Tips I Wish I Knew Before Playing

I’ve been writing some articles about Grim Dawn recently in , and thought I should be sharing them in official forums for all to see.

First I had some kind of a review of the game (minus giving scores):

Grim Dawn – A detailed analysis. Is this ARPG worth your time?

Then I proceeded for this small Tips series:
Tips I Wish I Knew Before Playing - Part one (Vanilla
Tips I Wish I Knew Before Playing - Part Two (Vanilla

I’ll be following with more several parts for small tips that generally makes my life easier in Grim Dawn. It’s nothing huge like ForgottenKane’s super amazing guides, but just some treats I like to share.

One: Attributes Aren’t There To Mess With:
The customization in Grim Dawn is immense. You can customize and tweak every aspect about your character, when you first level up, or later. You have the spiritual guide, an NPC who can reset your skill points and devotion points, so you can spend them elsewhere. All of your choices can be changed later in higher difficulties. Be it faction, or some random trader you murdered on the road, you have a second and third chance to rectify your choices.

It’s all designed to give you freedom, and encourage experimentation. Which means you can virtually go crazy and make what you like, and change it all later. And it’s true, but for one small tricky part: Attributes!

The problem: It’s very easy to develop the wrong attributes
You get one precious attribute point each level, which you can spend on Physique, Cunning, or Spirit. Attributes gives small bonus to damage, health, or mana, but their main value is being a requirement for armors and weapons.

That’s where it gets tricky, you are level 20, and you get a nice drop which makes you all excited, but sadly you can’t equip due to lack of Spirit, or Cunning. You level up, you immediately spend your point into Spirit or Cunning. Then it’s enough, so you level some more, and keep spending points this way until you able to wear it.

Then you spend one more hour, and your are level 30. Except now that awesome drop isn’t awesome anymore. By end game, you realize that attributes can’t be refunded and new gear needs different distribution. Regret doesn’t feel good, does it?

The Solution: How to play safe with Attributes?

  • Level up your mastery bar first:

Your two classes increase your attributes passively, which get you the points required to equip things. It decreases the need to spread your attributes points around and gives you a better idea of where you really need to spend your points. So don’t rush maxing all skills, but instead increase mastery bar early on.

  • Physique is the king in Grim Dawn:

Plain and simple, Physique is the most important attribute. It not only gives flat numbers in health (which can be multiplied by various ways), but the best defensive armor requires so many points spent on Physique – maybe even All points in it.

  • Leave some points undecided for end-game:

If you – typically – spent all first 70 points in Physique, it’s probably wise to not spend the rest immediately. Leave the last ten or twenty points free until you get to Max level and have all the equipment you need. You might find a good accessory that needs five more spirit points or something.

  • Utilize components as you level up:

Things like “Polished Emerald” , “Spellwoven Thread” , and “Vicious Jawbone” can be a source for some attributes early on. Even if they don’t give direct benefit to your build, using them for the stats is okay. You can see a full list of all components and what they do here.

  • Take a look at Devotion Constellations:

Yes, the stars have attributes, and you might not need to go out of your way to get them! On the road to every major proc skill, you will find small boosts in attributes. You will grab these by default on the way, so don’t worry about changing anything for attributes.

Two: Build Up Your Defenses Properly:
No matter what level you are (beyond the first ten or twenty), you always need to prioritize defense. Yes, when I first heard this tip from professional players, I thought it sounded counter-productive, and boring, and that it would make progression slower. But having played this game over 400 hours, I can totally confirm the viability of the method.

The thing is: Grim Dawn is really grim. The enemies can be really weak on normal/Veteran, but become way stronger in Elite, and a total nightmare in Ultimate. Even in normal you can encounter some hard to pass encounters as a glass cannon. And if you can’t stand few hits, you will have to start running to escape, and will stop doing damage. While a good defense allow you to stand your ground for a bit, giving you better chance at finishing enemies before they finish you.

The solution: How to prioritize your defenses

  • Max out “Resistances”, that will take care of most damage types. Physical resistance is very hard to come by though.
  • Invest in “Health”, health is an all around decent defense against all types of enemies.
  • Defensive Abilities. It’s a sure way to not get hit by a crit, and also have enemies miss some hits on you. very important to not get 1 hit by the toughest bosses.
  • Don’t let “Armor” fall behind too much. Make sure to replace your low level equipments regularly with something with higher armor and decent stats.
  • “Circuit-Breakers” This is a term people use on skills that proc when player Health gets to a certain point (40% for example) and pop up some temporary strong defense buff or shield. Skills like “Blast Shield” from demotionalist , or Gaint’s Blood from Constalltions are very strong defense in tight situation where you can’t do much. I put it further down the list because it’s not mandatory in Normal and Elite. But Max these out by the time you get Ultimate, it will be very useful.
  • Over-cap your resistance. That’s a tip for the very end-game top contents, like hunting Nemesis bosses. Some bosses debuff your resistances, so having some extra reserve is always a good thing. Don’t neglect other important defenses to do that though.
  • There are many other sources of defense in Grim Dawn, but they are situational, and depends on build. Like Vitality damage builds, and retaliation builds, also solider shield builds are very strong and Crucible viable in general. But these are topics not for this article.

Three: Know What Build You Are Doing
This one sounds basic stuff, but it could get very tricky. Grim Dawn is a rich world, with countless possibilities to replay the game and having different experience. Thus, the majority of the build guides out there are aimed towards experienced players, with long hours into the game, and decent stash of equipment ready to be used. In other words, many builds are gear dependent, which might not be friendly for beginners.

The matter is: If you don’t have the specific gear the build asks for, you either ask the guide writer to suggest you a beginner alternative, or don’t do this build. The drop rates in grim Dawn are very good, and you keep getting good items constantly as you play. But the loot tables are shared among all monsters in the world, meaning that anything can drop anything, and there are no specific spot to farm any item. The exception is some rare items called “Moster infrequents” or “MI”, which are moderately good items dropping from some specific bosses or monsters, and are good for leveling. With proper affixes, the highest levels MIs can be best in slot for some builds, if you can afford the extensive farm for these specific affixes.

Pro & Cons:
It’s good on one side, as it make you keep playing the game, go wherever you like, and enjoy all the content without worrying about the drops, since what you get here would be the same as you got there. But it restrict you from planning top builds without before having the items required. It might be wiser to plan your second character based on what you already have from first playthrough, not on what you wish/expect to have.

This problem extend to the first playthrough, since you have nothing to start with. Well, not “nothing” , since the faction gear can be excellent choices for some builds, best in slot even. These faction gear require some effort to get, but it’s fun and very rewarding to do.

Some beginners-friendly builds suggestions:

  • Poison Caster Witchblade (Occultist/Solider)
  • Pyromancer fire pets summoner (Occultist/Demotionalist)
  • Sword and Board Pierce Blademaster (Nightblade/Solider)
  • Two handed lightening Elementalist (Shaman/Demotionalist)
  • Strom totem Warder (Shaman/Solider)
  • Lightning/Pet Druid (Arcanist/Shaman)
  • Dual pistols Sorcerer (Arcanist + Demolitionist)
  • Dual Wield Melee Witchhunter (Nightblade + Occultist)
  • Bleeding based Conjurer (Occultist + Shaman)

These are some quick concepts of varied basic builds in Vanilla to look forward. But notice that you don’t have to follow any of these suggestions, you can actually start the game and level with one mastery through the normal difficulty, then depends on your taste, decide where to go from there. Adding another mastery depends on your direction, or respec to another build entirely, Grim Dawn is flexible like this. These guidelines are only for those who don’t like to feel overwhelmed by the amount of customizations the game have.

Four: Learn How To Craft, And What To Craft:
And be patient for the recipes as they come one by one. Really, crafting a strong aspect of the game, that keep giving you candy along the way, but only gets to its full potential after hundreds of hours of gameplay. You can craft so many things. For example, consumables, powerful Mythical Relics, parts of legendary items sets and the most important components.

Saving the rare materials required for materials is crucial, as these are drops only, and not sold by any merchant (they can be exchanged for one another in act Four though). Things like Tainted Brain Matter, and Ancient heart and the like are precious little things, so use them wisely.

Don’t be afraid of trying to craft basic gear though; the items with question marks in the default menu of the blacksmith, named Enchanted Mace and Enchanted Boots. These are not strictly “magic” items. The crafting can give you rares and scales up with your level. You can actually get some solid gear from them to cover any weakness your character have. You just need scraps and gold, and some courage to go through the randomization.

Five:Leveling v.s Endgame ~ [NEW]
This concept took me sometime to get around. When I was new player, I used to look at build guides, and when I found no detailed leveling guide, I’d just skip the build or frame it as “unfriendly to beginners” …

Other times, I’d play another build, follow its leveling guide over veteran difficulty, and think: Wow, this build going to be an easiest run…

In both cases, I came out to find that I had false impressions. And what I thought as hard facts, is simply a lack of understanding. Which is totally fine, Grim Dawn have a steep learning curve, as I explained in my review.

The reality is: There are many ways to level a build. Some of them are easier than others, and some are suitable for many builds, with endgame result being different. I’ll try to detail some of these differences between endgame and leveling to give new players the idea of what to expect, and what to not expect.

  • Endgame skills might not be the same as leveling skills
  • Yes, it’s true you can go Arcanist for first mastery, and pick up one of strongest leveling skills such as Olexra’s Flash Freeze or (OFF) as some call. You focus on it early on, and one hit the entire screen as you go around. or you could pick up Fireblast/Greater Fireblast from components and think like: Wow! This build is so very strong.
  • NOPE, the build is not strong, nor weak nor anything yet, you are too early to judge… These skills might not be even in your endgame build, as in Fireblast. Or you might reduce its level to one, as in OFF in a Albercht Aether Ray build.
  • So enjoy being Overpowered for the first levels, but be smart about it while leveling. Some skills like “Primal Strike” from “Shaman” have good scaling with “weapon damage” , and some have extensive modifiers like “Panetti’s Replicating Missile” and might be suitable as main skill for endgame, if you build around them. But some other skills are good only for low levels, as fillers until you get your better stuff. So don’t get too attached, and if you are not following step-by-step leveling guide, make sure to ask a lot, and/or experiment around different concepts.
  • Offensive priorities differ from early game to endgame
  • I’m talking about the famous question: “What bonus to look for on gear and weapon?” … It will differ, sometimes greatly. let’s continue with the “Fireblast” example from previous point. This spell do pure fire damage, so while leveling, picking up “fire damage %” will be the best bonus you can increase damage with. But now you passed 50, and found a good aether weapon, and started to invest in “Albercht Aether Ray” which is Aether/Fire damage. Keeping fire might sound good for few more levels, as it’s a part of the damage anyway. But soon, you better start stacking getting “Convert X damage to Aether” and “Aether resistant reduction” , along with “Aether damage %” . Also “Reduce Energy Cost” , because this skill can drain you dry in no more than couple seconds. See the difference now between endgame and leveling?
  • Another example would be a fire pets build, where you might see some meaningful difference from stacking “Pet damage %” early on. But as you level up, things gets quite different, and “+level to Flame Touched” should be your biggest concern. I’ll not explain it here, read DaShiv’s extensive guide if you are interested.
  • +levels to all skills, how?
  • This part can easily trick new players, as it did to me. As I said before, most builds are easy to play early in the game, and everything is fine. But not all builds can keep up. the reason is: The need for more skill points. It’s a serious concern for builds which needs many skills, some for damage, damage mitigation, resistance reduction, health, armor, procs, DA&OA reduction … etc. All these skills require skill points to max, and then “+ levels to skills” to go over max like 22/12 and 26/16.
  • “+ levels to skills” to all skills comes only from gear, and gear are random drops from a huge drop table. You are never sure you will get what you want by endgame (with few exceptions for granted drops). So, know this: If you plan to go something that require so many skills, don’t let the leveling process fool you into believing it would be easy. It will be tough, unless you have the right gear. That’s how a build which’s gear dependent, isn’t very friendly for new players. You might want to shelf this character who lack the gear, go level another character who can do content easily and gain more gear.
  • Relics will not level as fast as you do
  • You will learn this very soon, so don’t get disappointed. I mean, really, the recipes are random drops, and they are harder to get than gear. And they have a progression system that can hinder you for several playthroughs. Even something as simple as a level 35 relic can be very hard to craft. You finally get the recipe of it, to discover it’s not enough, and you are not ready yet. You still need another few relics, and each needs a recipe, and each needs rare materials you probably used somewhere else. Each needs components as well, which some might need certain faction reputation to get … That’s normal, and you aren’t slacking, and you shouldn’t blame yourself for not having a proper relic yet. Make do with whatever you craft (or trade), and make sure whatever build you are making is not dependent on certain relic (for example some pets are exclusive to relics)
  • Resistance Reduction (RR) is mandatory at endgame, but not while leveling.
  • That one might not be very obvious, but it’s true for most builds. Whatever damage type you decided to do, you will most likely need to de-buff the enemy, reducing their resistance to that type of damage. It’s good to know that, and plan your devotion path and items according to that knowledge. You will not need them on Normal/Veteran, but you will need them in the end, so never forget.
  • Factions reputation are important at endgame, even though they are not mandatory early on.
  • Well, the gear these factions provide might be good for your build, or bad, or anything in-between. But what is mandatory from factions are the little flasks that put bonuses on your gear. Again, this is something you might not bother with early on, but when you hit Elite and Ultimate difficulty, you will need to get them on every item. Weapons and accessories ones come at “Respected” and “Honored” faction status. But armor ones, need a revered status, these are crucial to compensate with resistances plenty from difficulty level.

Index for posts with further discussion:
Page 2: More Tips by sir spanksalot


“Grim Dawn is an oasis for you to take a breath.” :wink:

I’ve read the first tip and it’s already WRONG. There is a stat respec potion which is given as a quest reward too. So saving points isn’t needed.

It may not be needed, but many players do that anyway. And don’t forget that reward comes in the expansion. Not everyone will be playing that so the advice does apply for the base game. It’s really a personal choice if you do or not, dating right back to Titan Quest at least if not further. Myself, I’ve never held on to attribute points since I know where I want to put them from the start, but for someone starting out, learning the game, it may well be a good idea.

Too many grammar errors…

This is a “moderated” section of the forums, meaning that a dev or mod has to approve any thread in this section. It was late last night that I saw this thread and I skimmed over the first link and just quickly checked the second.

I would not call them perfect, but there was obviously a lot of effort put into them. I would appreciate if people would provide constructive criticism and hopefully the OP will put the extra time needed into refining his exposes to improve them. In my quick reading, they showed potential and therefore I approved this thread. But there are some issues with what is written in parts, and there are many language errors that detracted from the overall readability of the text. But in summary, if someone is going to take the time to write that much about GD, I have no choice but to approve the dissemination of that information.

Thanks @jiaco for the support. I made this thread here half expecting it to be rejected because it’s AAA quality. But I did anyway, hoping it would start a discussion if approved. I’m not bothered with criticism, actually it would only help make this guide better in its next parts. And yes, I’m non-English speaker, so please accept my aplogy for mistakes.

I might copy the content itself here so it would be easier to edit and improve.

And regarding the attributes, it’s not wrong, it’s vanilla. The Expansion sells separately, so I figured I would stick to vanilla and add Expansion tips in a separate section/article later.

I think there are a general lack of guides for vanilla game at current version, for builds as well. It’s either an oudated guide for , or updated guide for expansion. I wanted to fill the gap of updated guides for Vanilla/No DLC.

That’d be for the best

No you are correct, saving stat points is something a new player should do.

Build Compendium V does that, people just need to put in a little effort to understand the literature and fill the gaps.
They can’t expect everything be spoon fed to them as the expac literally doubled the work of almost all build posters so vanilla dedicated guides are a hard

Do try to make this guide different from this one -

Ok, done that, topic in OP now.

Build Compendium V does that, people just need to put in a little effort to understand the literature and fill the gaps.
They can’t expect everything be spoon fed to them as the expac literally doubled the work of almost all build posters so vanilla dedicated guides are a hard

You are right, having to update every build for both expansion and non-expansion might be a big hassle. But at least they can do as you sometimes do: Put old Grimtools link for 85 cap along with the 100 cap. usually Grimtools gives a solid ground for the build to expand upon.

Gear might be similar if the 100 lvl build only upgraded to Mythical versions, but say Devotions for example? That’s harder to figure.

Nice guide. Increasing OA and reducing resistances of the monsters would be good advices, too.

Want to add several tips:

  1. If you’re possibly going to spend 100s of hours playing this game, this - - deserves a thorough read.

Understand the importance of OA, DA, armor, armor absorption, HP, resists, flat damage, % damage, etc. IN RELATION TO THE BUILD YOU’RE DOING.

Stacking DA because that’s what the kool kids are doing isn’t necessarily the smartest thing to do. Ignoring armor for +200hp regen may not be effective as well.

I personally favor toons with MULTIPLE layers of defense. E.g. HP pool, DA, Dodge, fumble, resists, armor, damage absorption, etc. That way, debuffs (and the almighty nerfhammer) will not cripple your toon.

  1. Don’t be afraid to post questions on this forum. My toons shot up to a whole new level the moment I mustered the courage to expose my ignorance/stupidity to the world.

  2. Mats. Do not leave them behind because a shiny blue just dropped. As a person who’s chucked aside 500+ scraps, and 200+ seals of bindings to make room for a NON mythical divinesteel hauberk, believe me when I say I know what I’m talking about. :stuck_out_tongue:

4) DO NOT SELL ALL YOUR LEVEL 94 GREENS. Greens can be, and often are, better than purps. Go to grimtools, and look up the affixes/base properties of monster infrequents.

  1. Do not let veteran lull you into a false sense of security. GD IS a game best described by 2 words - tough titties.

Aleks’ meteor has dropped toons with 25k hp, grava’thul (or grafuckyou as I call him) defecates on the most seasoned of GD players.

Prioritize defense over offence, and then slowly dial up the DPS-o’-meter to find your happy spot.

The advice I give all new players: GD is a game of balance. You need to kill fast enough to not get killed, and stay alive long enough to kill.

  1. The way I see it, the game is best played as such:

a. 1st toon = Item independent toon used to build itempool
b. 2nd toon = Item dependent toon used to effectively farm crucible
c. 3rd toon = do w/e the fuck you want with it :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. Plan your devotion path. This is best done by working BACKWARDS. Look at the tier 3’s you want to get, and puzzle out the best way of getting there, while snagging as many tasty constellations as you can along the way.

  2. THIS PHILOSOPHY APPLIES TO RELICS AS WELL.. Don’t look at what you can currently craft, and sink all your mats into them for instant gratification! As you level, relics get exuberantly expensive. Look up the IDEAL relic you want in the end game on grim tools. And craft the relics needed to build up to it.

  3. Experiment! Guides are just that - GUIDES! The items the author uses in his build will be different from the one you use. Even the exact same item may roll differently. Don’t be afraid of deviating away (a little, of course) from the tried and true.

You may just stumble across something which works better for YOUR playstyle.

  1. Ugdenblooms are the bane and love of my life in GD. Crafting that sweet, sweet sacred plating to bolster your defense is however, extremely taxing on your resources - and rightly so. Be EXTREMELY cautious when you slap it on an item slot.

  2. Leveling gear helps, but they are not important. Do NOT waste time fixating over them, and mats to craft/buy/trade for them. They WILL become obsolete in 10-15 levels. Keep your eye on the prize, muhfucka - and that’s the endgame.

I’ve added more Tips to OP , regarding leveling v.s endgame. It also seems the OP will get really long soon, anybody have a suggestion to make it more readable?

@sir spanksalot , thanks for your contribution. I put a link to your post in OP.

I can’t stress enough about #8 , I might write down a whole chapter on it. Making something your own is very very very important. Not only for your own sense of pride and accomplishment! But for efficiency as well.

I keep hearing people suggest binding Whirlpool into Inquisitor Seal if you play Inquisitor. I thought that was good too, on paper. But when I got my Inq. over level 70 and my build started to come together, it was very apparent that Inquisitor Seal is very bad on Whirlpool, because of my play style.

I recently got expansion and playing an elemental Infiltrator, and I use the seal for adding important defense layer. I don’t necessarily drop it under the boss feet, but rather in the start of the fight, I drop few meters ahead, between me and the mobs. While it’s on Cooldown, I cast my word of pain and other long range stuff, all while mobs move towards me. I don’t wait until they catch up, I shadow strike to them when they are by the seal, to get my short range aura to them as well. I put Whirlpool to Shadow Strike, because it hits where I exactly want the mobs, while Inq Seal hits flat floor. My second Inq Seal I put somewhere nearby to have safer retreat, at the feet of the boss if I’m confident of the situation, or further ahead if it’s only trash and they are already dead. So it’s very situational.

In my leveling setup, I used it on Demon’s Breath , back when every small mob would die from 1 hit of word of pain, the slower animation of demon’s Breath means mobs will die before it hits them, so it continue travel, triggering whirlpool only when it hits a mob that’s still alive (Boss, hero, etc). I didn’t need to shadow strike into them, because my ranged array was just enough, and I’d better make few casts and move on to another group…

See, these possibilities with just one devotion binding in a single build. So how much difference can be between two players playing same build!

What IS OP?

I mean, besides my good self of course. :stuck_out_tongue:

P.S. @ Devs - can we lower the incredibly expensive refund cost for devotions and skill points? It really really really dissuades players from experimenting in the endgame.

Issues like these make me think that GD leans on mods a bit too much. Any quality of life issue that’s bad enough to make me seriously consider cheating (which is how I think of mods that let you edit character stats, create gear, or reveal crafting blueprints) is a significant problem, at least for me. And both of these qualify.

My first character is level 71, about to start Ultimate, and has been using the same relic since 25. I have blueprints for upgrades, but not the blueprints for the ingredients for the upgrades. If that remains true when the character hits cap (85 for me), I will bloody well put an Oleron’s Wrath into the save file because I am sick of this nonsense. Particularly after completing three quests with a relic blueprint as the reward (Origin of the Slith twice, Black Heart of the Void once) and all three times the reward was a duplicate. Literally the least they could do would be to make those quests give a non-duplicate if one exists. :mad: Forum search shows that this has been brought up multiple times in years past, unfortunately to no effect.

Respec costs - it stifles experimentation at all levels. In a game with sensible respec costs, I would have done a lot more experimenting than I have.

Relics are hard to get if you’re starting out, but at least now you can buy all the mid level ones at the Steelcap vendor after you rescue him.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Sacred Talisman is good now before level 75 or if you don’t have a better one at hand.
If you’re just starting out you probably don’t have many items and that 500% damage buff on the skill could give you around a 40-80% total damage boost for its duration and it gives you unlimited energy during it.

You just have to cheat and lie and deny a guy’s dying wish to get it but after that it’s cha-ching!

True, but first of all, this is just another vendor, if know one told you, that the guy sells blueprints, you might just miss it. And he is at the ass end of the game, he should be in Fort Ikon.

I’m fine with the rarity of relics tbh. Given that they are recipes, and stay with you forever, I think it kinda makes sense?

The word relic itself sort of implies the rarity no?

What they SHOULD do, however, is get rid of Kirilan’s shattered soul.

Ain’t nobody got time for dat.

I will literally drop 1mil for 5 kirilians.

EDIT: Let’s shift this conversation to another section on the forum (should we want to continue it) so we don’t go off tangent here. :slight_smile:

OP [In game] = Overpowered.
OP [In forums] = “Original Post” , or sometimes “Original poster”

It’s basically the first post in a topic.

Is it really expensive? I always redone my skills without even looking at how much gold I have before or after. For devotion I would just need some Aether crystals, there are good places to farm these. (Perhaps I should put it in the guide?)

Is it really expensive?

15k for 1 skill point. If I wanted to test out say DEE on a predominantly Shadowstriking witch hunter, speccing out of nightfall alone would cost me 180,000 bits.

And the worst thing about it all, is that you can’t even check how these changes will affect your sheet data.

This has forced me to invest and refund the same skill multiple times because I have the memory span of a mentally impaired goldfish.

The same goes with devotions. It’s 15k for one AND a crystal if the iron bits wasn’t a hard enough kick to the gonads.

Again! I can’t even check my resists, etc. when I’m changing it up! So I’m forced to either use grimtools (which isn’t as accurate as the items I have due to roll differences), or to freaking invest/refund the same thing again.

Perhaps I should put it in the guide?

It’s your guide, you can do what you want with it mate. But personally, I wouldn’t. I think centering this guide around gameplay mechanics and gameplay advice (e.g. microkiting) will lend it some focus.

Another example of gameplay advice - In naked crucible runs, I’ve developed the habit of quickly opening my sheet data whenever I start seeing a scary amount of debuffs collect on my status bar. This allows me to glance at my OA, DA values, my debuffed resists, and my armor value. If they are low, I will stay tf away from enemies (even if I’m at full health) till the debuffs run their course, or use nullification on them.

The costs for this is deliberate and will not likely to be changing. This is designed purely to enable players to make MINOR adjustments to their build, NOT to rebuild and try other builds with a high level char. If you want a different build then start a new char is the game philosophy :wink:

Or use mod tools :smiley: