[Tool] DPYes - Player/pet DPS meter & Misc util

I’m hoping to play Crucible with the Grimarillion mod again, and I saw that there are a few version 12-alpha versions that allow you to play it, but the current version 14 doesn’t have the option. Is there a way to keep this functionality through your standard updates?

Man, Thank you for this. I was always wondering wtf my dom pets do. Guess they actually do something ( Out DPS me :grin:)

DPYes doesn’t use GrimCam’s config file, did you reapply your GrimCam settings within the DPYes menu?

The crucible feature isn’t quite at the point where I’m happy to merge it into the main release of DPYes.

Here’s a build of 14b with the crucible alpha:
dpyes-14b-crucible-b.7z (MEGA)

edit: Fixed a bug with crucible




I really miss this main menu-based function of GI. I wonder if DPYes can reproduce it? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Since you suggesting here, I’ll tag other players I know that would use this Grim Internals feature
@RektbyProtoss @Maska322 @tqFan

And also A for making characters move in a different way


With patch testing going on, I really want to emphasize when a particular build gets damage spikes done to it, but it looks like the current setting require a sustained damage over a particular time period in order for the “highest damage output” to be saved to the second column. What’s the best way to demonstrate that a big damage spike happens? Maybe the damage interval should be 0.25 seconds and the time until the highest damage resets be reset to something really long?

I’ve seen the left side of the incoming damage column display pretty big numbers (like when activating Valdaran’s electric projectile aura or Mad Queen’s aura), but the right side column doesn’t take note of it. Mind you, this burst damage only happens across maybe a half-second, but that burst damage is going to kill a build and I want to make sure the tool captures it.

In short, what’s the best way for this tool to take the best notes on receiving burst damage?

Can anybody help me, please? :slight_smile:

Gotta be a quick fox, much appreciatedd.


Looks so good!

Fixed it! Just deleted the DPYes ini file and allowed it to restore on launch. Thanks for the amazing work, will get some screenshots.

Here we go, grim cam really displays how much of grim dawns beautiful artwork is a hidden beauty of the entire game itself.

It looks absolutely gorgeous.

Just found out about this tool ! ill take a look looks great

What I would love to see in future version:
regular game speed mode and alternative game speed when rare/boss is nearby/engaged (because fighting them at high speed can be rippy :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Also the loot filter needs more high level settings. All I wanted was settings like:

  1. do not show normal and magic stuff
  2. do not show any rare weapons except 2h ranged (or better, spectral arbalest only)
  3. do not show epic weapons
  4. show all legendary+.

I really appreciate you working on this feature, but is anyone outside of me providing feedback? I tried it once and it had a few quirks (monsters dropping MI’s when killed) until Wave 165 when some unkillable Wraiths showed up and I couldn’t progress to the next wave. I could see how you feel it’s not ready for prime time.

Do you want me to provide any video evidence to you to help you see where things are going off?

I assume this doesn’t work with

It works fine.

Is the source code for DPYes available anywhere?

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since this seems to be the predecessor of griminternals, is it possible to add Ranged Retaliation=true?

Following up on this - I played some more Crucible with this tool and this time, the unhittable Wraiths came at Wave 159, which I’m assuming is due to Namadea the Screecher which sometimes spawn at this Wave. Seems that any Wendigo monster that spawns Wraiths makes them somehow invulnerable to damage or targeting (pressing pet attack on them causes my pets to do nothing).

Hopefully this narrows down any bugs that are causing this issue.

DPYes is currently closed source.

I’ll take a look at it, but no promises. GI has a lot more features than I’m able to maintain.

What mod are you playing?
Once modded crucible is loaded, DPYes doesn’t actively modify anything to do with crucible, spawns, etc

I’m playing the Grimarillion mod. It’s weird, I believe what you’re saying about DPSYes not touching the Crucible, but enemies dropping MIs and Vital Essences is something I’ve never seen before, much less the untargetable Wraiths. There’s nothing in the Grimarillion mod that would lead to anything like this, so I’m confused as to what the cause would be.