is always a way to compensate the dmg nerfs with defensive bonuses. Dmg nerf to Revenant is huge. Why not compensate it with 2% DA or smth? Nerf to Amatok buff is also huge and probably justified when you compare this buff to the others. But Ulzuin’s buff is by far the weakest. Why not buff it’s defensive properties to give some incentive to pick it over the others?
    Regardless of what times people are able to show in Crucible or Shards, this game is not easy.

  3. The change to Crimson Spike was very nice. I was expecting more of the kind. There are still tons of melee legendaries collecting dust.

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Hardly felt it.

In Early patch testing the nerf was no OA on amatok which could have been really harsh for Builds that don’t innately break 3K OA with ease and there are tons of those. So in the end that was changed

The Phys BA build I posted had no OA in that video from amatok. Luckily it was one of those builds that doesn’t feel that nerf too bady cause of Oleron + cunning dump, But not all would be so lucky.

All in all it’s fine. Ulzuin is very fine as well. It has a sizeable bonus to OA and DA

As a noob who loves playing with janky builds and spends little time in the endgame, I’m not noticing anything bad about this update except for the below 2 things;

  1. The bug in multiplayer where you get fake totems. Very disappointing getting that surge of excitement spotting one only to find it’s not a legit totem.

  2. How much everyone hates things about this update. Its disheartening to see so much disappointment. Maybe I havent been paying attention but I dont recall it ever being this outspoken. For someone who’s only starting to dip toes into endgame stuff, it’s a little discouraging hearing all these downsides. I mean I feel the update was good but clearly I’m not even aware of much, I’ve never even owned a Conduit. Didnt know what they were until everyone started bitching about them lol.

Something I love about this game is the connection between developers and players, it’s a rare element not many games maintain. I’d be very very sad to see it go. Let’s all work together and find a way to keep it intact!

It’s not so much don’t worry. It takes a small number of people to make a lotta’ noise


Don’t be. It’s a big patch with lots of changes, as such there are many nerfs. And people always respond negatively to nerfs. And the majority of those who are satisfied stay silent.

But would ever you take it over any other buff? Ulzuin has a “sizeable bonus to OA and DA”. But every other buff is gamechanging.


Yes ofc. So many builds can actually do crucible without Empyrion. Something i’ve been starting to do myself for the past few weeks if the build is right

Ulo is the real tanker IF you don’t have very low base HP.

It was a bit nerfed for a reason. Was considered overpowered at some point

Well, as a veteran player and builder all I can say that patch was overall more disappointing than anything. There were a lot of gamechanging nerfs in the past, but with every patch game was starting to look more and more balanced. Last few patches saw the game balance get in a state of turmoil (but it was understandable since a lot of new content like roguelike and tonns of items and global epic and mi items buffs etc.). This patch was supposed to calm things down. Instead it added a lot of head scratching stuff that doesn’t really make much sense other than just to troll/spite a small audience of endgame players/builders.

Well why Zantai balances his game around this noise quite a lot it seems.

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So many? In my experience there is only a handful of builds that have such high health naturally, without big losses in other stats.

Sure, i also try some builds without Empyrion from time to time. Doesn’t mean they can play reliably without it.